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25 February 2025

Quantum Mechanics, Spiritual Science and Changing The Time

Fascinating new discussion on AGE OF TRUTH TV, between Author, Researcher, Lecturer and expert on Quantum Mechanics, AAGE NOST and Age Of Truth TV Presenter and Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander.

Norwegian born AAGE NOST, is an expert on the Paranormal, Quantum Mechanics, Spiritual Science, and explaining our Selfaware Mind created and Holographically projected Universe. A retired pilot, a Talkshow Host.

Aage Nost is the author of “Spiritual Science, Higher Consciousness Thinking and How To Access the Universal Consciousness.” By age 25, he had learned several languages, and studied science, including metaphysics and different forms and theories of spirituality. At age 25 he left Norway to go to the USA to go to flight school at Emery School of Aviation in Greeley, Colorado, where he obtained numerous pilot licenses. He co-wrote a book titled “Alien Encounters in America’s Midwest,” which featured hidden government documents on the cover-up of the UFO issue, NASA prints of buildings and structures on our Moon, and personal testimonies from people who have had contacts with extraterrestrials. With his partner, Nori Love, they have created a MasterMind for Meditation and Manifestation of the future we’d like to see.


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02 January 2025

2025: Year of Emergence and Emergencies

The fall of the old older opens space for a new one located on family life, not money

I remember being struck by this Cicada 3301 video when it came out nearly seven years ago (the original upload copy being lost in the digital sands of time). It is a standout animated short of this era that delves into occult themes, noteworthy along with IN-SHADOW and I, Pet Goat II. When I first saw it I was entranced, and have viewed it many times. This is not a moment when I feel moved to deconstruct it, but rather to note two related messages it contains: the theme of “emergence” (with the cicada as motif), and “when you are in the light, what will you do?”.

The Martin of 2018 who viewed this animation is very different from the Martin of the first day 2025. While I could detect hidden messages were encoded in the artwork, I could name few of them. Now I see more on each reviewing. The recovering intellectual of 2018 could sense the profound learning journey ahead, but the humbled servant of 2025 recognises that the amount to learn would take lifetimes, and that all we can aspire to do is offer testimony of our own growth, not a definitive picture of the entire information and spiritual battlefield. My relationship to books is an ever-expanding library of tomes I have never read!

You will doubtless have your own parallel tale of change and growth over these years, and many losses along the way as the world rejects those who stand up and refuse to be part of wickedness. The last year has, for me, delivered fresh insight into the corruption of family courts, the dynamics of narcissistic abuse, the importance of submission to divine will, the hopelessness of seeking remedy in legalism, and the diverse poverties that afflict different geographies. In the background has been a longing for release from living in the “false matrix”, and reconnection with its brainwashed victims.

My own lesson from 2024 is that emancipation is an internal job, as well as an external one. Yes, we need (military) help to relieve us from neuroweapons, rigged elections, and debt slavery. But the light that dispels darkness is something that we emit, and our collective emergence into a new world is contingent on sufficient numbers engaged in self-emancipation via spiritual growth and rejection of worldly doctrines. The years spent denouncing enemy actors and amoral officials have to be balanced with our own renouncing of behaviours and relationships that lower the vibe. My life changed substantially in 2024, and for the better, even if it was a great struggle.

Without the “geopolitical pause” of 2020-2024, I would not have faced the developmental hardships I needed to accept that someone else had already overcome the world on mankind’s behalf, so I had no cause to overcome it myself using my own energy. No matter what the outcome in terms of a second formal Trump presidency, or gyrations of history that take us elsewhere, I know one thing is true: that “consciousness constipation” is done with, with a “Year of the Collective Enema” ahead. It won’t be pretty to look at, and may smell awful, but we will be absolutely relieved when it is over. The paradox of cleansing is that you need to get close to the grime and muck, becoming dirtier before restoration.

Mixing our metaphors, like the cicadas coming from the soil on schedule, we have reached the point of emergence, where a new world visibly bursts forth. Money, learning, media, governance, medicine, energy, transport — a long list of industries face instant obsolescence or absolute transformation. The “mucky” horror of the old has to be seen to be removed: suppressed magical technologies, deliberate poisoning, mass human genetic engineering and criminal experimentation, cancer as weapon of war and depopulation, targeted ethnic genocide, universal brainwashing. Emergency messages to the public, revealing hard truths, appear imminent and inevitable.

The old order isn’t going away peacefully or honourably. They are murderous bastards, adept and equipped to cause the extinction of humanity and ruination of Earth. I had no idea how bad the universal existential blackmail was back in 2018, and hence why this whole process was so painfully slow. We are in a place of incipient liberation after “only” a few years (following decades and centuries of planning and preparation). This is a miracle when you begin to appreciate the (still unknown) scope of the war. I cannot tell you how many species, planets, or parties are involved!

My “known unknowns” have grown far faster than my ability to assemble “known knowns”, so my universe of inferred “unknown unknowns” has grown boundlessly. Just reading up what is already out there on our the hidden histories (galactic as well as local) could absorb all my days. Add on the physics, astrology, biology, semiotics, linguistics, technologies, weaponry, divinity, and more — salvation through gnosis alone is hopeless. The starting place is the spirit, located in the eternal, which appears more tractable to an ordinary mortal. What aligns to truth, morality, and beauty? My innate intuition can aid me to navigate those, while not becoming enmeshed in my own faulty understanding.

Most people looking into a year ahead will discuss what is changing, but as a computer scientist my preference is to first search for the invariant, which is that which does not change as the system operates. “The Way” of peace, harmony, and love isn’t going to be different in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, or 2025. Any endeavour that isn’t founded in that pursuit of “The Way” lacks either grounding in reality, and/or attachment to the heavenly, so cannot last. While biblical texts and modern translations may have been munged over time to suit the needs of the powerful, the careful scholar can still reassemble the ancient recipe for standing apart from the empire of the money changers.

The trolling of the legacy media by the Elon Musk stage character — via a name change to Kekius Maximus — signifies we are (finally!) in the end game of the Q operation and the deletion of the mind controllers. Hard experience has taught me the dangers of soothsaying, especially attached to a timeline, so we will see where this leads. Many talk of a financial reset, military tribunals, crypto mooning, healing medbeds, staged WW3 scare event, Taiwan being retaken, new Republics, restored monarchies, mass deportations, hidden celebrities, exposed secrets, and removed tyrannies. Wilder talk references DNA upgrades, ET disclosure, age regression, changed skies, cyclic cataclysms, pole shifts, and free energy — some maybe over a longer timeline. Given the prolonged setup, we have the preconditions for a year of change beyond anything experienced in many lifetimes.

The collapse of the old paradigm of power based on legal fictions and fiat currency, catching out hordes of people who were hoodwinked for generations, is inevitably going to be a painful process. Discovering that much you believed to be true and moral is a lie is necessarily destructive, as is the collapse of all deceptions. Many of us are going to find ourselves as first aiders in a psychological mass casualty event. Even if much of the Covid bioweapon poison was swapped for saline, the fallout of the dead and injured being commonly acknowledged cannot be overstated. At that moment, our world changes irrevocably, and all the institutions attached to the hijack of humanity face an existential crisis.

We know that moment of emergence into truth is coming, just not when. I cannot see 2025 passing like 2024 or the years before — the collapse of insurance companies as their actuarial tables fail is a leading indicator. There are secondary effects, too. For instance, what happens to the orders of every judge who may have been cognitively impaired or suffered personality change following mRNA injections? The scale of the restart required boggles the mind. This is where faith comes in: the rational belief in unseen forces, of mankind or otherwise, that act in righteous ways, and plan to protect the innocent from harm. We may be wracked by induced earthquakes, HAARP hurricanes, nuclear tsumamis, chemical fake fogs, or other vile assaults, but at the end of it all humanity will survive and prosper.

Looking forward, I see the locus of change being in our families, no matter how great the transformation in the world. Many of us have in the past constructed faulty relationships founded on pursuit of misbegotten selfish goals, and paid a heavy price with estrangement of our parents, siblings, and children as we have sought a higher path. The ending of the debt slavery system, and the bonds based on state birth certificates and marriage licenses, is the beginning of a profound cultural change that fixes this. The war is about the children, but not only those trafficked for sex, experimented upon illegally, or sacrificed to cruel deities. I see 2025 as the fresh start for the family, where God can make everything new.

And on that basis alone, 2025 is a momentous year to look forward to, as total deprogramming of humanity is completed. We are emerging back into the light, after a long season of rule by the deceiver. This gives us choices over what we do; this freedom comes with accountability, which is not universally popular. There have been years of losses and painful reconfiguration, but 2025 seems like a turning point where we can restart our lives, and that begins at the family level. Reconcile with those who repent from the death cult, remember those who pass from its violence, and restore our hope for life through the gift of children — whether our own, or those of others. No matter what circumstances the world throws at us in 2025, we can all choose to be pro the creative.

That’s no hardship at all, is it?

Jan 01, 2025

08 September 2024

WEF Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025

A World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 – and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on target to be achieved.

The global elite have been warning us about their plans to radically depopulate the earth by any means necessary, and now the results are playing out before our eyes.

If we have any hope of stopping them from achieving their goal of murdering the vast majority of humanity and turning Earth into a prison planet to enslave the rest, the information in this report must be shared far and wide.

WEF co-founder Klaus Schwab was caught boasting in a loose-lipped moment with reporters that Agenda 2030 is a red herring or ruse to throw normies off the scent.

In reality, the situation is more urgent than that. 2025 is the year the elite are earmarking for massive worldwide population decline — and according to Schwab, the goal of reducing the population by more than 6 billion people is on track to be achieved.

A BBC journalist reported that she was summoned to Davos earlier this month for the regular meeting where Klaus Schwab briefs the mainstream media on which narratives to promote in order to advance the globalist agenda.

The journalist noted that it was her first time attending the monthly media meeting in Davos, though some of her colleagues have been participating for years.

She describes Klaus as being strangely emotional, almost as if he were intoxicated, laughing frequently and reminiscing in a sociopathic manner about the depopulation agenda, which he admitted has been intricately planned for decades:

Schwab has every reason to feel confident in the fulfillment of his evil plans.

He has recruited the majority of the cabinets in the governments of Western nations, subverting our democracies.

The WEF’s generation of Young Global Leaders have destroyed from the inside the once great nations of the UK, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

The mainstream media, the education system, and science have been compromised by the global elite, paid off by eugenicist billionaires and megalomaniacs to become mouthpieces of the globalist agenda.

As the next generation of leaders prepare to hammer the final nail in the coffin, it’s time to make a stand before Schwab’s sick vision comes to fruition.

In a world where reality is often stranger than fiction, the machinations behind the global agenda can often seem like a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity known for its comprehensive data on military capabilities and harrowing depopulation forecasts.

In 2014, Deagel published predictions of massive population declines happening abruptly before the year 2025, mostly in Western countries.

Deagel was officially run by a shady figure known as Dr. Edwin A. Deagel Jr. He died in 2021, but as the clock counts down to 2025, understanding the truth about Deagel Jr has never been more important.

Why? Because real-world data on excess deaths in the West strongly suggest Deagel’s depopulation forecast was not just an estimation, but is a target that is on track to be hit thanks to the deadly effects of Covid-19 vaccinations and other globalist bioweapons.’s infamous 2025 forecast was removed from their website sometime in 2020. However, thanks to the Wayback Machine / Internet Archive, we are able to view the original predictions.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that the UK would see its population decline by 77.1% by the year 2025.

Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United States would see its population decline by 68.5% by the year 2025.

While Germany was predicted to see its population decline by 65.1% by the year 2025.

While also predicting a huge decline among other Western countries including Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

So who was Dr. Deagel and why did he forecast such extreme depopulation across the Western world?

Recent findings link Deagel directly to significant players of the global elite: The Central Intelligence Agency, The Pentagon, The Rockefeller Foundation, and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.

In 1976, Dr. Deagel moved to New York to take up a role as deputy director of the international relations program at the Rockefeller Foundation.

While in 1993, Deagle was nominated by President Bill Clinton to be Under Secretary of the Air Force.

The Rockefeller Foundation was set up in 1913 just a few months after the Rockefeller family helped set up the Federal Reserve banking system, which gave them unlimited funds while slowly crashing the US economy and enslaving future generations with debt.

The Rockefeller Foundation founded Big Pharma, outlawing natural medicine and poisoning the well of public health to this day. They outlawed one of America’s leading cash crops, hemp. And they ran eugenics programs which decided who should live and who should die.

The Rockefeller also created the United Nations and they still have control over NGOs doing the bidding of the globalist elite throughout the world.

Including the biggest and baddest of them all, the World Economic Forum in Davos fronted by a certain Klaus Schwab.

It just so happens that Schwab was recruited to the globalist cause by David Rockefeller himself.

Here he is talking about recruiting Kissinger who in turn recruited Schwab.

But the intrigue deepens.

Declassified documents reveal Deagle’s communication with the CIA director Stansfield Turner, hinting at a cosy relationship with the CIA.

One document, dated 1977, intriguingly refers to an event described as “the most significant in the intelligence field since 1947.”

 This strongly suggests that isn’t just the work of one man, but is in fact the work of the globalist elite consisting of the CIA, the Pentagon, the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum.

Which makes Deagel’s apocalyptic depopulation forecasts all the more concerning for any number of reasons.

Let’s just consider the Pentagon and DoD connection.

The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia-like illness spreading across Wuhan, China.

However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organization officially named the novel coronavirus disease; Covid-19.

So with this being the official truth, why does US government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was right when he said that the mRNA vaccines were a secret DoD bioweapon.

Notice how these rabbit holes always seem to lead to the same elites involved in the globalist crime syndicate?


WEF Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die in 2025

Here at TPV we are determined to expose the elite and hold them to account before they can enact their agenda and enslave humanity. Join us in our mission to wake up the masses. Subscribe to the Rumble channel and join the People’s Voice Locals community to be part of our amazing team. I hope to see you there.

17 July 2024

We Will Never Know What Really Happened But The Reality Is Starting To Hit The American People

Thoughts from Brother Justin in America

It's clear now that this attempt on President Trump's life was nothing less than purposeful and planned. 

For at least 30 minutes before shots were fired local authorities were searching for a suspicious person. After many people pointed out a suspicious person to local police, they immediately began searching and at one point they had eyes on him. We are being told that HE brought the ladder but ultimately didn't use a ladder to gain access to the roof. 


A roof that covered a building we are being told housed the local tactical assault backup team. A building a mere 130 yards away with direct line of sight to the stage. 


How could so many very specific failures occur simultaneously and seemingly so obvious. Reports are coming in that the SS team protecting President Trump was a new team. The SS seems to be passing the blame to local authorities while they are coming out and saying they had nothing to do with anything. 


The country finds itself caught up in a vicious game of he said, he said. At the end of the day what we know for sure is absolutely nothing. More questions surround this security failure than answers. The reality is likely starting to hit the American people, we will never know what really happened. 


However, the American people are not stupid and they themselves have already started to see this for what it was, a coordinated attempt perpetrated by those tasked with protecting the former President. 


Where's the proof? 


At least 30 minutes prior to shots fired the suspect was being searched for by local police.


He brought a ladder but we aren't told how he managed to walk around with a rifle and ladder undetected. 


Reports are stating he DIDN'T use a ladder to access the roof. Then how did he get up?


The building housed the back up tactical team. A group of people who apparently found nothing suspicious about hearing noise on the roof.


Reports of the SS sniper team being told to hold fire have not been debunked. 


President Trump's SS team appeared to be in complete disarray. The 3 female agents seemed riddled with fear and stress, leaving President Trump's head and chest completely exposed at one point. 


Why was a giant American flag directly above and behind President Trump? While this may seem innocuous, it served as a very effective wind gauge. Something every sniper will tell you. 


All that being said, the most glaring, the most suspicious and the absolute scariest video proof out there shows something that should scare every American. 


Watch this video. Watch the women directly behind President Trump. Then ask yourself a few questions.


Why was she repeatedly looking in the direction of the shooter immediately prior to him firing? As if she knew those shots were coming soon.


Why did she not flinch or react at all when shots rang out? Everyone around immediately ducks for cover except her. She doesn't move at all. The only people who don't flinch when a gun is fired, are people who know the shot is coming.


After shots ring out she immediately, IMMEDIATELY, drops her sign and has her phone out recording. Mere seconds. She is not ducking for protection, she isn't trying to protect herself, she is recording. As if her phone was in her lap waiting for the shots so she could pick it up. 


A better question is this, was she recording? Or was she on a video call streaming to those in charge looking for verification of the target being down?


As she's pointing the phone she lowers herself a bit and the phone to get a better view of President Trump underneath the agents. She seems to very clearly be trying to get proof that President Trump is down. 


Is she a paid informant for the group that perpetrated this? Was she in on it? If so, who else in that crowd was a part of this? Was the SS a part of this plot? 


We know that those really in control have no problem taking daytime shots. Remember Kennedy, Reagan. 


This was not a random event. This was a targeted plot orchestrated by some 3 letter agency and let's be very clear, this was not a failed attempt. Yes the attempt failed to take him out but it was not because of a bad shot. The only reason President Trump is alive today is because by the grace of GOD he moved his head at the EXACT right time for that shot to skim his head and not enter it. The shot was perfect. It wasn't a hard shot from 130 yards out. The shot went exactly where it should. However, President Trump moved at the perfect time for that shot to be ineffective in succeeding. Something that can only be attributed to divine intervention. 

The only question that needs to be asked now is this, when will they try again and will divine intervention prevent its success?

Sorcha Faal Newsletter 16 July 2024.


Ukraine Dictator Zelensky Proclaims “I Am Not Afraid” Of “The Chosen One” President Trump

Enraged Americans Declare To “BlackRock Assassins” Targeting Trump “Bitch You Missed!”

Trump Proclaimed “The Chosen One” After Surviving “Gangsta’s Paradise” Assassination Massacre

Biden Receives “Get In Loser” Mean Girls Order As Queen Bee Harris “KHive” Forces Swarm

Mensheviks “Circle Wagons” Around Biden As Bolsheviks Create “Committee To Unelect The President”

Biden Regime On “Political Suicide Mission” Fearfully Warns “The Dogs Are Loose”

If You’re Not A Conspiracy Theorist You’re Not Paying Attention

First Came Brexit, Then Came Trump — And Now It’s Happening Again 

Click Here For More Sorcha Faal Reports And Scroll Down For Breaking News.

06 July 2024

Humanity is a Homo Cosmicus! Space weather in July 2024

Much deeper knowledge is available to us here on our planet, allowing us to begin remembering our origins and understanding the complexity of the current development that the population of our planet is experiencing.

Available within the consciousness field and imparted by highly evolved lightworkers, this profound knowledge is something I would like to share with you.

New, more powerful systemic energies directed by the Co-Creators onto 3D Earth have accelerated the dismantling of the entire infrastructure of the NAA, Darks, and Grays, stubbing out their strongholds and power sources on the subtle plane. These quantum flows, orchestrated by stelliums of planets and stars have also accelerated the restoration of our DNA to its primary cosmic state, with ongoing progress.

The key highlights of the creation of our DNA

Initially, the 3D Earth created by Yaltabaoth was lifeless. Humanity existed in an energy form only on its thin-material double in 5D. According to the Absolute’s plan, Co-Creators began relocating part of this population to our three-dimensional planet, an event distorted in history and described in the Bible as the Expulsion from Paradise. To incarnate, people needed physical bodies made of dense and tight biomaterial suited for this low and stiff dimension; otherwise, they couldn’t exist here, just as our 3D bodies cannot survive in 5D.

The Co-Creators assigned the Pleiadians, the best geneticists of that time in the Local Universe, to create the bio-basis of the human body. They didn’t have to create the form, as it already existed. The Pleiadians, like other former Grey space races, had a long and challenging journey to the Light Side and approached this task creatively. They didn’t simply adapt their DNA to 3D or reprogram its systemic evolutionary codes for our physical bodies. Instead, they invited various civilizations to collaboratively develop the DNA Matrix for earthlings.

Their plan was to incorporate the best genetic material from different space sources, making earthlings Homo Cosmicus from the very beginning. The Co-Creators approved this magnificent project immediately. In the initial stage, about 30 civilizations participated, divided into groups: two leading groups (6 and 12 participants each) and one additional group. The DNA Matrix was framed mainly by the first pair of groups, with primary donors from the humanoid races of the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, Lyra, Vega, and Aldebaran. The Matrix consisted of twelve spirals with 144,000 genes, each corresponding to one of their maternal space objects, 3,333,333,333 nucleotide pairs, and an ideal cell that could independently generate life energy and was adapted to the Grey matter from which the planet was built.

The work did not stop there. To gain new experiences, the Absolute and Co-Creators decided to let earthlings go through different evolutionary conditions of Maha Yuga (epochal changes) with a gradually worsening environment. During the Golden Age of Satya Yuga, the DNA Matrix was 100% active, enabling people to live for thousands of years, as long as they desired. Levitation, telekinesis, and teleportation were common practices. However, in each subsequent Yuga, as environmental conditions became harsher, the DNA Matrix was reprogrammed.

Soon, only 6 of the 12 active strands remained functional. Most primary genes and 95% of the brain's capacities were blocked. In the recently ended Kali Yuga, we were left with only two working physical DNA helices and a minimal number of active genes and brain potential. Ten wave spirals were sealed. Darks, Grays, and other space races (about 100 in total) conducted extensive genetic experiments. This condition persisted for thousands of years.

In addition to genetic changes, the Causal and Subtle Human Bodies were also reformed. The original single Light Body was split into chakras, and their vibrations lowered in each Yuga. The unified energy body was fragmented into six shells – etheric, astral, mental, causal, buddhic, and atmic – each with decreased vibrations. This led to the harshest evolutionary conditions during Kali Yuga. But this was part of the Higher Plan devised by our Souls and the Absolute.

Today, all of this is in the past. As we transform to return to 5D, the original perfection is being actively restored at all levels. Co-Creators are sending more powerful high-frequency cosmic flows to Earth to facilitate this process. With individual openness and readiness, these flows increase personal vibrations, unlock and activate dormant DNA strands and blocked genes, gradually unite the chakras into a single energy center, merge the energy shells into a single multidimensional body, restore brain potential and cell structure, and more.

But this is only part of the reformatting process. In addition to DNA helices, we also have a Causal DNA Matrix. This matrix contains all the necessary systemic information, including the basic physical constants of Earth: gravity, light velocity, free-fall acceleration, rotation rate, etc. Such firmware, considering local conditions, is a prerequisite for the DNA of any life form on any planet.

Co-Creators have deleted part of the data about human space donors from the Causal DNA Matrix. The freed space was filled with information about human incarnations and experiences on Earth, and its torsion-wave component contains records of the entire evolution of the Universe. In total, 666,666,666,666 Monad carriers from all over the Galaxy were embodied on Earth. However, only 66.6 billion Souls, which have an "earthly residence permit" (i.e., have multiple sequences of incarnations on our planet), participate in the Quantum Transition. This vast difference is because many Souls often come to Earth for only one or a few incarnations to gain the experience needed to speed up their own evolution.

In the Causal Matrix, some segments of the “founding fathers” DNA remain in a latent state. When activated individually, they serve as communication channels and bio-space portals. However, the functions of this Matrix extend far beyond this – it serves the Monads. To enter 3D for an evolutionary experience, the Monad step-by-step unfolds its manifestation bodies from the highest dimensions down to the third density. The Causal Body, more precisely its core, is the last level on which it materializes without changes. It can only descend further by integrating with the Gray matter that composes Earth and the human corpus.

Monad’s Manifestation Bodies

Everything that disintegrates after a person’s death is not part of their primary essence, which is the substance of their maternal Monad. Traditionally, the etheric body disappears on the 3rd day after death, the astral and mental bodies on the 9th day, and the causal body (excluding its core) on the 40th day.

This process occurs much more rapidly today. All the karma accumulated during life fills the core of the causal body after death. Since this core is part of the Monad, it cannot be reabsorbed with such a mutation. Thus, a person must reincarnate to resolve their karma, which is transferred back into the nascent causal body at the moment of birth.

Millions of earthlings who have already transitioned to 4D and 5D, or are ready for it, have surpassed this stage. They have returned to their primary energy form and continue their evolution in it. Those remaining on the transformed Earth require genetics that allow them to exist in local clusters with frequencies of 3.85D-3.95D. Restoring the 12-helix DNA Matrix seemed an ideal solution. With minor adjustments, it facilitates the transition from a protein-nucleotide base to a liquid crystalline silicon one. However, it was discovered that this matrix could not sustain the human corpus indefinitely.

Co-Creators and Pleiadians conducted numerous experiments to address this issue. They developed 24-helix and even 144-strand DNA Matrices, testing them first on Lightwarriors and then on ordinary individuals, but these attempts were unsuccessful. For life in higher dimensions on the new Earth, a non-helix DNA Matrix is required. What hinders its development and implementation are newly discovered problems.

Approximately 100 space races contributed to genetic modifications in humans. Most of these genes have become an evolutionary hindrance, stored as non-coding "junk" DNA, which constitutes 99% of our genome. An even more significant issue is that about one-third of our genome consists of highly active genes from Reptilian civilizations from Lyra, Orion, and other cosmic systems. This genetic content became highly active in humans during the Cosmic Night and Kali Yuga, which was an unavoidable prerequisite for evolution and overcoming the era of Darkness. This legacy is evident in the human embryo, which at an intrauterine stage shows rudimentary signs of a tail and gills, manifesting the Reptilian genes within us.

In addition to physical characteristics, Reptilian genes actively manifest energetically. These genes generate a significant amount of low-vibration emotions such as anger, hatred, aggression, cruelty, greed, envy, and other vices that influence the consciousness and behavior of many individuals. Embodied on Earth as elite, these cosmic “donors” not only observe but also manipulate us through their DNA fragments. They even introduce wave strains of viruses through which they extract vital energy and offload their karma and toxic informational waste, acting as vampiric tools at the genetic level. Fortunately, Reptilian parasites do not have access to the human reference Causal Matrix. However, they don't need to access it directly; they can manipulate the human genome through their genes, both individually and globally, using various occult techniques. Nevertheless, they are powerless against highly spiritual individuals.

With the authorization of the Galactic Committee and the agreement of individuals' Higher Selves, Pleiadians have initiated a comprehensive individual genetic revision of human DNA and, if necessary, its reformatting. This usually occurs at night or in the early morning. The sensations may be unusual, but there is no need to fear or panic; this process is for our benefit. The new 3D human reference DNA Matrix will be updated with new genetic donors. Co-Creators are currently deciding who exactly these new donors will be.

New, more powerful systemic energies that Co-Creators began directing onto 3D Earth have accelerated the dismantling of the entire Negative Alien Agenda (NAA), as well as the Darks and Grays' infrastructure. These energies are stubbing out all their strongholds and power sources on the Subtle Plane. The same quantum flows, orchestrated by the alignments of planets and stars are also accelerating the restoration of our DNA to its primary cosmic state, with further progress expected.

How will the space weather in July affect the stratified 3D reality of Earth and Earthlings?

In the first decade, the state of the planet’s biosphere will begin to recover after strong and prolonged cosmic thunderbolts in June, accompanied by powerful Solar jets and magnetic storms, quakes, floods and heat stroke.

The situation in the first weeks of this month promises to be calmer, thanks to the Saturn’s retrograde movement that began on June 29, which will have a retarding effect on events throughout the second decade. In the third, the situation may become more complicated due to a number of factors. They include hard radiation from three stars: Sheath in Pegasus will be activated by Neptune, Algol in Perseus – by Uranus, Aldebaran in Taurus – by Jupiter.

Recall that there are no evil or good stars and planets. Their energies are neutral, but in different octaves have different effects on the collective and individual consciousness and subconscious. Stelliums’ high registers are positive for Spiritual people with great mental and creative potential. In low-frequency characters, they expose the darkest sides.

The location of the Sheath shows the completion of the karmic loop, and whether it will untie or tighten even more depends on us. This period will last from 2024 to 2026, when each of us will be under intense pressure. This is a time of clouding of the mind, the agony of the System and its power and agenda, and the danger of new man-made viruses. The exact connection of Neptune with Sheath is May 29-August 6, 2024, March 20, 2025, November 11, 2025, and January 9, 2026.

The next star with powerful energy, Algol, is active from the end of June to the middle of October 2024. From July 10 to 17, Mars conjuncts it, which is fraught with high vibrational turbulence and strong upheavals. The peak activity of the third star, Aldebaran, will occur on July 4-10 and will be felt throughout the first half of the month.

The official commencement has begun for the next stage in the transformation of Earth and its inhabitants – the introduction of more powerful, system-forming quantum energies. These energies will continue to establish the new foundation of the planet and catalyze the transformation of human bodies. Prior to this phase, there was an extensive preparatory period during which individuals were energized with the highest Light energies to elevate their vibrations and purify themselves from lower frequencies. These new energies will manifest more actively in both familiar and unfamiliar physical elements, as well as in the cells, DNA, genes, and tissues of all living organisms. This targeted enhancement will occur through Portals, pyramids, sacred sites, and other Power Places.

July provides all of us with a chance to fit into the scenario that Co-Creators have uploaded into the Earth’s Matrix for the next six months during the Summer Solstice. Depending on our frequencies, the vibrations of planets, stars and stelliums enhance or distort the actions of codes and programs, brought by the energies of the Pleroma and the Central Spiritual Sun of the Universe so that we survive in a new energy environment.

It’s time to decide which octave to tune.

On Crossroad

How can we perceive these changes?

This transformation is already unfolding. It brings unpredictability, a sense of being disconnected from time, and a near-total loss of memory about the past. There is a profound sense of incomprehensibility and occasional bursts of Solar Fire. Old systems, attitudes, orders, and programs are collapsing, leaving individuals with a feeling of instability and a lack of continuity. Everything seems to be moving at an accelerated pace.

During the recent solstice, this process intensified, expanding further and deeper. Different facets of this transformation occur at various times. Approximately three weeks ago, powerful impacts on the nervous system began, exacerbating existing issues and human reactions. This has led to elemental disturbances, particularly with water and earth, resulting in widespread occurrences of heavy rains, floods, and earthquakes globally. Former strong alliances between states have weakened, and traditional political decision-making processes have come to a standstill. The world appears to be undergoing a profound reversal of norms and expectations.

Solstice Boosting

At the same time, a new human consciousness is emerging. The old constraints are shedding away, revealing a novel being that radiates with crystalline Light, equipped with numerous senses yet unfamiliar with its surroundings. This emergence creates a profound dissonance with the external world, propelling us collectively into higher, purer realms.

For each individual, this transformation can unfold swiftly or over the course of months, unfolding outside conventional notions of time where understanding may be elusive but peaceful living remains paramount. In our familiar reality, the Sun continues to shine, inviting us to clear waters, birdsong serenades, and hearts filled with joy. These elements coexist in our lives, depending on where we choose to direct our attention.

Today, Earth is receiving vast cosmic radiations, largely unknown to many, perceived as entirely alien and incomprehensible. Yet, this perception is inherently human. Step a little further from our planet, and one might feel overwhelmed by unfamiliar influxes of information. It's best not to dwell on these complexities. Allow everything to unfold spontaneously and naturally.

Changes arrive precisely on time, neither delayed nor premature, but always punctual.

Into Higher Dimensions

Today, the intensity of Solar plasma jets burning away old mental and physical programs has peaked and will continue to escalate. These high-frequency waves affect everyone not as destructive forces, but as transformative energies akin to emergency responders. Pure Souls effortlessly endure this deep cleanse of cellular consciousness, restructuring of the brain and neural networks, and disconnection from the 3D Matrix.

Throughout this process, key energy centers are prominently engaged – particularly the sixth, fourth, and third chakras. Sensations of heat, vibration, exhaustion, or profound calm are most keenly felt there. Even if we haven't been active, our feet may tingle as our energy aligns with the Earth's. This heightened pressure on the psyche causes emotions to fluctuate like a seesaw, where even minor triggers can provoke strong reactions.

It's important not to suppress these feelings – they represent the purification of our subconscious mind. Memories, even those long forgotten, remain stored in our bodies, especially the painful ones where the psyche once erected barriers to shield us from further distress. These memories resemble soap bubbles of varying densities within cellular memory. When exposed to plasma jets of diverse spectra, these bubbles are punctured like needles. This process targets what individuals cling to and fear losing, even though the entire planet is transitioning to higher dimensions, rendering such attachments trivial.

One must let go of everything, all of the Illusional Self. Only thus the true Spiritual freedom and control of own life is possible. This means moving beyond old patterns and the dictates of the Matrix, without expectations or self-blame. For instance, not conforming to societal norms that no longer resonate with your true desires. Listen to yourself, trust your instincts, and refrain from self-deprecation, especially during emotional moments.

These symptoms can significantly impact well-being. Vital energy levels may drop as the body undergoes transmutation and biochemical restructuring. This process isn't quick; it demands patience, trust in the Source, and the ability to heed the body's signals, which may manifest as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, colds, dizziness, apathy, or gastrointestinal discomfort. Reactions to the plasma stream's influence vary based on individual mental and physical states. Some adapt easily, while others find it challenging, regardless of age—sometimes even children and teenagers struggle psychologically. Children may act out, expressing their true selves; instead of scolding, respond calmly with love and patience.

When absorbing light energies, people around you may behave oddly as their vibrational field adjusts to yours. Handle this situation calmly, finding personal methods to harmonize when you feel internal heat rising. With numerous options available now, everyone can find what best suits them based on an intuitive understanding of their essence and soul.

Powerful plasma eruptions and solar flares serve as our furnace, burning away painful, wounded, and damaged cells. They infuse the body with desired light frequencies, removing inner resistance to change, often unconscious, and initiating organ and system regeneration. The body receives a robust energy surge for transformation and enhancement.

Trust your heart in all decisions, and approach the world with lightness and kindness. This is the most effective form of self-care and aid for others.


14 June 2024

Escaping The Satanic Cult

Epstein Island, Satanism, SRA, Montauk, SSP – He Went Through it All

The story of Alandra Markman once again shows there is one giant conspiracy where everything is connected. This Secret Space Program (SSP) and Montauk Project experiencer describes his “20-and-Back” tour of duty, meeting Jeffrey Epstein on Epstein Island, SRA, being programmed as a breeder and escaping the Satanic Cult.



Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and The International Satanic Network Exposed, the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.