We use virtue, 'love', the action of the will, as a means of conquering ourselves, our idiosyncracies, and we think we are changing. But, essentially, when we go down to deeper layers, there it is still the same. When we are considering revolution, change, surely we are not concerned only with superficial changes, which are necessary, but with the deeper issue - which is the revolution, total revolution, the integrated revolution of our whole being. Can that change be brought about by effort, or must there be a cessation of all effort? What does effort mean? With most of us, effort implies the action of the will, does it not? I hope you are following all this, because if you do not listen wisely, you will miss totally what I am going to say. If you listen wisely, you will directly experience what I am talking about.
Total revolution must be wholly unconscious, not voluntary, not brought about by any action of the will. Will is still the desire, still the 'me', the self, at whatever level you may place that will. The will of action is still the desire and, therefore, it is still the 'me', and when I suppress myself in order to be good, in order to achieve, in order to become more noble, it is still desire, it is still the action of the will trying to transform itself, to put on a different clothing, it is still the will of the 'me' trying to achieve a result.
(Collected Works, Vol. VIII - 35)
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