The second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, Martin Bormann, was a "Soviet" (i.e. Illuminati British) agent who ensured the destruction of both Germany and European Jewry.
Thus, he advanced two of the Illuminati's main goals: integrate Germany into a world government by annihilating its national, cultural and racial pretensions, and establish Israel as the Masonic bankers' world capital by threatening European Jews with extinction.
When I first made this case in June 2007, a reader suggested I read the book "OPJB,"(1996) Lieut Commander John Ainsworth-Davis' account of how he and Ian Fleming led a 150-man team that rescued Martin Bormann from war-torn Berlin on May 1, 1945 using river kayaks. According to this book, Bormann lived under an assumed identity in England until 1956 before dying in Paraguay in 1959.
The title of the book stands for "Operation James Bond." Ian Fleming took the name of the author of "A Field Guide to the Birds of the West Indies" for the Bormann rescue and later gave it to the hero of his spy series who was modeled on Ainsworth-Davis, who now uses the name, Christopher Creighton.
Talk about the hiding in plain sight! The evidence that the man most responsible for the holocaust was a British agent has been on bookshelves since 1996. The book includes a 1963 letter from Ian Fleming confirming that he and Creighton led the Bormann rescue. It also includes a photograph of a 1954 letter from Winston Churchill giving Creighton permission to tell this story after Churchill's death, "omitting of course those matters which you know can never be revealed."
According to Creighton, Martin Bormann was actually sitting in a private visitor's gallery at the Nuremburg Trial when he was condemned to death in absentia! (p.243)
The fig leaf covering this affair was that Bormann would help the Allies retrieve Nazi wartime plunder and return it to its rightful owners. If you believe that, I have some swampland in Florida... Bormann had been an Illuminati British agent all along and was largely responsible for the Nazi defeat. In fact, World War Two was a monstrous Rothschild fraud on Germans, Jews and the human race. The plunder ended up in Illuminati hands.
The real James Bond helped kill thousands of people, mostly British allies. He was haunted by the ghosts of "perfectly loyal and innocent people who had been caught up in our operations..." (79)
He was just "following orders" which made no sense from a patriotic p.o.v. "We were not acting from patriotism or high moral principles. We were not doing this for England or Uncle Sam. As usual, we were doing what we had been told to do: we were carrying out our orders." (170)
For example, Creighton tipped the Nazis off to the exact time and location of the 1942 Dieppe raid which cost 3000 Canadians their lives. He was told that the British wanted to test Nazi defenses. The real reasons: convince Stalin it was too early for a second front, and build up Creighton's credibility when it came time for the Normandy Invasion.
At that time, he told the Germans the invasion was coming in Normandy. This time the betrayer was betrayed. The Nazis were informed Creighton was a British agent so naturally they assumed this information was wrong.
Creighton also talks about "Operation Tiger" in April 1944, a training exercise at Slapton Sands, Dorset that was rudely interrupted by eight German torpedo boats. The toll: over 800 US drowned. (Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller wrote that the Nazis were tipped off by a German spy.) The fiasco was kept secret to protect D-Day morale. Creighton says survivors were interned or killed by a sea mine in order to keep the secret. (p.25) In spite of the fact that the Dorset shoreline resembled Normandy, the Nazis failed to draw the logical conclusion.
Agents who stumbled on the "true secrets of World War Two" (i.e. the fact that the Nazis were infiltrated and run by the "English") were often betrayed and met death in action. This happened to Creighton's girlfriend, Patricia Falkiner. Morton confessed that Falkiner was his ward: "He had done his utmost to keep Patricia out of operations...only when she had stumbled on the most vital secrets at Bletchley that he had been forced to deploy her..." (p.85)
Creighton also made sure Pearl Harbor, another example of Illuminati chicanery, was kept secret. On Nov. 28, 1941, a Dutch submarine, the K-XVII intercepted the Japanese Fleet en route to Pearl Harbor and alerted British naval HQ. In order to maintain the illusion that Pearl Harbor was a surprise, the submarine and its crew were destroyed. Creighton "wiped out the entire ship's company with two tiny cylinders of cyanide inserted into their oxygen supply, and a box of high explosives disguised as whiskey...the war had turned me into a fiend and mass murderer..." (p.81)
Officially Desmond Morton was Winston Churchill's "adviser." In fact, he was in charge of a top secret Illuminati organization dedicated to advancing world government dictatorship through skullduggery. It was funded by the "Crown" i.e. the Rothschild's Bank of England. It answered only to Churchill who, of course, answered only to Victor Rothschild. The Director of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman, recommended Ian Fleming to Naval Intelligence. (Fleming was 15 years older than Creighton.)
"M SECTION" had the resources of the Royal Navy and Marines at its disposal and was responsible for rescuing Martin Bormann, and possibly Hitler as well (see below.)
Morton never married and there are rumors he and Churchill had an homosexual attachment. He accused Churchill of having homosexual feelings for FDR. (Winston Churchill, by Chris Wrigley, p. 268)
Top agents and commandos like Creighton were chosen from men and women in their late teens who were personally known to the Illuminati. Creighton was only 21 years old in 1945. Often the youths were orphans or separated from their parents. For example, Creighton's parents were divorced but Louis Mountbatten and Desmond Morton were family friends. Morton took Creighton under his wing and became his "uncle." In a moment of crisis, "I hugged him as I had hugged him so often in the past." (85)
Creighton speaks of his service in Section M in sinister terms: "ghastly years of betrayal and horror into which I had been forced." (78) He speaks of the "Svengali-like influence and control that Morton had exercised over me since my early childhood."
At age 15, Creighton had an apparition of a "Black Angel" who possessed him as an "Angel of Death."
"I awoke in the middle of the night, soaked in sweat and there he was, standing at the foot of my bed. ...I could not move. With a feeling of utter degradation and terror I realized I was powerless to stop him possessing me -- as he would often do in the weeks, months and years that followed." Sound like Creighton was the victim of a pedophile?
That Black Angel was probably Morton. Creighton directly continues: "Looking back I can see how completely I was in Morton's grip throughout most of the war. From 1940-1945 I was his puppet, manipulated by him and executing his orders." (18)
The final endurance test for "both boys and girls was 12 strokes of the cane administered by a Marine Commando Sargent across their bare buttocks in front of their class." (69)
It's possible that like some MI-5 and MI-6 agents today, some Section M agents may have been mind controlled sex slaves.
Morton's MO was "deception and double-dealing," says Creighton. It is amazing he's alive to tell the story. Perhaps it 's because he accepted the spin that Bormann was saved in order to restore Nazi plunder to its rightful owners.
Like Creighton, we are all pawns in their game. For example, Otto Gunther, Bormann's double, was a POW found in Canada. Bormann's records were altered to fit Gunther so when his dead body was found, people believed he was Hitler's Deputy.
The commandos accompanying Bormann on his escape had no idea of his identity. Many were Jewish "freedom fighters." What an irony!
Great nations, England, the United States, Germany, France are all Illuminati pawns. What good is democracy when the Illuminati Order owns the politicians and controls information?
Think of the millions who died in World War Two, all to destroy and degrade mankind so the Illuminati inbreeds can own and control everyone. They are still busy dividing us against one another, so we will never unite against them.
Correspondent Greg Hallett describes how Hitler was also saved.
Article linked within, my "Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati" Must-read in this connection.
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