other. The "love drug" levels can be restored by various methods. One can change partners which resets the love drug mechanism for a new cycle. One can have an affair with someone "strange" (i.e., previously unknown) which will briefly give you a high dose of love chemicals.
It appears that the original genetic program was written to promote diversity of offspring. Women would essentially remain pregnant from about twelve years old until about forty years old, assuming they lived that long. But, they would only stay attracted to the same man long enough to have one or two kids and then move on to someone else.
Some social orders apparently plan ahead for this problem. For example, if you were a king with a harem of a hundred or so girls, by the time you got back to girl number one she would seem new so you would be always guaranteed to have a peak level of love drugs. Also, some social orders are designed to exclude the concept of love or any happiness in a relationship such as systems using arranged marriages. These systems consider sex to be some kind of "duty to the state" like George Orwell's classic, "1984". You are "assigned" to a partner you may have no feelings for at all but you must stay together and have kids because it is your duty to the social order. The concept of getting some joy out of life simply does not exist as a factor in the social consciousness of these systems.
This science explains perfectly what we see in real life with respect to the high incidence of people having affairs. No matter how "hot" a partner is there is a time limit as to how long the love drugs can be produced in an exclusive relationship. An affair does not need to be with someone "more hot" - anyone "different" will reset the love drug mechanism. Some cultures recognize this. It is socially acceptable in Japan, for example, for a man to have an occasional affair and it is not unusual for a wife to purchase a night or two with a strange girl for her husband as, say, an anniversary present. It is really money well spent because it will reset the love drug mechanism and bring him a lot more happiness than say, a gold watch or some such.
Because the society in the United States is "sexually challenged" somehow, those who are caught having affairs are seen as simply terrible and generally have their lives totally wrecked, especially if they are high profile people. Unfortunately, it is just stupidity because anyone who looks at the science knows that it is scientifically impossible for love to last forever and to believe that it can is a delusion.
All this brings us to an interesting legal point. Contracts negotiated when a person is in a state of diminished capacity due to the effects of drugs, alcohol or some other mechanism are not valid. A person must be of sound mind to be "contractible". So, when people sign marriage contracts under the influence of the drug induced illusion called love, the contract is technically void.
The science suggests that Plato's concept that all men should belong to all women and all women should belong to all men with the children being the responsibility of the state was close to scientific reality with respect to a system designed for maximum sexual happiness.
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