As I approach my 60th birthday (in November), my biggest regret in life is the time and energy I wasted in the pursuit of the fair sex.
If I am any indication, nature hard wires males to have sexual intercourse for the purpose of propagation. Mercifully, nature has released me from its powerful programming. But when I was younger, I surrounded the fertile female with an angelic aura and considered her sexual fulfillment a peak experience. Little did I suspect that I was embarked on a major detour.
Nature's programming is augmented by society's. In Illuminati controlled movies and education, sex is cast as life's ultimate experience and a prerequisite for spiritual and mental health. School children in the UK are now learning that an an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away! The Illuminati control us through porn, promiscuity and sex addiction. They want us to have sex but not families, so they don't encourage monogamy. We will no longer get our identity and meaning from our family roles (husband, wife, sister, brother, mother, father.)
Sex is also used to distract us from the fact that we are being colonized by the Illuminati in a world government.
Isn't it suspicious that pharmaceutical corporations would pass up the lucrative opportunity to market a safe drug that suppresses the sex drive?
Drugs like Viagra help people copulate into old age, but there are none for people who wish to keep their sanity and perspective by dulling their hormones' effect. There is also a huge demand for such a drug from loving couples with mismatched sex drives.
From the vantage point of experience, I would tell my 25-year-old self: Don't be such a sap. Stop being a victim of nature's programming and society's brainwashing. Reprogram yourself. You don't need sex. You don't need "love." It's all in the mind. People seek what they are taught to seek, are drawn to what they are told is attractive. Take charge of your life. Make those decisions yourself.
Don't look for a woman to nurture and encourage you. The emptiness you feel is due to your lack of vocation. Seek self confidence and recognition from your work, not from a "relationship." Use your God-given talents to do what you were born to do. Make that your first priority.
Look for a helpmate, not a soul mate, someone who is compatible yet different, and learn to value the difference. Don't look for someone who "understands" you. Don't look for yourself. Look for someone with whom you can live without friction, comfortably and creatively.
The fact that most men choose on the basis of sex appeal means there are many women with personality and talent available. Marry one of these, someone whose character and skill-set complements your own. Sex appeal is not a good basis for marriage. There is no correlation between physical beauty and character.
Don't expect perfection. You're not perfect either. Enjoy the good and accept the bad. Don't have unrealistic expectations. Marriage is a loving, living and working arrangement, not a heavenly state.
Wait to have children until you are established in terms of career and maturity. Don't have children by accident. Have them as a conscious act of love. They are your organic growth, an extension of yourself. They represent an ongoing act of love and demonstrate faith in God, life and the future.
If I had to do it over again, I'd try to take charge of my life rather than dumbly respond to natural and social programming. I'd focus on varied goals and not look to "love" for happiness. I'm grateful that despite all my mistakes, I was finally able to find a degree of happiness and stability in marriage.
Related: Obama Science Czar Advocates War on Traditional Family
my "Overrated: Young Women, Sex, Romance & Lobster"
and "Men Who Get Women"
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