Years of extensive research and investigation have gone into this massively documented work. In this 624 page, large format book, Fritz Springmeier discloses mind-boggling facts and never before revealed truths about the top Illuminati dynasties.
You’ll learn of the secretive, Chinese Li family, which operates with impunity in the U.S.A. and around the world. Along the way you’ll find out why President John F. Kennedy and actress Grace Kelly were killed; who created the United Nations; who controls the two major U.S. political parties; how the Rothschilds invented and control modern-day Israel; who secretly founded false religions such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses; and much, much more. A literal encyclopedia of rare, unbelievable information!
Discover the amazing role these bloodlines have played—and are now wielding—in human history, with family names such as:
Merovingian (European Royal Families)
The Top 13 Families & The Mormon Leadership (Moriah & The Mormon Leadership)
Interconnected families:
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