
07 March 2010


The American and British authorities, political and military, knew exactly what the consequences would be for future generations of Iraqi children from contaminating the country with depleted uranium. They knew, not least, because it has happened before.

But they don’t care, because they have no empathy. Why would a political and military establishment absolutely awash with paedophiles and Satanists (again, two expressions of lack of empathy) care about dead or suffering children in Iraq?

They couldn’t give a damn. This is why the truly evil Tony Blair could appear before the pathetic Iraq ‘inquiry’ in London and refuse even to apologise for the all the death, suffering and mayhem he was central to causing.

Even more than that, he used (was allowed to use) much of his time before the ‘inquiry’ to call for the same to be done to Iran. These people have the same relationship to decency, empathy and justice that black holes have to matter.

The bedfellow of a lack of empathy is the me, me, me mentality. The two always go together. I have known people with this combination at close hand. Their lack of empathy with others means that what is right and just does not matter to them – only what is best for them in the situation they face.

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