
16 May 2010

Carina Nebula galaxy shows sign of alien life?

Hubble Space Telescope has turned 20 and NASA has released a new photo from the orbiting observatory of a cosmic pillar of gas and dust piled high in the Carina Nebula galaxy. Some have found strange signal intelligence confirming alien life.

Have you wondered what that means. According to a leading physicist, Stephen Hawking, we should not venture in finding them. He believes that contact with them could be devastating for humanity, and suggests that aliens might raid Earth for its resources.

Obviously, the aliens found us long before we could even imagine that we are a type zero civilization.

When the pics of cosmic pillar of gas and dust piled high in the Carina Nebula galaxy is taken to multidimensional fractal image recognition algorithms, it all on a sudden shows images of dark energy civilizations.

Alien civilizations are all around us but they are in different forms than we can imagine. The dimension and consciousness differences are so wide that terrestrial type zero sciences can never imagine the life forms.
For example, we have just started finding out that all our diseases emanate from genomics of Single Nucleotide Polymorphysms. The medial doctor communities are perplexed because that puts them out of business and proves that all they were doing all these years were wrong because of lack of knowledge. Roman doctors believed that human hearts had septal pores. They came to that conclusion because human prematured babies (fetus) have septal pores that closes when the baby is born. Now you go and tell those Roman doctors in their heaven about the truth that human hearts do not have septal pores. Would they have believed? 
India Daily Technology Team

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