
29 June 2010

Transitioning from Type 0 oil dependency to a Type 1 civilization & ET/UFO disclosure

The BP Gulf Oil leak continues to arouse global concern as its toxic effects threaten not only the Gulf of Mexico, but also the Atlantic Ocean itself. Worst case scenarios project the entire planet’s oceans being contaminated for years if not decades to come if the spill continues unabated. Humanity stands on the brink of environmental catastrophe if radical solutions don’t quickly emerge. Albert Einstein once said “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” The idea of using fossil fuels for our civilization’s ever increasing energy needs is the kind of thinking that made it possible for the risky deep water drilling practices that have created the oil spill crisis. We need some radical new thinking about how to generate energy for our burgeoning global civilization. Thinking that takes us into the realm of new energy technologies developed by pioneers such as Nikola Tesla, and what is used by extraterrestrial civilizations visiting our world. As we make the transition from a Type 0 civilization based on fossil fuels, into a Type 1 global civilization using new energy technologies, we need to consult with and learn from extraterrestrials civilizations that have traveled the road before us. We simply need to open ourselves to radical new ways of thinking about how advanced technologies and extraterrestrial life can assist our planetary transition through crises such as the Gulf Oil spill. The articles in this edition of the Exopolitics Journal provide a new way of thinking about planetary issues from the perspective of alien life observing our world, wishing to assist us, and the challenges of extraterrestrial disclosure.

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