By Jim Kirwan
- Beneath the many levels of the battle for control of the planet today there is a fifth dimension. The place where shadows move to turn back the current threat that seeks to consolidate the world into one massive fascist state wherein all power, all privilege and wealth, shall be owned by the very few that seek to own us all.
- That realm is where I live and work and have for over half a century. This dimension does not seek to draw attention to itself; but it has many creative followers that keep its arrows sharpened. By its very nature this dimension lives and moves beneath the major events and seeks to draw attention to the root causes that have brought the world to her knees in these dark times. Several million people own this image in one form or another, but very few are aware of what this Citadel of Broken Dreams was really all about.
- Language and imagery have been perverted now for the entire time of this unending crisis, which was not something that I recognized when I began to try and add my voice and images in an attempt to interrupt this huge trajectory of personal-slavery in all its twisted forms. I was naïve enough in the beginning to think that if people could only "see" what was happening to them under the tyranny of LBJ-they would react with outrage at what was being done to all of us-because even then this evil plot was clearly visible. But it was a simple matter for those that ran this early-form of the New World Order, even then, to silence those of us that disagreed, so the actual birth of this nightmare was able to proceed without interruption.
- As the issues continued to move from battlefield to battlefield, beneath the public's awareness; individuals continued to try and find new ways to penetrate this masquerade with images and words, but the blinders that society had adopted were already very carefully and deeply rooted at almost every crossroads that we all encountered as the nation tried to live its life. (1)
- The Fifth Dimension is that place where the roots-of-change derive their nourishment to actually enable real-changes to become part of the public's arsenal against the unreasonable powers that have declared this war upon humanity. This dimension however remains almost invisible to the majority because it involves the exercise of free will and the determination needed to live in a world where justice and freedom have been turned into prostitution for the few, over the needs of the many that have sought relief in what they mistakenly have taken for the government and the laws of this land that have been hollowed out, to protect not the people, but to permanently shield their persecutors from any and all consequences for their crimes against the public.
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