
19 November 2010

British Petroleum – Evil, Pure Evil



British Petroleum – Evil, Pure Evil

The real story in the Gulf of Mexico behind the ‘all sorted’ propaganda

The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out on Sunday

The idea was not to clean up the Gulf and its beaches, but to cover up the mess and its consequences. Oil on many beaches was simply covered with sand, as some ‘clean-up’ workers confirmed, though most were too frightened to speak out because they were warned they would lose their jobs with BP – pretty much the only jobs available once the disaster had decimated the Gulf coast economy.

BP covered up the extent of the oil in the Gulf by using lethal toxic ‘dispersants’ known as Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527A, which are so appalling they are banned in Europe.

It was done for a simple reason – it makes oil sink and so the real scale of the pollution was put out of ‘eye’s’ way, though certainly not out of harms way. Corexit is manufactured by a Chicago-based corporation called Nalco which has major connections to BP and one of the company's major shareholders is apparently Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway ...

... The people and communities of the Gulf have been left to their fate by those with hearts of stone and the empathy of a concrete block. Those that control government and British Petroleum couldn’t give a damn – for them it is mission accomplished no matter what the human debris they leave in their wake.

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