
06 December 2010

The Fire Yogi

The Fire Yogi is a 47 min. documentary exploring the journey of a Yogi who has the extraordinary ability to get into union with the Fire. The non-religious documentary describes a rare and unusual Fire Ritual performed by Yogi Rambhauswami and the subsequent chemical analysis of his clothing and physical tests to look into this supernatural phenomenon. The 63 year old Yogi has performed this fire ritual for over 1000 days during the last 45 years.

Using a unique breathing technique, the Yogi is able to get into union with the Fire. For the last 26 years, he consumes only two bananas and a mere glass of milk twice a day. The Yogi, weighing a mere 94 pounds (43 kilos), has been able to survive with a few drops of water per day during the last 28 years.

The Yogi uses the Fire Ritual to heal others and solve their problems. The ritual is performed for universal harmony, global welfare and individual prosperity. There are so many aspects of the Yogi that are on the edge of unbelievability and highlight the power and endurance of human mind, body and spirit. - The Fire Yogi Video

1 comment:

  1. When you realize that there is no method, no system, that no mantram, no teacher, nothing in the world that is going to help you to be quiet, when you realize the truth that it is only the quiet mind that sees, then the mind becomes extraordinarily quiet.
