
11 March 2011

Asian Tsunami and Disappeared Children

From: “Dr Michael Salla”
Date: Tue Dec 28, 2004 9:55 am
Subject: Asian Tsunami and Disappeared Children

Aloha All

The after effects of the Tsunami hitting Asia are still affecting us greatly. What I find to be very encouraging is the global empathy for the victims and survivors of this tragic event.

It seems that there is no limit to the desire to help all affected by what is now the deadliest known Tsunami in history. The effect on rich and poor alike I think has done much to make this a global event that effectively helps unite our planet. I found the following Boston Globe article revealed the extent of the compassion and assistance that is being generated:
This article and many others reveal that a tsunami of human empathy is now sweeping the planet with similar epic effects to its deadly physical predecessor. I think this is ultimately what we gain from such tragic events - breaking all boundaries in helping those affected and sharing in the pain, grief and celebration over the fate of victims and survivors. This tragic event I believe will be a major step in helping unite humanity and develop further what I have discussed in another article concerning the evolution of global consciousness.
So keeping in mind the empathy that is sweeping the planet, helping to unite us as a global population by unleashing the latent heart energy of humanity, let me offer some exopolitical reflections on a darker side to what just transpired.

First of all, it is mistaken to believe that tsunami’s are purely caused by unpredictable seismic events. There is technology in existence that can spark such tragic seismic events. This technology is possessed by both military governments and by extraterrestrial races. Here is a quote from former US Defense Secretary William Cohen revealing the existence of such technologies:
“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations... It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counter terrorism] efforts.”
- Defense Secretary William Cohen, 1997
This famous speech by Cohen was a clue that deadly technology exists and can be used to spark events such as the giant earthquake off Sumatra. This raises the question of why would governments or ET races do this? Let me offer an answer to this based on some recent research I’ve been doing in the Charles Hall case.

Charles Hall gave testimony of a race of tall white extraterrestrials who have agreements with the US Air Force where in exchange for giving technology related to space travel, the ETs receive certain earth resources, metals such as titanium and also large quantities of food and clothes, especially children’s clothes.

These clothes were ostensibly for use by the tall whites and taken on their regular interstellar ships that visit the Earth carrying cargo for trade. My evaluation of the Hall testimonies is that these clothes and food are probably used for human cargoes shipped off as part of an interstellar trade.

My belief is that a major Earth resource taken off planet by the tall whites are human children, as evidenced by the children’s clothes given to them by the USAF, and condescending comments by tall white females over how humans don’t love their children like the tall whites do:
What I’d like to offer is a hypothesis for what happened during the earthquake and tsunami. I believe that the quake was probably sparked by ETs using scalar technology. The resulting devastation makes it possible for large numbers of people to simply be abducted for the interstellar slave trade that I believe exists, and is well known by government authorities. Most of the abductees are children who appear to be the most precious resource desired by the ETs conducting this kind of trade. Here are some comments from the Boston Globe news story on what happened with regard to children victims of the Tsunami:
“Many of the dead and missing were children - as many as half the victims in Sri Lanka. “Where are my children?” asked 41-year-old Absah, as she searched for her 11 youngsters in Banda Aceh, the city closest to Sunday’s epicenter. “Where are they? Why did this happen to me? I’ve lost everything.”
While it can be guessed that natural disasters will naturally take a heavy toll on children, it certainly is interesting to note that many are already questioning the large number of children that have disappeared.

Now do the tall whites actually conduct the abductions of humans trapped in these disaster zones? There is no evidence for that occurring, but I believe it is conducted by other extraterrestrial races such as the Grays who are well known to be conducting abductions involving large numbers of individuals. The Grays have developed the expertise for abducting large numbers and while during ordinary times these are returned as ‘abductees’, it is very possible that in disaster scenarios the abductees are not returned and are taken off planet or used in other ways. This is something that the contactee Alex Collier has revealed about the Gray extraterrestrials known as the Dows. 

I believe that theGraysabduct civilians and then when this can be done without alerting the general public, have them transported off planet as part of a slave trade by races such as the tall whites. Why such a convoluted arrangement? I believe the answer is in the nature of the agreements the tall whites have reached with the USAF and shadow government authorities in contrast to agreements with the Grays. Basically, the tall whites have permission to conduct interstellar trade using Earth resources, while the Grays have permission to conduct abductions for genetic purposes but can’t take abducted civilians off planet. While there are large numbers of ‘friendly’ extraterrestrial races monitoring the situation who have the power to intervene and prevent Grays abducting civilians and taking them off planet, it appears they do not have the power to do so when races such as the tall whites do this since the latter have binding agreements with the USAF for conducting interstellar trade using ‘various earth resources’. If the tall whites and grays cooperate with their respective agreements reached with shadow government authorities, all is in place for an interstellar trade involving abducted civilians.

This of course is a very disturbing scenario, however, I believe that the bright side to all this is the growing level of compassion that accompanies such global disasters. While such disasters give a cover for large numbers of civilians to be taken as part of an interstellar slave trade, the same disasters help unleash global compassion/empathy for the victims/survivors which ultimately strengthen us as a planetary culture. This makes it more difficult for extraterrestrials to conduct these kinds of dark activities. I believe that the empathy and concern that we generate for one another during such tragic events is the best defense against the ‘dark side’ of what may be actually happening during such global disasters. So we can take heart in the tsunami of compassion sweeping the planet as our greatest strength, while educating our minds as to the true cause and purpose of such events.

In peace,

Michael S.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Michael S:

    I definitely think that you are on to something with your theory. After reading Charles Hall's book and subsequently hearing him mention the comment by the Tall White who stated that "humans don’t love their children like the tall whites do" and the issue involving children's clothes? When I heard Hall's comments I had always wondered how the Tall Whites could come to that conclusion (comments about kids). Sadly, I think that your theory is correct (or at least close). The whole thought of this being true makes me sick. I can appreciate your positive outlook related to the Tsunami and other natural disasters. However, if your theory is correct, it could also explain how the government is able to keep this conspiracy quiet. Anyone who knew or participated in these sorts of activities would be in some serious trouble from the populous. Thanks again for illuminating what should be fairly obvious to all of us. Good luck to us all. nyquil762
