
20 March 2011

Don’t Let Crisis of Japanese Earthquake Go To Waste! Natural Disaster or Local Agenda 21 Eugenics Programme Acceleration?

By Neil Foster – The Sovereign Independent 

As if the Japanese people haven’t suffered enough from the effects of radiation contamination going back to the two criminal bombings of WW II, they’re now having to contend with a nuclear disaster on their own terms which is looming on their Eastern seaboard and which it is reported could even contaminate the West coast of America. 
This is of course blamed on that well know natural phenomenon of the earthquake which is a recurring feature in this region. However, when we consider the scale of this earthquake and the consequential fallout, if you’ll pardon the pun, we perhaps need to take a closer look at exactly what’s happening here. 
The earthquake in itself, for the moment, we’ll take as a natural occurrence. The reasons for questioning this will be look at later. Suffice to say that the insanity of man has the capability to cause such disasters unnaturally and has done for decades. The 35 page report below is clear evidence from many sources, including the military, that weapons are available to cause such ‘natural’ disasters as volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and severe storms. This is not science fiction and the fact that it is stated in these documents that they can cause such devastation should be taken as proof that they must have tested these weapons somewhere on this planet, conceivably more than once to determine their operational effectiveness. This being the case, where and when did they test them and are they still doing so? 
And let’s not forget the list of patents for stratosperic arial spraying programs to manipulate the weather by spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere which can be clearly seen almost every day if one can be bothered to look up into the sky. 
However, the immediate consequences, apart from the massive and saddening loss of life are that countries around the world are now openly discussing moving away from nuclear power as a viable and safe alternative to oil, coal and gas as the standard form of energy supply and we’re now told that ‘green energy’ is the only way to go. 
These types of reports now running down the news wires are stating that nuclear is now too dangerous for mankind to continue with its use thus advocating alternative energy sources. We’ve only ever been exposed to the notion that wind, solar and wave power can solve all our energy needs when the facts don’t stand up to any sort of scrutiny to prove such ambitious claims. 
Now if solar panels and wind can’t even supply enough energy to power a single room or small school, then what use will they be in powering any kind of small business or industry? The fact is that these technologies are extremely limited in their capacity to produce anywhere near the required level for modern life and in the case of wind ‘energy’ hugely profitable to the private companies involved at huge cost to the taxpayer. So what is the solution? Well, there are many examples of alternative energies which could be explored further but have been supressed throughout history to the cost of us all; the water powered car being but one if the green lobby really want to protect the environment as opposed to shutting down industry and the wider economy. 
But if we get back to looking at the aftermath of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami which has now led to the threat of large areas of the planet being contaminated with nuclear fallout thus making them uninhabitable for vast numbers of people; then perhaps this crisis will be used by those in power to accelerate the implementation of the United Nations program known as ‘Agenda 21? 
This is not beyond belief or any conspiracy theory. Those in power have openly stated that they ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’. 
This being the case, is it also beyond comprehension that those in power would bring about the crisis to bring about their intended solution to implement their already decided and planned for goal? 
Bear with me here because to suggest that those in power wouldn’t do such a thing is to suggest that politicians, for example, are honest. We all know that’s simply not true. A further analogy would be to suggest that big business corporations, such as Merck Pharmaceuticals or GMO proponents Monsanto conduct themselves in an honest and above board manner in their business dealings. 
Again I think we all know that not to be the case in as much as we know for certain that we’ve all been well and truly fleeced by criminal bankers in cahoots with our own elected officials. 
So, let’s look at a couple of examples where instigating a crisis has been used to bring about fundamental changes in the way we behave or have our perceptions skewed by skilled propagandists within the media and our own political establishment. 
Of course, the powers that be don’t always get their own way and in the case of Iceland a crisis may be created as a punishment for going against their wishes. 
When Iceland rejected calls on the 6th March 2010, from the world’s banking elite to pay their fraudulent debts it was suddenly taboo to hear of Iceland in the media until the massive volcanic eruption, which under the guise of an invisible dust cloud, grounded all air traffic across Europe, despite there being no evidence that it was ever a problem. Coincidence? Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. 
The fact that this volcano hadn’t erupted in 200 years and was thought to be dormant wasn’t widely reported in the mainstream media. Neither was the fact that the nation’s capital airport remained open throughout the ‘crisis’. In this case, if intended as a punishment for Iceland’s rejection of the world bankers, British and Dutch governments, the EU and the IMF, it simply didn’t work and Iceland’s economy is now well on the road to recovery, thus showing that it’s completely unnecessary for any country to ‘bail out’ criminal private banks. 
The fake ash cloud was used as an experiment to study how ordinary people got around such massive travel restrictions and served as an attempt to put small airline companies out of business, despite the fact that most of these small companies used aircraft which were never able to fly to heights apparently affected by the invisible ash cloud. 
Iceland rejects banker bailout 6th March 
Volcano erupts 21st March. First eruption in 200 years. Closes European airspace. 
Japanese economy to collapse sending shockwaves around the world. Worlds 3rd largest economy 
Regardless of whether you think that the Japanese earthquake and subsequent tsunami were a natural phenomenon or not it must be accepted that the technology exists to create such extreme events whereby the perpetrators, using technology such as H.A.A.R.P., can bring this about. A recent article on this site asked the obvious question: Are evil men playing God? 
I don’t think it’s beyond the realms of possibility that just such inhuman beings exist and that evil is not beyond them. After all, it’s not the first time that atomic power has been the cause of devastation in Japan through utterly evil acts as those perpetrated on defenceless Japanese civilians in Nagasaki and Hiroshima despite the fact that Japan was on the brink of surrender when these weapons of mass destruction were used. 
So the question remains, was this a natural disaster, or was it brought about by the proven existence of weather weapons of massive destructive capability for another reason? 
Whatever opinion you may hold, there is no doubt that this is already being used to push, not only the anti-nuclear issue put out by the likes of morally bankrupt organisations such as Greenpeace, but the wider ‘green’ movement who will use this a s a justification for the abolition of nuclear power as a viable alternative to coal, oil and gas. 
So what then for our energy needs? 
It is clear that wind, solar and wave power will not be sufficient for the needs of the vast cities which have been stuffed to breaking point by continuous policies by successive governments to give the impression that there are ‘too many people’ on the planet. 
This is an utterly bogus argument as anyone with the capability to use a pencil, a piece of paper and some simple arithmetic technique in the form of division, can work out for themselves. In other words, landmass divided by population numbers. 
Agenda 21 is the UN program to further move populations from rural into urban areas, further increasing the almost desperate conditions prevailing in large urban centres, such as London, which I had the dubious pleasure of spending a weekend recently. It reminded me of the movie ‘Bladerunner’ in its dystopian feel and the overcrowded atmosphere was almost suffocating. 
This is part of the goal of Agenda 21 but of course the UN won’t wait for people to volunteer to move into such a quite frankly, squalid and depressing environment with its pollution and lack of any semblance of indigenous culture apparent. People must be forced into such an environment either through coercion or force. 
The West coast of America is now threatened with radiation exposure on a massive scale due to what now seems the inevitable nuclear disaster being played out on every TV station on the planet to terrify an already bemused and confused public as to what’s going on in the world with constant disaster and chaos now a feature in everyday life through the media. 
Under Agenda 21 large swathes of land have to be cleared of human activity to allow ‘wilderness’ to retake the environment. This also includes the release of wild animals dangerous to man to be introduced to these areas. 
The picture below shows the areas of America which will be affected by this absurd scheme.

As you can see, there are vast areas on the west coast of America which are to be cleared of human activity and the latest picture to emerge showing the possible path of a radioactive cloud shows that these areas, including large indigenous Indian reservations will also be affected. Compare this to the picture below.

 I’ll leave the reader to ponder the question but as this catastrophe continues to develop on our TV screens we should consider the possibility that this is no accident and that there may well be people behind the scenes in control of the means to bring about any long term scenario they wish to achieve using any means at their disposable.
Global warming or climate change, have been thoroughly exposed as frauds but the agenda must go on. 
The only way to do it is to obviously scare the public.

They’ve said as much in their own words. 
We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public’s imagination…
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts…
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.

- Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports

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