
20 March 2011

History of Human Experimentation By Government, Military, Business

Dear friends,
Are we being used in a massive human experiment? The recent breakdown and radiation release at Japanese nuclear reactors after a massive earthquake raises this question. How much are government and business risking our lives and health with dangerous technologies like nuclear power, genetically modified foods, inadequately tested vaccines, and other even worse "experiments"? Remember that the American Medical Association and many doctors sided with the tobacco industry long after the harmful effects of smoking were proven. Some scientists also once believed radiation had little danger, putting volunteers at risk to prove this.

Below is a list depicting the rampant use of humans experimentation by government, military, and medical professionals over the last century. Links to reliable sources are provided to confirm the information on each item presented. There are still today officials in the government, military, and even business leaders who sadly feel no need to inform us when we are used in potentially hazardous experiments.

Note that some of these experiments specifically targeted minorities and those in poor areas. Thankfully, this kind of unethical experimentation is much less common now, but it continues in hidden pockets around the globe. And large-scale experimentation with risky technologies like genetically modified foods, nuclear power, and nanotechnology used in consumer goods is still rarely questioned in the media or government. By educating yourself and spreading the word, you can help build the critical mass necessary to make a better world for all. See the "What you can do" box at the end of the list for ideas on how you can make a difference.
With best wishes,  
Fred Burks for the inspiring and educational PEERS websites
Former language interpreter
for Presidents Bush and Clinton
Note: The government's little-known, yet massive HAARP project is putting humanity at grave risk by frequently disturbing the ionosphere with powerful directed energy beams, and may even be playing a role in causing natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes. For eye-opening, reliable information from the major media on this potentially disastrous technology which puts us all at risk, click here.

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