
29 March 2011

The Personal Devil

Amitakh Stanford

The Devil is real. It is more than just the most powerful symbol of evil known to the Western world.
The Devil is the most powerful manifestation of the Evil Principle/Evil Mind. It is the personification of the abstract idea of evil. It is the projection of the Evil Mind which controls this dimension, this universe, and the entire Universal Dodecahedron known as the Virtual Reality. The Devil is the Anti-Christ.
Russell aptly pointed out that the Devil is the hypostasis, the apotheosis, the objectification of a hostile force or hostile forces perceived as external to our conscious.
Even if theism cannot survive without the Devil, the proof of the existence of the Devil need not rest solely on the proof of the existence of God and vice versa.
Any world view that ignores or denies the existential horror of evil is false, and anyone who believes in such doctrines is deluded and deceived. The view itself is evil. Anyone who continuously and deliberately denies the reality of evil amid the unceasing suffering in the world is in denial due to ignorance, fear or for other reasons. Denying the existence of evil will not eradicate it. Instead, denial of evil will strengthen evil and allow it unrestrained expression. Those who deny evil actually become accomplices to evil.
The Devil can take on different physical forms at any time and it can also “incarnate” as a human being or possess a human being. The Devil has “incarnated” in the physical many times, and he is now in a physical body in a relatively insignificant position by worldly standards. Sometimes, he/she/it takes on the appearance of being a benevolent ruler, sometimes he appears to produce beautiful art, while other times his true self expresses total brutality. The Devil intentionally confuses the issue of his existence so that most people will not take him seriously. Those who are fooled by his deception as to his existence are in the same category as those who deny evil. Those who cannot conceive of the reality of absolute evil, or Its representative – the Devil – cannot resist either!
The Devil has tried to take on the cloak of Christ to pretend to be divine. He can pretend to be loving, but he cannot truly love because he is the embodiment of evil. Love is an expression of the Divine Essence. The Devil is opposed to all Divine Essences.
Another thing Christian theology appears to claim is that the Devil is not a free agent and that he is under the control of God, his creator. This makes sense when one accepts that the Principle of Evil is the “God” of this Virtual Reality and the creator of the Devil. With this in mind, the book of Job makes a lot of sense. That is, Job is being tested by his “God” of Evil, and his “God’s” agent, the Devil (Satan). Neither the Unmanifest (the True God of Light) nor the Principle of Light puts people through tests or suffering. Only a jealous, insecure ghoul will test for or demand blind loyalty, obedience and servitude.
Commentators have wondered where the iniquity in Satan came from. There is little to wonder about once it is realized that the creator of Satan is the Principle of Evil, who has made the Devil in Its image. That is, full of bias and iniquity. Once the real “parent” of Satan is identified, the “holy” trinity is understood. That is, the “father” is the Demiurge (the Principle of Evil), the “son” is the Devil (the most favoured agent of the Demiurge), and the “holy ghost” is the illusory force the Principle of Evil puts on by pretending to be the Divine Force of the Unmanifest.
The Devil has been referred to by many as the “prince of darkness”, which is an aptly applied title. That is, the Devil is the heir apparent of the Principle of Darkness (the King of Darkness). The “father” must now be very concerned because It has taught Satan so well that he could well attempt to usurp Darkness and ascend the Evil Throne.
This dimension is run by Evil’s controller – the Devil. There will be a rectification of the Problem of Evil. Light will soon triumph over Darkness. The beings of Light will be separated from the beings of Darkness once the rectification is completed. The rectification is now in its final stages.
The Divine Correction, which entails the removal of the polarity against the Light, has been offered repeatedly to the Error (Darkness/the Principle of Evil), but the Principle of Darkness has steadfastly refused Correction. Instead, the Error went on Its own and created Its own Virtual Reality, the material world and the Devil, among other things.
The Unmanifest knew that the Devil most probably would not take correction of the polarity, but in the hopes that the Light within the Devil might respond to love, It has poured an enormous amount of love into the Devil. Unfortunately, the Devil has only pretended to respond to love and will have to be left behind when the Rescue Mission is completed.
Those left behind are following Darkness’ resistance to Divine Correction of the Error. Everyone and everything, including the Devil and Darkness Itself, are given the opportunity to accept the Correction. Unfortunately, Darkness and Its Devil have repeatedly rejected the Correction and have lured many to follow them. Many have chosen Darkness as their God. Regrettably, most people have done just that.
The Light will triumph. The viable beings of Light will be liberated from Darkness and they will be returned to the Kingdom of Light, where they will finally be re-connected with their True Divine Source.
I Shall Soon Gather All That Are Mine

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