
20 April 2011

World's power elite is full of occultists and devil worshipers!

By Hans Gaarder

In the historical work The Bible says:
"Then the devil took him (Jesus) with him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, saying:" All this I will give you if you fall down and worship me. ". Then Jesus said to him: "Depart from me, Satan!" ... Then the devil left him, and behold, angels came and ministered to him. " (Matthew 4, 8-11)
Basic element in the universe according to modern physics is awareness. Consciousness exists ay various levels called densities or dimensions. Certain consciousness "entities" ("entities") in parallel dimensions are called demons. "Satan" ("devil") is a demon. There are other demons like Moloch, Magog, Lucifer and Choronzon. In some cultures called jinns demons. Demons are able to influence people's lives, including giving power to people who have certain forms of interaction with them.
What is striking to many people who have or have had a lot of power in the world, is that they have been active participants in occult rituals involving demon-digital (demon Invocation). In modern times, include among others George HW Bush, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair and Peter-Hans Kolve Bach (the black pope in the Vatican) and William F. Buckley Jr.. (In NATO Dept. of mind control).
The fact that these persons have participated in the demonstration invokeringsritualer and has received great earthly power is an indication that the "Satan's temptations" of Jesus were real, ie. that a demon is able to provide underground power and wealth to certain people, "by appointment".
 Demons have their agenda and their needs as they live in our dimension to the extent that humans are contributing to this. Demons example. grouped according to the criteria "service to self" and "service two Others." This means that the demons that promote their own agendas, for example. using his "worshipers" useful idiots for their agendas (service to self) is called - demons - as bodiless consciousnesses whose agenda to help others including humans (servicing to Others) are called "angels".
People may like to know also grouped according to "service to self and service to Others criterion. A special group of people is "service to self" people who are in league with the "service to self" demons. In the movie Star Wars, this diabolical partnership symbolized by Darth Vader (who represents the black pope in the Vatican) and The Evil Emperor (representing a service to self demonstration unit - satan).
Otherwise, some demons pranksters who like to fool people, for example. of conveying telepathic message which is called "channeling." An Australian channeling medium who calls herself Blossom Goodchild managed eg. to get "half the world" to believe that a huge cosmic revelation would take place 14 October 2008, without anything happening that day. It is quite possible that she has been subjected to a fool-demon.

Another medium is American Nancy Lieder. She claims on her website that she receives information via the channeling of aliens residing on Earth (which she admittedly has not met eyeball-to-eyeball ...). There is a possibility that Nancy Lieder receive "not assured" info-feed from a demon who find this too well.
For those who choose not to receive "demo services" - are demons just a natural element of life, like migratory birds, mosquitoes in the jungle or the penguins at the South Pole: We notice nothing special to them, but we now know that they are out there or elsewhere.
A former Satanist and demon invocer have said it this way: "Satan is like a duck, leave it in peace it lets you in peace." Demon Lucifer ("bringer of light" - which is one of the great secrets of Masonry) can be considered as a shopkeeper offering their services for a fee. It is possible to say no, but if you accept you must also expect to pay the price.
As Eminem raps in the song "Say Goodbye Hollywood":
"If I Could go back, I never woulda rapped
In two days of my soul the devil, I'll never get it back
I just want to leave this game with level head Intact "
"Demon-light interaction is an important element of Freemasonry, which, among other things is manifested in the checkered floors that many of the rituals performed. The white squares symbolize this world, while the black squares symbolize the occult, demon world.
Hidden powers within the secret societies have by controlling practically the entire information flow in the western countries (education / media / publishing / religion, etc.) until the Internet came - "to set us free" - managed to keep hidden from the scientific existence of such bodiless awareness devices, aka demons / jinns, despite the fact that this is an item that is part of many cultures, myths and legends:

- The story of Aladdin's lamp is quite directly about the demon-invokering.
- In JRR Tolkien's book and the blockbuster "Lord of the Rings" there is a supernatural power that people are in possession after performing certain actions (taking on the ring), symbolizing the power of the demon-interaction can give. The plot of Lord of the Rings is about to have placed the power-giving the ring a place where it is out of reach for people, in other words. to close the gates transdimensjonale for good, so that the earthly life is stripped of inappropriate and negative demon-interference.

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