
24 May 2011

You Can Change The World

From the day we are born into this world, we are being taught what our parents have been taught, and what their parents have taught them, without asking much questions as to who we are, why we are here and why things are the way they are. Existential questions are simply perceived as abstract and irrelevant in a left-brained society focusing on money and career performance, and for those who seek a reason, countless financed religious institutions claim to provide the ultimate answers and ensure a securing spiritual identity.

Generations pass by, trends change, technologies are emerging and an affluent communication has opened the doors for new evolutionary ideas and insights that are pushing the envelope on society's boundaries. Yet evolutionary ideas seem to remain in the "fantasy" section of an industrialist system, for in the good old ways of a governing establishment we ought to trust.

"Authority knows best" is the slogan of our conventional wisdom, and we meanwhile can mind our own business, go on with our lives, get our needs met and live happily ever after as long as we conform to the norms of industrialism.

From cradle to grave, we are following the guidelines of what authority defines as a state-of-the-art system, in which "success" seems to begin and end within the running wheel of education, career performance, debt management and retirement. A vibrant economy is the ultimate priority of our global hierarchy, while a vibrant planet, the respect of all lifeforms, healthy foods, peaceful ways and conscious actions seem to be a mere subject of conversation, often turned into a few fundraising campaigns with very little or no impact at all, for they go against the very foundation of industrialist principles anyways. Way of the world it seems.

We shall nonetheless pass on these capitalist and patriotic values for our children to perpetuate the very same cycle we have been in for as long as we can remember, because after all, it is all we've ever known.

End of story?

If you believe it, then it is.

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