
19 June 2011


Be careful about what you wish for, you might just get it! How often have we heard this saying? The farmers of Alberta may well be having second thoughts after putting out how desperately they needed moisture just before the devastating floods that we were hit with because of record rainfalls. No doubt each of us has our own example of how this sentiment has manifested inappropriately in our lives. But what is this phrase really showing us? It is showing us that somehow we hold a societal belief that we have a link, on some deep level, with a Force that lies beyond us. That this force is somehow capable of hooking into our thoughts and our beliefs and manifesting them beyond our wildest dreams or expectations. The suggestion on a more personal level also implies that our lives can be affected by our thoughts and beliefs. Can this be so? Can the thoughts and beliefs that we put out be returned to us a thousand-fold as another common belief holds? Could it be possible that there are other levels of reality that intersect with ours and that interact with them, all through the thoughts and beliefs that we hold?

If this is so, then it is of utmost important to understand how we create the reality of our physical circumstances through what we believe and what we think. Equally it would be imperative to understand how we link into a greater Force of Being that interacts with us on the personal as well as the collective levels of existence. While being part of a Greater Whole that interacts with us on personal and collective levels may be a mystery to us now, it was not always so. In fact, the Hermetic saying, "As above, so below," reflected the understanding of this commonly held truth. Indeed it was the Mystery Schools of Ancient times that taught of the interconnection with those levels of existence that lay beyond our physical, third dimensional reality.

To the Ancients, those levels of existence were very real and very accessible to us in our physical, third dimensional reality. But only initiates were taught these Truths and it was not commonly shared with the uninitiated masses. But with time, these Mystery Schools died out and with them the Truths that they taught. But were these Universal Truths lost to us with the disappearance of the Mystery Schools?

They were not. Indeed they were held and passed down in the Mystery Teachings of other Cultures. They were held by the Mayans and passed on to the Shamans of Mayan culture known as the Zero Chiefs. They were held by the Hawaiian Kahunas who practiced the ancient practice of Huna. The inner teachings of Buddhism have long held the Truth of our Greater connection and our Greater Being. And the Truth was also held by the Indigenous people the World over who are once again sharing their ancient wisdom with Seekers who are open to discovering the Truth once again.

Besides learning through the Teachings of those who have held the Truth at this deep level for so long, it also appears that Mankind is starting to open up to the direct Teaching of those very Forces that we have always been part of. The incidence of Channelling those Higher Forces as well as interactive experiences with them is on the rise. This is important because of the need to learn how we create our personal reality through our personal beliefs and thoughts. By understanding this, we can start to change our lives and our world. We could create a world where the children are safe and Blessed, where there is balance and cooperation between all living things and where we live in harmony with Mother Earth herself. And if we are really wise, we might actually treat earnestly the axiom, 'be careful about what you wish for, you might just get it.
Will Berlinghof

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