Though by a Pakistani, this article very much covers the secret activity of the Rothschilds and the Illuminati and their role in Imperialist India.
A Lot of material worth researching.
A Lot of material worth researching.
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A Pakistani Views British
(Rothschild) Imperialism
A letter from Knight to Henry Makow
A Pakistani Views British
(Rothschild) Imperialism
A letter from Knight to Henry Makow
It was nice for you to touch upon British imperialism and its Illuminati roots.
Being a person of Pakistani origin, I was on the receiving end of it. This can be of help shedding light on what really took place under the shadow of British-Illuminati imperialism. Please feel free to publish it.
To start with, its no coincidence that British imperialism begins only after the Illuminati Jewish bankers, the Rothschilds become established in Britain and realize that they cannot exploit the rest of the world in a similar fashion, since the usual tactic of infiltration into corridors of power would not work in foreign lands. They therefore simply appropriated the British flag as theirs and used the British as their extensions in non-Western lands. The British were dosed with pride in the "empire", "race", "Christianity" and "Queen" whereas it was really Rothschild's empire they were making.
The greatest evidence of collusion between Illuminati and early Imperialists is the great friendship between racist coloniser Cecil Rhodes and the house of Rothschild. This has been detailed in Fritz Springmeier's "Bloodlines and the Illuminati"
I would like to take the instance of colonization of the subcontinent (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh). The British East India Company who came to India under the guise of traders first initiated colonization. You can read about their Illuminati links at this page which says that "They were closely related to the Levant Company, and the Anglo-Muscovy Company, and spawned the London Company, which was chartered in 1606 by King James I, to establish the Virginia Plantation on a communistic basis, and the Plymouth Colony in 1621." And again "Every year, 24 Directors were elected by the Court of Proprietors (or shareholders, a majority of which were English Masons)."
What exactly was the lure of India which set Columbus sailing? The answer is that the Muslim Mughal rulers had achieved a sophisticated urban society with a degree of opulence in gold and spices never before seen in history.
According to this link, "A report on Indian Industrial Commission published in 1919 said that the industrial development of India was at any rate not inferior to that of the most advanced European nations. India was not only a great agricultural country but also a great manufacturing country." It was the lure of Gold which attracted the Illuminati.
The British traders were not allowed to own property in India but one of them managed to gain the favors of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb by curing his ill wife. In return, he asked for land. This piece of land became the Madras Headquarters of the East India Company. After that, the East India company used the policy of divide and rule, pitting one group against the other. Robert Clive was an ambitious Englishman. Though not Illuminati, his ambitions made him a pawn in the hands of the Illuminati and his efforts are single-handedly credited with establishing a British empire in India. Yet, once he succeeded in doing that, The Illuminati had him removed like a hair in the butter; even had him court-marshaled and replaced with one of their operatives!
All was going well. According to this link 'The vacuum created by the contrived ruin of the Indian handicraft industries, a process virtually completed by 1880, was filled with British manufactured goods. Britain's industrial revolution, with its explosive increase in productivity made it essential for British capitalists to find new markets. India turned from exporter of textile to importer.'
As Indian Hindus still didn't have much of a concept of idealism or nationhood and the masses generally considered the new rulers not much different from the different powers they were serving for the last 1000 years, the British recognized their greatest enemy as Muslims and Muslim rulers. The Mughals still existed but their power had waned to within Delhi. A new threat arose in the South where a pious Muslim ruler, Tipu Sultan bearing the ancestry of the Prophet decided to unite all local powers against the British. He fought bravely but due to the treachery of the Muslim Nizam of Hyderabad, had to sign a humiliating treaty under which the Illuminati took his children as a security deposit! Lord Cornwallis (Illuminati) was involved in signing of the treaty. (yes, he's the same Cornwallis we later saw in America). Despite these hardships, Tipu fought back and died with a sword clutched in his hand surrounded by the bodies of dozens of Englishmen he had manages to kill.
After Tipu's murder in 1799, it was open season on India. The Rothschilds ordered the British to snatch and ship out every piece of gold they could lay their hands on. They started annexing princely states left and right. Lord Dalhousie (Illuminati) was appointed Governor General in 1848. Though there is a University built in Halifax in his name, few know that he started a policy by which any princely state of devoid of official heirs would be annexed by Rothschild British agents. This policy proved very successful.
However, the Muslim power was still seething, and in 1857, an all-out war of independence broke out. Though there are horror stories of Muslims massacring British, few know that the British beheaded the sons of the Last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar and presented their heads to him on platters! Bahadur Shah was later exiled to Burma where he spent the remainder of his life in a 4'x4' windowless jail cell.After that, there was a grand ball held at the Red Fort. The Rothschilds ensured that the original solid gold coated spires of the Taj Mahal were shipped off to Britain and replaced with brass ones. Instrumental in the success of the British were rail, telegraph and traitor princely states like the Nizam of Hyderabad.
India serves as a great example of how literature and language can be exploited and created for furthering Illuminati interests. Wilkie Collins of the Illuminati Collins bloodline started publishing imaginary tales of Muslim atrocities against Hindus and temple trashing by Muslim rulers in his famous novel, the Moonstone.
Hindus who were a non-cohesive group living peacefully with Muslims for years were suddenly pitted against Muslims. An Englishman started the original controversy of the Babri mosque being built on the birthplace of Hindu God Ram. To further distance Muslims from their Persian language and therefore Islamic roots, the British popularized Urdu language as a mass language for Muslims. The reason was that Urdu while sharing the script of Persian happened to be littered with native Indian words, making it more localized in its nature; and inheriting all the class bias of Indian language as well.
Then the British created Hindi language out of thin air as a national language for Hindus. Hindi was spoken like Urdu but had the script of Sanskrit, a Hindu script which had gone extinct centuries ago. Hindi would give Hindus identity making them antagonist to Muslims and Muslims would be encouraged to abandon Urdu for Hindi, breaking complete contact with Islamic script. A certain John Gilchrist of Fort William College, Calcutta, directed these language politics. Mr. Gilchrist can be aptly called the father of Hindi language.
Languages were not the only tools the Illuminati created. Realizing the danger posed by the call for jihad during Muslim Friday sermons, the British created a bogus Islam known as Qadyanism/Ahmedism/Ismailism, complete with its very own false prophet! This new cult would preach a "Colonial friendly Islam" and at the same time engage in assassinations of real Muslim intellectuals.
Illuminati Masonist/racist Rudyard Kipling would settle in India to further provoke the English to further colonialism by penning racist epithets like 'White Man's burden' (should be called "Rothschild's burden"). Kipling's seemingly innocent novels contain subtle anti-Islamism and his epic "Jungle Boy" carries the Disney- Illuminati theme of man and civilization being shunned for animals.
Kipling would even attempt to justify colonialism by pointing towards the British instruments of plunder such as railroads, telegraphs and the ports of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras as some landmarks of civilization which the Indians could not construct themselves. Such a claim is dubious since the India on the eve of British arrival was a prosperous one; and there is no way to tell how things would have been in the absence of the British.
What can be said is that the Indians failed to offer the Illuminati effective resistance; and were no match to their cold-blooded calculations. A very negative legacy left behind by the British was the culture of bribery and corruption in the administration lower levels. Since this corruption translated into very little when compared to the Illuminati stakes in India, The British preferred to keep an administration of bribe taking yes men rather than focus on clean administration. We find this culture continues to thrive in all areas of British imperialism; India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt and Nigeria.
India also became the focal point of the Opium Wars. There are reports that opium, which was bringing the decay of Oriental society and brought the downfall of the Chinese empire was actually being cultivated by the British in Patna and Afghanistan. The British did not sell it to Indians however. Instead they started giving away free tea (which contains addictive substance) at railway stations. Once the Indian population was hooked, they put a price on it.
Realizing the need for local Indian Illuminati operatives, Freemasonry made its entry into India. The first Lodge was established at Fort William, Calcutta in 1730. (The same fort William from which Hindi arose). Interestingly, its coat of arms was the lion on the seal of the British East India Company! Freemasonry was gradually established in all major Indian urban focal points.
As we know, the biggest Illuminati project of the 20th century was Communism. The Illuminati fostered the growth of the Indian National Congress through its operatives, A.O Hume and Wederburn. The idea was to create an independent India which would be a proxy for the Soviets. For this purpose, Indian freemasonry went overtime into grooming local Indian Mason operatives.
According to this official Masonic website, "Swami Vivekananda (initiated in 1884 under the name of Bro. Narendra Nath Dutt in Lodge Anchor & Hope, Calcutta). Motilal Nehru - Lodge Harmony, Kanpur (Father of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and grand father of Indhira Gandhi), C. Rajagopalachary (Governor General of India), Sir C P Ramaswamy Iyer (Divan of Travancore), Dr. P V Cheriy (Governor of Maharashtra), and Fakruddin Ali Ahmed (President of India)."
Since this Illuminati project of delivering an 'independent India' to the Soviet sphere of influence required top priority, Illuminati operative Helena Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in India. The purpose was two-fold. First, Blavatsky would dig up the swastika and Aryan theory for the Nazis who were created to attack Russia, which would result in the entire Eastern Europe and Germany being transferred to Communists.
Secondly, the Theosophical Society would coordinate the Indian Independence movement through the Indian National Congress. Even back then, rumours began circulating about Blavatsky and the "Russians". A key theosophist activist was Mrs. Annie Besant who despite acting against the British, managed to mysteriously escape being punished by them. If one analyses the Indian independence movement, we notice the British building a crescendo of antagonizing the Indian National Congress and then caving in to their demands'.whereas transfer of power to the INC was predetermined. Realizing that Indian National Congress leaders were phoney in every respect, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, a British educated lawyer managed to get a mandate for an all Muslim Pakistan without shedding a drop of blood or going to jail.
The last Governor General of India, Lord Mountbatten is considered to be associated with the Rothschilds. He realized the threat Pakistan would pose to the about to be created Soviet proxy India. He assured that independent India got more than its share of landmass, including islands in the Indian Ocean, many border districts initially marked for Pakistan (which resulted in the Muslims being massacred), 95% Muslim Kashmir which should have gone to Pakistan, The Muslim princely states of Junagadh and Hyderabad, the latter of whom was expecting independent status for its traitorous role in 1857 and North-Eastern territories consisting of Orientals!
The time India was liberated coincides with a little known private ceremony known as "Hour of the British Empire" which is held in London. Further, the Rothschild owned British Petroleum was granted unlimited rights to all offshore Indian oil, which is still valid till this day. There is reason to believe that the internationalists were behind the death/disappearance of Indian freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose who would become a popular rival to Theosophist groomed Nehru after independence. Unlike Nehru, Bose was on the frontline using Indian POW's of the British army captured by the Japanese to fight back against the British. His death remains a mystery and it was conducted by the Illuminati to ensure Nehru had all control over India.
The Congress party consisted of numerous freemasons and theosophists who ensured that India with its strategic landmass was always a total ally of the Soviet Union. Later, many communist countries including India became part of the "non aligned movement" which enabled them to remain allied to the Soviet Union and yet receive major aid from internationalists and their tax free foundations in America, including components for atomic weapons. Even Canadian Deuterium made its way into Soviet proxy India. All of Indian military hardware consisted of Russian technology and despite the cold war, the Illuminati was very reluctant to back Pakistan in any way.
Limited amounts of American small arms made it to Afghanistan through Pakistan but it is important to note that the American ambassador supervising it and the Pakistani President, General Zia were killed in the same plane crash! India had major stakes in the Soviet Union, including a possible obliteration of Pakistan if the Soviets made it across Afghanistan. It is interesting to note that the UN turned a blind eye to the illegal Indian invasion and annexation of Goa. This proves that the UN was created to foster Illuminati plans.
Of course, the farce of Indian independence will never be known to the casual observer, who is subjected to whitewash such as the BBC movie, "Gandhi" and Larry Collin's (Of Illuminati Collins bloodline) "Freedom at Midnight". As for Indians, despite their population of around 1 billion, they seem to be too hungry, hate obsessed and materialistic to ever figure out. And again, greeting the powerful of the world with folded hands is never looked down upon in India. And it rather represents a 1000 year old tradition.
It is interesting to note that the Indian government crushed the real peasant classes who became genuine Communists without the Communist International batting an eye; and Soviet aid to India was never hindered.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Illuminati switched horses; abandoning the Congress party for the Hindu fascist Bharatiya janata Party (BJP). Though never in control of this party, this was the closest the Illuminati could get to exercising influence. The UN and world media would turn a blind eye to the burning alive of 5000+ Muslim civilians by Hindu hoodlums. Israel would become intimately involved with India, to the extent of Israeli fighter planes being detected in the process of launching preemptive strikes on Pakistani nuclear reactors after India conducted its recent nuclear tests .The coming to light of this event enraged the Chinese allies of Pakistan to such an extent that they gifted Pakistan a complete fleet of fighter planes.
The recent resurgence of the Congress has upset Illuminati plans. The creation of a one world government under the Illuminati UN will require not just horrendous wars in the Middle East but the rest of the world as well. In South east Asia, we may see a war with Pakistan, North Korea and China against India, Taiwan and south Korea. If it happens to be a nuclear war, the carnage will help pave way for a UN one world government. For that purpose, the Illuminati is working to get the recently dethroned Hindu fascist BJP party back on its feet.
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