The recent goof up by India's premier investigative agency, the CBI has caused huge embarrassment to India and done irreparable damage in its fight against terror. The CBI had included the names of two persons in the list of most wanted absconding terrorists, believed to be hiding in Pakistan. Two of these alleged terrorists are still in India, one in jail and the other out on bail.
Shocking as this lapse may seem it is not an isolated incident restricted to the CBI only. This is the decaying state in which all of India's institutions find themselves in. This deterioration has not occurred on its own; it is a part of the well laid out plan by the New World Order Controlling India.
The objectives of the Illuminati who control Governance in India are precise and crystal clear.
1. Make all institutions, especially those engaged in enforcement duties so mired in red tape and Bureaucracy that all decision making capacity is reduced and they have to look towards the pawns of the Illuminati for each and every decision.
2. Merit has no consideration; its only time bound promotions and nothing else. Another common binding factor is the putting Indian Administration Service officials as Heads of theses institutions or the reporting authorities, ensures that specialization is reduced.
3. Ensure direct control of the institutions by the Political class, controlled by the Illuminati, so that there is no autonomy. All investigation into Scams is controlled by the scamsters themselves. This is essential for the cover up of all scams, ensures that looting goes on unhindered.
4. These institutions are used as a tool to fix those who fall out with the ruling cartel by digging up CORRUPTION cases, normally used to ensure cooperation and silence.
5. Most intelligence resources can easily be allotted to surveillance on potential Political opponents and for purposes of intimidation and blackmail. And also towards gathering election data and surveys. The explains why the goof up by the CBI took place, they just don’t bother about matters like terrorism and national security.
6. Ensuring total lack of cooperation and help to honest civil servants. The recent case of the honest Civil Servant Yeshwant Sonawane who tried to discharge his duty by fighting the fuel Adulteration mafia is an eye opener. In the line of his duty he was burnt alive to death by the mafia on the eve of India’s Republic Day .However it must be said that he died bravely, clinging on to the mafia boss even as be was burning. The mafia boss died a few days later of third degree burns.
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