
09 June 2011

Researcher: Comet Elenin and brown dwarf star are part of ET reptilian invasion

By Alfred Lambremont Webre  Seattle Exopolitics Examiner

In an exclusive June 8, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Donny Gillson, former On-Air Personality for KRTY-FM (San Jose, CA) known as “Don Adams”, 32nd degree Freemason and Knights Templar, and researcher into Comet Elenin, “Nibiru”, Brown Dwarf stated that Comet Elenin (whose closest passage to Earth is expected September 26, 2011) and an accompanying brown dwarf star expected March 22, 2012 (“3/22”) are part of a Draco Reptilian extraterrestrial invasion of Earth that whistleblower Michael Prince has stated U.S. intelligence has expected since 1964.

Mr. Gillson contends that Comet Elenin is a UFO that may be a Nephilim (“Fallen Angel”) Reptilian extraterrestrial mothership.  He notes that a trio of comets, Elenin, Levi, and Honda will precede the passage of the brown dwarf star around 3/22/2012 that will trigger a full pole shift on Earth.  The over-all purpose of a reptilian extraterrestrial invasion will be to capture as many human souls as possible for imprisonment and consumption by a grey-reptilian alliance, according to Mr. Gillson.

Whistleblower Michael Prince has stated in his book James Casbolt MI6 Buried Alive that U.S. and U.K. intelligence knew that the 1997 Hale Bopp comet was being followed by a Draco Reptilian Mothership, to which grey extraterrestrials transported 100,000 humans as tribute.  U.S. and U.K. intelligence triggered suicides in the Heaven’s Gate cult at the time to deflect media and public attention from this incoming threat.  Mr. Prince has also witnessed underground prisons at which human souls are technologically held in cages by grey extraterrestrial captors.

Whistleblower: WWIII, a war between hostile ETs and humanity, has started

Watch exclusive interview with Donny Gillson on Comet Elenin, Nibiru, the brown dwarf star
Readers can view the interview with Donny Gillson embedded in the article above or at the following URL.

Unconstitutional search and seizure of Elenin research without warrant
Gillson’s Comet Elenin research, documents, and materials were seized without warrant and Gillson arrested, surrounded by 20 squad cars after his release, and handcuffed after conducting this ExopoliticsTV interview

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