
26 June 2011

Why they needed 9/11: Oil, Money, and Geopolitics

The systematic suppression of alternative energy exposed!

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance." -- James Madison

The first person to distill gasoline from crude oil was Benjamin Sillman Jr., a chemist from the prestigious Yale University, who is credited with developing much of the Oil industry. Sillman, who later became a professor of chemistry at Yale was also a member of the Skull and Bones Fraternity.

Secret Societies like Skull and Bones are breeding grounds for the concentration of wealth and power. They represent an Ivy League consolidation of bankers, politicians, intelligence agents, CEOs, and scientists who are generally willing to endorse policy favorable for the elite, including the control and mass use of oil as well as the suppression of alternative energies.

The elites would love for people to focus on the bizarre rituals, since the occult provides the perfect distraction while networks of people are tapped and put into positions of power.

A perfect example of this would be the 2004 elections where George Bush and John Kerry, both members of Skull and Bones, were the only choices given to the American people. Even Obama has proven with the bailouts that he works for the interests of Wall Street and the international bankers and NOT the American people.

Drill baby Drill is now Spill baby spill...

Now that you understand a bit better about how things got the way they are, you should also understand that they don't have to be this way. There are solutions they've just been carefully hidden from the public view along with the root problems explained thus far.

And why not, we're talking about a system that makes these people $Billions and keeps them in control.

On the one hand we could audit the Federal Reserve and try to get our system back to using sound money again. But that does nothing to fix the so called "energy crisis". On the other hand we could start the Clean Renewable Energy revolution and undermine the entire system from the inside out while saving the planet in the process. By taking out the foundation their entire house of cards is built upon...

This is why Monopoly man J.P. Morgan told Nikola Tesla that he wouldn't fund anything he couldn't put a meter on." And this is also why alternative energy technologies and even the electric car have been violently suppressed by the establishment.

With your help, we can blow this case wide open... and the revolution can begin.

But it's going to take more than sending this video to everyone you know and simply exposing the fraud and manipulation we are under...

The real solutions can only come through new energy technologies. We're surrounded by a sea of energy. There's no energy crisis... If anything it's a crisis of ingenuity or creativity or imagination...

or the suppression thereof. . .

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