
20 July 2011

Is freemasonry at the heart of the current scandals?

According to Freemasonry Watch Rupert Murdoch is a freemason. This would not surprise as freemasonry works by recruiting people in positions of power so it follows that journalists and media proprietors would be very high on their list of priorities for membership. Also with immense power are politicians so it is no surprise that both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are often referred to as being members. And of course very large numbers of policemen are members. I was told recently that it is impossible to rise above the rank of Inspector without joining a lodge.

Then look at what becoming a freemason means. Firstly it is secret, so the rest of society doesn’t know what is going on. Secondly freemasons have to swear oaths. These oaths are heart chilling in their power and involve skulls, daggers and coffins. They swear that if they break their oaths their entrails will be spread along the beach! In these oaths they swear that their brother freemasons come before everything else. Before family, before employer, before the law.

The handbook of masonry says: “You must conceal all crimes of your brother Masons…and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him…It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you’re keeping your obligations“. So you can never believe anything a freemason says, even if it is under oath.

You can see how the very heart of freemasonry is corruption, which makes its members corrupt. Every time there is a conflict of interest freemasonry comes first. So for many policemen, many politicians and many journalists freemasonry and fellow freemasons are more important than the law of the land. No wonder we have rotten corruption at the very heart of British society.

If a journalist is a freemason and he is interviewing or reporting on a fellow freemason it is obvious that he is going to do the job differently. Likewise a policeman applying the law or a politician wielding power. At the moment all these people know that they are above the law. And it is all secret.

The whole hacking scandal that is unravelling at the moment is just the tip of the iceberg. It is just one small symptom of the cancer of freemasonry that pervades British society. Once you know that it is there you can see it in so many things. Going after Murdoch and a few bent coppers will not fix the problem. What we need is the following:
  • Policemen absolutely forbidden to be freemasons. The conflict of interests is too great. This should be made a criminal offence.
  • All elected politicians both local and national should state on their member’s interests whether or not they are freemasons. This should also go on every ballot paper.
  • Every media outlet to list all their journalists, stating their freemasonry status.
  • All people in senior public office, the IPCC, judges, senior civil servants etc forced to publicly state their membership status.
Unless this is done the same problems will be there as a cancer just rotting the heart of our establishment, eroding our laws and eroding our democracy.
If you want to get a further idea about how powerful, pervasive and corrupt freemasonry is then read “The Brotherhood” by Stephen Knight.

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