
07 August 2011

Evil, like the concept of God, is not something humans can properly explain with their limited understanding

Amitakh Stanford

Many think of Darkness as an absolute principle of Evil. This is not strictly so. Some people think Darkness is the ignorant, unawakened part of oneself. Still others think of Darkness as the shadowy part of the self that is temporarily separated from the Divine. Whatever concept of Evil humans have put forward throughout the ages, the fact remains that there is no complete, absolute explanation of Evil. This is partly because Evil, like the concept of God, is not something humans can properly explain with their limited understanding, especially under the constraint of using words as their means of expression. Hence, in this article my explanations of some very complex and esoteric issues are highly simplified. Further, analogies are used to try to make the explanations more understandable to the physical minds. Therefore, they will not be perfectly adequate explanations.

The most dangerous misconception about Evil is that It is believed to be necessary in order to balance the Light. This misconception actually justifies Darkness and is a deadly trap. It locks people into tolerating, and, worse still, embracing Evil, thus giving Evil the same glory and importance as Light. If that be the case, there would be no need to fight Evil, there would be no need to counteract Evil, and there would be no need to work on oneself towards Purity and goodness. If Evil were necessary to balance Light, then one's house should be open indiscriminately to marauders as well as friends at all times.

The Light is A-itu, which means "The Eternal Flame".

Darkness has several representatives who make up an assembly of thoughts from the various beings. These thoughts are extremely putrid and form the "circle" of Darkness. The energy assembled in the "circle" of Darkness becomes the total mind of Darkness - the Evil Mind.

It is from the Evil Mind that all Evil forms are created and projected into the realms of Darkness. The Evil Mind is a mind of total Evil. There is no Light in the Evil Mind. The Evil Mind is the total mind of eight high beings of Light who have embraced Darkness. These eight beings of Light, are now, for all intents and purposes, beings of Darkness. For want of a better description, they are called the eight evil minds. Each of them expresses extreme deception, cruelty and filth. They are so cunningly deceptive and evil that pure beings are easily deceived by them because pure beings have difficulties comprehending Evil.

Thus, it has taken extreme laboured efforts and Love for the Light to study Evil in order to gain sufficient understanding of Evil so that It can be effectively combated. Many people believe that love conquers all, but Love does NOT conquer all in this realm of Virtual Reality controlled by Evil. In fact, Love cannot conquer Evil in this evil creation. Love can only appear to conquer Evil in this Evil realm because Evil surreptitiously manipulates, suffocates, exploits and abuses True Love for Its own selfish purposes. It has often been observed that when Love no longer serves Evil's purposes, Evil can turn and reveal Its ugly face without remorse or conscience. It is only the viable True-Light beings who can be touched by True Love in this Virtual Reality.

In the True-Light Creation, all beings embrace Unconditional Love. Emotional love, which was created by Darkness, is different from Divine Love. Emotional love mimics Divine Love to trap the unawares. Evil thoughts and actions that are contrary to Purity originate from the Evil Mind. In the simplest terms possible, the Evil Mind can be seen as one that arises from a mutual co-operative effort of the eight high beings of Light who have gone awry. Although none of the eight minds trust one another, they came together for their own selfish purposes in hopes of overthrowing the Light. They know that each of them cannot achieve the goal independently, thus they have joined forces for the common interest of toppling the Light. Were they able to achieve their goal, they would then fight amongst themselves for supremacy of Darkness.

Evil cannot exist in the True-Light Realm. The ultimate effort of Darkness is to taint the True-Light Creation by contamination, putrefaction and corruption. In other words, in order to make the True-Light Creation habitable for themselves, the eight minds would need to lower the frequency of the True-Light Realm by corrupting It until the True-Light Realm would be compatible with Evil. 

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