
08 August 2011

Expert witness: U.S. covering up documented ETs & UFOs over White House, Capitol

UFOs broadcast by BBC in live White House TV newsfeed, Oct. 13, 2010 Credit:, Will Allen

Wilbur “Will” Allen, a former White House employee and Air Force One engineer under U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton and an expert photographer of interdimensional UFOs in the prohibited P56-A airspace over Washington, DC, has revealed in an exclusive August 7, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that U.S. government agencies are continuing a public cover-up of continuing, recent documented interdimensional extraterrestrial UFOs that are creating interdimensional wormholes and flying over the U.S. Capitol and White House.

Mr. Allen indicates that some of these documented interdimensional UFO/ET events in prohibited airspace occurred as recently as July 4, 2011 over the Washington Monument, which is the center of P56-A prohibited airspace. The UFO events also include an October 13, 2010 broadcast of three spherical UFOs during a BBC TV report from the White House.

A public panic like the 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast

Mr. Allen states that, in his opinion, U.S. government agencies are refraining from informing the public of these UFO overflights over prohibited airspace of U.S. governance venues because they fear that disclosing these continued overflights would trigger public panic along the lines of the infamous “War of the Worlds” invasion broadcast hoax by actor Orson Welles of October 30, 1938.

Mr. Allen has also stated that that "Everett Bellamy (Senior Assistant Dean of Georgetown Law Center), on behalf of John Podesta, who is a full-time faculty member at Georgetown Law Center, a former White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton (1998-2001) and Co-chair of the Obama Transition Team (2008-9), told Mr. Allen that the frequent UFO and extraterrestrial over flights and landings on the U.S. Capitol that Mr. Allen is able to document photographically using state of the art high definition equipment could, if made widely public, 'destabilize society,' and urged Mr. Allen to cease his activity documenting these UFO/ET over fights and landings."

Watch ExopoliticsTV interview with Will Allen

Readers can watch an ExopoliticsTV interview with Will Allen on UFOs over White House and U.S. Capitol embedded in the article above or at the following URL:

UFOs during live BBC White House TV coverage

In his ExopoliticsTV interview, as an example of UFO activity that is captured and blatantly broadcast on mainstream media and yet is kept from public discourse and public attention, Will Allen discusses the October 13, 2010 BBC broadcast of three UFOs during a live White House TV update.

As described by Robert Stanley, Mr. Allen’s colleague in his book Covert Encounters in Washington, DC, “As a BBC Washington correspondent reported on the Obama Administration’s policy regarding homosexuality in the military, three spherical, glowing UFOs were unintentionally broadcast on television for at least one minute as they hovered near the White House. The UFOs moved independently and were violating P56-A which is the heart of the prohibited airspace that centers around the Washington monument.”

No public commentary, either on the BBC or other mainstream media, or by the Obama administration press office or any U.S. government agency appeared after this BBC world broadcast of interdimensional UFO/ETs by the White House.

Research by this reporter reveals that the UFO and extraterrestrial truth embargo continues to be enforced through a peer pressure White House media infrastructure played out with White House press corps reporters.

Please see: White House Press Association, press secretary block ET, UFO press questions to Obama

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