Until Freemasons took over the Papacy,
many Catholic popes condemned the cult as a mortal threat.
many Catholic popes condemned the cult as a mortal threat.
In 1902, Leo XIII said the aim of Freemasonry is "to exercise an occult
overlordship upon society; [its] sole raison d'etre
is to wage war against God and His church."
Modern history and the New World Order are the product of
Masonic propaganda and subterfuge. Obama. the Bushes, Clinton -- all Freemasons. Communism, Zionism - branches of Freemasonry.
is to wage war against God and His church."
Modern history and the New World Order are the product of
Masonic propaganda and subterfuge. Obama. the Bushes, Clinton -- all Freemasons. Communism, Zionism - branches of Freemasonry.
Abridged from a traditional Catholic website
unambiguously called "Destroy Freemasonry"
Addressing the Church April 20, 1884, Pope Leo XIII published his magnificent Encyclical "Humanum Genus."
Taking up Saint Augustine's analogy of the two cities which, on earth, constitute the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan, the Pontiff reviews the progress of Freemasonry and writes:
"It is now [public knowledge] that [Freemasons] undertake to ruin the Holy Church, so as to succeed, if it is possible, in the complete dispossession of Christian nations of all the gifts they owe to Our Savior Jesus Christ.
"As a result, in the space of a century and a half, the sect of the Freemasons has made incredible progress. Making use ... of audacity and cunning, Masonry has invaded all the ranks of social hierarchy, and in the modern States it has begun to seize a power which is almost equivalent to Sovereignty.
Leo XIII refers frequently to the hypocrisy which is the basis of "White Freemasonry" and mentions its revolutionary aims which turns it into "Red Masonry."
This Encyclical most strikingly reveals the triple Masonic character, namely:
1. Counter Morality
"It aims at the complete destruction of the foundations of justice and honesty. In this way Freemasons make themselves the auxiliaries of those who wish that, like an animal, man had no other rule of conduct than his own desires -- Such a scheme can only dishonor human kind and ignominiously cast him into perdition."
" Laying this down, they care little for duties to God, or pervert them by erroneous and vague opinions. For they deny that anything has been taught by God; they allow no dogma of religion or truth which cannot be understood by the human intelligence, nor any teacher who ought to be believed by reason of his authority."
2. Counter State
Pope Leo XIII foresaw that Freemasonry would soon form the Super State. [Whence] there was issued the Masonic dogma of separation of Church and State; thence, issued also the anti-religious laws which Brother Bethmont, [a Freemason explained as follows:]
"Violence against the Church leads nowhere, we shall use other means. We shall organize a persecution which shall be both clever and legal; we shall surround the Church with a network of laws, decrees and ordinances which will stifle it without shedding one drop of blood."
Who, may I ask, is making those closely woven nets of laws, decrees and ordinances? The State, of course, but it is a Masonic State, an irreligious State under the power of a Super State which at the present moment is the Ruler of the World.
It is with a feeling of fear that one brings to mind the death sentence pronounced against humanity in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
"When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness -- blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony."
That Super State is called Judeo-Masonry.
3. Counter Church
Lastly, Leo XIII concludes by unmasking the Satanism of Judeo-Masonry:
"The facts which we have reviewed throw sufficient light upon inner constitution of Freemasons and show clearly the road they are following in order to reach their goal. Their chief dogmas are so completely and manifestly opposed to sane reason that it is difficult to imagine deeper perversion. In reality is it not the peak of madness and of the most audacious impiety to be so presumptuous as to want to destroy the religion and the Church created by God Himself: and assured of His perpetual protection; and after 18 centuries to want to replace it with the customs and institutions of pagans?"
"Still no less horrible nor easy to bear to witness the repudiation of those gifts which, in His mercy, Jesus Christ bestowed first on individuals, then to human beings grouped both in families and in nations. Even the enemies of Christianity acknowledge the supreme value of those gifts.
"There is no denying that in this foolish and criminal plan it is easy to understand the implacable hatred and passion for revenge which animate Satan toward Jesus Christ. We refuse to follow the dictates of such iniquitous masters that bear the names of Satan and of all evil passions."
Complete Text of Genus Humanum
Other Popes and Masons on Freemasonry
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