
26 February 2012

Zionism Is Not Judaism Or Jewish


Daily Bell: We've been arguing lately that people ought not to use the word Zionism but should call the elite a mafia, even a Jewish Mafia - one that hires 'Jewish' people the way that the Italian Mafia hires Italian Catholics.

Why is it that the alternative news media is so intent on the using the word Zionist? What is a Zionist? Doesn't using the word confuse the issue? Isn't the issue really one of organized crime?

David Icke: Well, this is a very big area and one I am happy to speak about because I have been speaking about it for a long, long time.

There are many people in the alternative media who won't go here but they need to big time, to understand what's happening, mostly they are frightened of the consequences. I am not interested in consequences; I'm interested in what's happening. Consequences will take care of themselves.

What has happened is that there has been a massive mind manipulation going on that has caused people to acquaint the word Zionist with Jewish, as if every Jew is a Zionist. Now, quite demonstrably that is nonsense.

There are significant numbers of Jewish people who not only don't support Zionism but venomously oppose it, but because they have equated in the public mind that Zionism equals 'the Jewish race,' then if you challenge Zionism, you must be anti-Semitic (which actually means anti-Arab but that's another story).

Anyway, I call it, whenever I use the term, Rothschild Zionism, because I want to closely underpin that which created it, and that which controls it to this day for its own ends. Zionism in its public persona is a political philosophy that believes its own things should happen. But at its core it's a secret society, as much a secret society that anyone could name.

The Rothschild's control it.

So when we see 1.7% - 2% of the American people being Jewish, and significant numbers of them oppose Zionism, so then you have a smaller number of people who support Zionism, then you've got an infinitely smaller number, that are Zionists - who only support Zionism because they've been sold the idea that Zionism is the belief that Zionism should happen or be.

Which brings us to the core of Rothschild Zionism, which are those people who are members of the secret society, and who are operating in full knowledge of what they are doing.

They're the people that end up in such ludicrous ratio, of the Zionists who in the population to Zionists in power are the forms of,
---people like Rahm Emanuel, the handler of Barack Obama

---people like David Axelrod, who ran Obama's election campaigns and oversees the words on the teleprompter to this day

---people like Paul Wolfowitz, who was the main power in the Pentagon at the time of 9/11

---people like Dov Zakheim, who was Comptroller at the time of 9/11

---people like Michael Chertoff, who was the co-author of the Patriot Act and the second head of Homeland Security

---The people running the lies and ludicrous climate change and global warming policies in the Obama administration are Rothschild Zionists.

You look at the head of the Federal Reserve through Reagan, Father Bush, through Clinton and almost to boy Bush, Alan Greenspan, Rothschild Zionist.

Here is the man who orchestrated the destruction of checks and balances that lead to the collapse, manufactured and engineered, in 2008. He was replaced just before all that happened with Ben Bernanke, who is another Rothschild Zionist.

Then you look at the people in the Clinton administration, the Secretaries of the Treasury, etc., and people who followed with them, who massively imposed the destruction of checks and balances that Greenspan was working for and,

---you get Robert Rubin, Rothschild Zionist

---you get Larry Somers, Rothschild Zionist

---you get Timothy Geithner, Rothschild Zionist

Then Obama comes in to solve all the problems that they created with their destruction of checks and balances and the crash, and he appoints Timothy Geithner, Rothschild Zionist, as his Secretary of Treasury, his number two of economic policy, Larry Summers, and so it goes on.

The ratio is absolutely fantastic. Then you look at the fact that a country of eight million people is the biggest recipient of American overseas aid and arms support and funding.

What on Earth is going on? Why?

Then you look at a useless, despicable man called Benjamin Netanyahu, who's treating Palestinians just as bad as the bloody Nazis did, comes and speaks to an assembly on Capital Hill and he gets standing ovation after standing ovation for talking total nonsense. It's because the Rothschild Zionists have taken over American politics, American foreign policy and American government, at all the different levels.

They took over the British government a long time ago; it's just more obvious now.

In Britain we have,

---David Cameron, the prime minister, Rothschild Zionist

---the opposition party, the Labor Party, a guy called Ed Milliband, Rothschild Zionist

There are less than 300,000 Jewish people in Britain compared with a population of more than 60 million. What's going on?

I went to New Zealand late last year and the Jewish population in New Zealand is not even a point percentage but Prime Minister Key is a Rothschild Zionist. It's an elephant in the living room.

If any of these people were Chinese or Arab or South African, people would be asking,

"What's going on?"

But people are frightened about pointing out the elephant in the living room because they're frightened of the consequences and the reaction. If we don't want to live in a world of total and utter Orwellian control we better start acknowledging the elephant in the living room pretty quick.

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