
11 June 2012

The Ron & Rand Paul Betrayal

June 10, 2012

Libertarianism is controlled opposition, part of the phony Illuminati dialectic.
Readers of this website are not surprised by the news the Pauls are endorsing Mitt Romney.

Not since Stalin made a pact with Hitler have idealists felt so betrayed.

by Anthony Migchels

Rand Paul endorses Mitt Romney last Friday, just days after Romney was anointed at the Bilderberg Conference, elitists who started financing Ron Paul with millions a few months ago.

The backlash among the libertarian community is intense.

Libertarian leaders all over the place are denouncing him. Adam Kokesh is clearly hurting badly here. On Prison Planet, arguably the most influential pro Paul outlet, the headlines are all about Rand Paul's betrayal. Mike Adams still cannot believe it and wonders if Paul Jr. is getting in to demolish the system from the inside. This YouTube video asks its viewers to vote to show how they feel and 90% dislike the news. Rand Paul's Facebook page is being inundated with messages of thousands of disgruntled supporters.

It's so bad one wonders whether the Pauls have miscalculated. And let there be no doubt, they have been calculating. Even to an outsider like myself, who never cared for either one, it looks like the most cynical, blatant and utterly ruthless sell out ever.

Consider this.

In March Time Magazine quoted a Ron Paul adviser as saying, 'If you're talking about putting Rand on the ticket, of course that would be worth delivering our people to Romney'. (go to 3:40 for the quote).

Lew Rockwell has declared that the whole Paul campaign was never about winning. I wonder what millions of his followers (and donors) think about that?

According to Rockwell, it was all about educating people on the wonders of Austrian Economics, not about winning elections. This probably explains why Paul Sr. never ran as an independent, but preferred losing primaries.

After working for years on Paul's campaign, Rockwell is now saying one shouldn't vote and shouldn't be involved in partisan politics. Now, how disingenuous is that?


And of course this is just days after Romney was at Bilderberg, upping his credentials as a real threat to Obama big time.

So what does it all mean?

Well it's obvious. Ron Paul exists to lead the opposition into a blind alley. He doesn't run as an independent, which he would, were he for real. To him it's more important that a GOP candidate wins and he's undoubtedly worried he would split the vote of the right.

According to his buddy Rockwell, Paul's role is to educate the masses, not to change politics. He 'touched the hearts of billions of people' with his love of gold and Austrian Economics.

In the typical Hegelian way, his 'antithesis' of a 'free currency market' dominated by gold vs the 'thesis' of government/central bank controlled currency will lead to the classic gold standard the Money Power wanted always.

The Daily Bell's Anthony Wile seems to think so, anyway. Romney is not on board yet, but on the right the momentum for a gold standard is clearly gaining traction and the next crisis, expected anytime, will not be let go to waste.

The GOP will be happy. Ron Paul will probably retire now and is out of the way. Like the Tea Party, Rand Paul has been completely incorporated in the GOP establishment. He's got the charisma of a dead fish and the war mongering program of the traitorous sell-out that he is. Cut loose from his father's support he will quickly disappear as a real force.


I think it's fair to say everything has gone more or less as expected. The Money Power has co-opted the opposition in classical fashion. The millions gasping for genuine change are left holding the bag.

After this election a new change agent will be quickly conjured up out of nowhere, perhaps to establish a Hamiltonian banking system, which, to me, seems to be the next frontier for controlled opposition.

What I find interesting is that both Rand Paul and Lew Rockwell look rather depressed in the linked videos. At least we can see that evil is not a pleasant place.

Anthony Migchels is a Dutch monetary reformer . Please visit his blog and support his courageous and selfless work.

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