
10 August 2012

Zionist Monstrosity – frankenfood poisoning and future famine

In the year 1943, There was a great famine caused in Bengal which was a planned action of the Zionist German Jew Rothschild who owned the British East India company.

Churchill's SECRET WAR - Deception is deeper than you think

In response to an urgent request by the Secretary of State for India, Leo Amery, and Viceroy of India, Wavell, to release food stocks for India, Churchill responded with a telegram to Wavell asking, if food was so scarce, “why Gandhi hadn’t died yet.“

Food deliveries from other parts of the country to Bengal were refused by the government [aka Churchill] in order to make food artificially scarce. This was an especially cruel policy introduced in 1942 under the title “Rice Denial Scheme.”

If You just look at his face, you can easily tell his true nature which would be clear to any man. His face reflects the darkness that lies within him, and history is proof of the dark actions committed by this monster who was part of the dark clan of the Zionist.

Churchill’s mother the attractive Jennie Jerome was a Rothschild.

He was a henchman of the the German Ashkennazi Jew Rothschild who was the owner of the British east India company. This was the man who was also involved in engineering the two world war’s which helped the Zionist make a lot of money from war.

Churchill and jews lifelong friendship by martin gilbert

They are the SAME drug runners who cultivated Opium in India and made the Chinese addicted to drugs. They made a lot of money off the deaths that was caused by famine caused by the Opium production in India. ( Opium makes the land barren and nothing can be grown on the lands after this crop is produced.)

Zionist Poison corrupts the world

Its more than clear that in the year 1943, India was still under the direct control of the monsters of the British East India company. Hence any excuse that the Indian Government did not do any thing to protect its public is absolute bullshit propaganda to hide the real intentions of the monsters who deprived many people of their lives.

No one is Safe from Zionist monsters 

The Zionist have manipulated the history, facts and the atrocities they have committed all over the world and specially in India which many people of this country have never bothered to double check.

Zionist Stooge Amartya Sen married to Emma Georgina Rothschild 

How many of us Indians are aware of this man’s existence, let alone understand why this man even won a Nobel prize?

His second wife was Jewish Italian Eva Colorni who had died in 1985, and he had got his Nobel prize 2.5 years before he met Emma Georgina Rothschild.

He is nothing more than a Zionist Stooge who they wanted to use to warp and manipulate the economics and the mind sets of people of India. The third wife of Amritya Sen – Emma Georgina Rothschild is the direct decendent of the Amschel Mayor James Rothschild on her fathers side.

Bengal Famine of 1943:

Amartya Sen (1976) revived the claim that there was no shortage of food in Bengal and that the famine was caused by inflation, with those benefiting from inflation eating more and leaving less for the rest of the population, a claim which had been widely used at the time as a justification for not sending food to Bengal. Sen claimed that there was in fact a greater supply in 1943 than in 1941, when there was no famine. He rejected, without reasons, the calculations of The Famine Inquiry Commission, Afzal Husain.

Amartya Sen re-writing Indian History for Rothschilds 

Amartya Sen was used to whitewash all the atrocities committed by the Rothschild family in India by writing the his bullshit books. This is the reason he got the “Nobel Prize” which is just a propaganda machine for the Pseudo Global elites who intend to manipulate the flow of information in the world to control it at a global level. “Nobel Peace Prize” has also been set up by these Global elites to magnify Gentiles who follow the instructions of the Zionist to the dot.

Fame, fortune and Nobel Peace Prize for being a nice Goyim puppet!

Such people have no honor and do not stand for justice!

Zionist poison spreads to destroy the world 

After all this information, you must be thinking why is it related to “Green Revolution”?

This was a very long term attack done towards the people of the world which even includes the people of India.

After the great famine, the British East India company made sure that food did not reach Bengal which was well connected by roads and Sea. Which aided them in the propaganda, in destroying the native farming industry which is the source of life for any enemy. This was a war tactic played by the Zionist to slowly kill off their enemies by giving them mass produced lower quality food grains which most of the Indians eat today.

Green Revolution fraud

Listen to the Audio Link Below:
Rockefeller Conspiracy to destroy Punjab and India

Since that time, India had to import food from America which was of the most inferior quality of food grains in the world. The quality of food grains was so bad that “Americans” did not even feed their cattle. This food supply continued to be imported to India till the 1960′s which gave them ample of time to create bio-engineered frankenfood which was created by another “Zionist” Norman Borlaug.

From – -

Those, that is, like Dr. Borlaug’s fellow scientist Paul Ehrlich, whose 1968 book “The Population Bomb” predicted worldwide famine within twenty years as a result of rising birth rates and limited resources. Hundreds of thousands of people, Dr. Ehrlich soberly prophesied, would starve to death by 1988. He compared the “population explosion” –he coined the phrase – to the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells in a body, and advocated the “radical surgery” of compulsory birth control, in the form of spiking the world water supply with sterilizing chemicals.

Jews the world over have now begun the yearly cycle of synagogue Torah-reading anew. In the first portion of Genesis, the world is created, the first man formed, and the former is entrusted by G-d to the latter. To be sure, Adam, and we, his descendants, are forbidden to wantonly destroy nature. But we are also mandated, as per G-d’s command to the first man and woman, to “subjugate… all the land,” to press the earth’s natural resources into the service of the human race.

You can clearly see the deception and the information provided in this video, and you can see that you have been used as the first Guinea pigs who have been fed the same genetically engineered food since 1960′s by the Zionist who give themselves the “Nobel Peace Prize” for the disasters they caused in the first place!

Green revolution fraud of Global Ruling Cheats

We are going to be hit by the next wave of Bio- Engineered Food which is filled with Animal DNA which is fed to you every single day of of your life since 1960′s. Hopelessly entangled in the dark-web created by the Zionist who have planned the destruction of the world for over 2500 years so their “Race” can stay ahead of all humanity.

Green Revolution caused by the dark spawn of Kali the demon 

This high yield Genetically engineered Food grains use a system which uses more amount of water and the use of Fertilizers instead of Cow dung as manure. Hence, more amount of water is used to produce these high yield grains which are made from completely unnatural methods.

Green Revolution – Ground water contamination

So what is the problem if we are able to make a lot more food?

Do you even understand if you push nature to go out of its flow and go beyond its laws then your whole society will eventually break.

The Vedic Civilization was built on respecting the laws of nature and living within the means provided by nature itself. However, the system established by these Global elites have completely corrupted the natural laws that made our lives healthy, wealthy and wise.

Now with this poisonous food that we eat today, will cut down our lives every single day and our coming generations will have shorter life span compared to what we have today. This is a slow poison which was made to slowly kill you off by the Pseudo Global elites who want to have the best for themselves and make the rest of the world burn in hell.

Corrupted food from Green Revolution lead to population explosion 

You can clearly see the trend that has followed by the introduction of the corrupted system which was aimed to cultivate the population of India as cattle. India used to be more of a Agricultural based economy before the advent of the foreign powers that completely destroyed our original way of life to fill their empty lives, pockets and heart with gold.

Today, we have shifted from self owned farming business to become a Service based economy which means we are only working for other people and not creating any thing. This is a whole new level of slavery cultivated by the people who had taken over India and stolen every thing from it.

Green Revolution – the web of deceit

Bio – engineered food is not the only problem that comes along with this system as you can clearly see in the above picture. Our Environment is completely polluted by the system that has come along with the industrialization of India, which i have personally despised since the beginning.

Green revolution frankenfood – containing animal DNA to produce more than normal amount of food. 

Its time, that you as Indians start asking the same questions that the Average “American Man” has started asking his government about the food that is being cultivated and fed to them every single day. They are going through the same problems and more due to the processed food that is fed to them by the ruling elites of the world.

Green Revolution – Franken Foods

You have been lead into the same trap by the Global elites who consider your lives nothing more than Cattle. Yes, you are nothing more than cattle to them, and they will not hesitate when it comes down to taking your lives if you stand up against them.

Is that going to stop you from rising up? or are you going to remain in the state of Denial and non-resistance which will only give these monsters power over you like they have had for many centuries?

Green Revolution – frankenfood – From your friendly neighborhood Zionist Frauds 

Try to find out about every thing around you, which even includes the food that your are being fed today. Is your food pure as you think or is it the contaminated poison that is meant to destroy your life?

I prefer to face the harsh reality that this world throws at me, and its time that you do the same to find greater strength within your self against the impending threat that lies ahead in your future as well as your Family.

Green Revolution Manipulation by Zionist monsters

Many farmers have committed suicide because they cannot keep up with the changes that has been brought due to the high yield corps, pesticides and chemical fertilizers that corrupts every thing from the soil to the food you eat. The poison not only seeps into the soil but also in the water irrigation system which had mutated other animal life that was dependent on water.

The complete system is corrupted which has lead to many deaths and many farmers have given up farming and their lands have been converted for real estate. You can check last 30 years of the changes that you see in the real estate projects, many of them have been developed over agricultural lands which come at a very low price.

If you build many cities but not farmlands to support the coming population, then inevitability of future starvation is inevitable. All these builders think about their own profit and the luxuries they can attain from the projects they build. But their luxuries will not last for future generations to come because they will be the ones suffering the inevitability of their greed.

And to feed the ever expanding population of the world, such genetically engineered food will grow in popularity and the poison will spread into the systems of your future generations, if the Zionists don’t carpet bomb your homes before that.

Related Articles To read:

1 ) India’s Farming ‘Revolution’ Heading For Collapse

2 ) From Green Revolution to Suicidal Farmers

3 ) Impacts of Green Revolution in India

4 ) Unsustainable High yield farming


6 ) Why Green Revolution ?


8 ) Winston Churchill, a henchman or Hero?



11) How Amartya Sen’s Theory Causes Famines

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