If you understand the importance of this
message after reading the contents, namely the stolen future of Europe, America
and finally the rest of the World, including the freedom, prosperity and
wellbeing of our children and grandchildren, please spend time to get this info
to as many people as possible?
When Child Traffickers Rule A Nation (see here)
this request to start a criminal investigation from the central
'governments' of all countries on Earth and beyond, to STOP the by Nazi
hijacked Netherlands and their collaborators who continue the Third
Reich along Dutch territory followed by the Benelux, Europe, America and
the rest of the world with global genocide consequences. Based on the
on 5 September 1944 in London falsely signed Dutch-Belgian-Luxembourg
Customs Convention, followed by the on 2 February 1958 establishing of
the Benelux Economic Union and the on 17 June 2008 signed declaration of
the "New Benelux Treaty" at The Hague, (since 1940, Nazi Netherlands conventions are illegal).
The Belgian Government is the only authority’s that can stop this
illegal, stealth continuation of the Third Reich by invalidate this
Benelux Treaty. King Leopold III of Belgium refused
to cooperate with these Nazi collaborators and therefore deliberately
did not fled to England with the Dutch and Belgium government, and therefore has written in January 1944 a "political testament", to be published in case he would not be in Belgium if the allied forces would liberate the country (himself wrote "occupy"). In the testament he demanded an apology from the government in exile for the events of 1940 and he rejected the treaties they had signed in London. This means that King Leopold III posthumously rejected the new Benelux Treaty.
Which means an opportunity
to re-build Europe with independent countries based on the democratic
laws applicable before the Treaty. Thereby the Belgian King Leopold III still save the world from the fascist takeover like his father Albert I intended to, and defeats the by Nazi hostage Netherlands from which current Nazi Europe has been able to arise anew. For substructure: read our registered letter (Dutch language), sent on 3 October 2012 to the Belgian Constitutional Court.
At the end of World War I (1918) August Thyssen, the largest military producer in Germany sees his steel empire in danger. In the "(neutral?)" Netherlands he opens the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart in Rotterdam, later Union Banking Corporation (UBC). On this way he can safeguard his war booty from the August Thyssen Bank in Berlin against the claims of the Versailles Treaty. The Old August donates 100 million $ and the Ruhr industrial empire to his son Fritz Thyssen who in 1923 becomes under the spell of Adolf Hitler. He financial support Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) where Nazi, Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld of the Netherlands sinds 1933 was
a member of). The war money in Rotterdam was not enough and so Thijssen
also establish an American branch with the CEO of the investment firm
W.A. Harriman& Co.
Harriman and Thyssen agreed to set up a bank for Thyssen in New York,
with gives Thyssen alongside Berlin and Rotterdam foothold in the United
States. Beginning of 1924 H.J. Kouwenhoven, director of the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, traveling together with Thyssen's to New York to work with W. Averell Harriman and George Herbert Walker (son-in-law Prescott Bush (video) and set up the Walker Union Banking Corporation (UBC). ("said an official investigation in 1942). On 10 January 1925 the August Thyssen Hütte get a loan of $ 12 million from another U.S. bank, Dillon, Read and Co, eighteen months later, another $ 5 million. Clarence Dillon is an old friend of Samuel P. Bush, the patriarch of the Bush political family, and was the father of U.S. Senator Prescott Bush, grandfather of former U.S. President George H. W. Bush, and great-grandfather of former U.S. President George W. Bush. Dillon his bank was used by Standard Oil, Ford, General Electric and DuPont to finance Hitler. With the U.S. dollar merges the German steel industry, led by Fritz Thyssen and Friedrich Flick in to the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (video).
See official documents.
Prescott Bush (father of George) wealth is linked to the holocaust (video) and made his fortune by financing the war effort of Adolph Hitler together with his banking partners and Nazi's inside the Netherlands (video).
The corporate preparations for World War II started as early as 1925, when Bayer, BASF, Hoechst and other German multinationals formed a cartel called “I.G. Farben-industry”. The declared goal of this cartel was to obtain control of the global markets in the key industrial sectors of chemistry, pharmaceuticals and petrochemicals, wherefore the Bank for International Settlements was established in 1930. It is the world's oldest international financial institution and remains the principal center for international central bank cooperation. I.G.Farben, SKF, Ford, ITT and Du Pont - corporation which were fast becoming multi-national who enter in the Nazi BIS Bank existence(video). Initially a group of 6 central banks and a 'financial institution of the USA'. Granted a constitution charter by Switzerland, it was henceforth based in that country.
That America was by then a financial force
to be reckoned with on the international scene is borne out by the fact that
the first President
appointed to the BIS was Gates
W. Mc Garrah (ex-Chase
National Bank & Federal
Reserve Bank). His grandson was none other than Richard
McGarrah Helms, CIA Deputy Director of Plans at the
time of the JFK Assassination. (JFK was a staunch opponent of the Federal Reserve Bank). The Belgian Nazi collaborator Alexandre Galopin was director of the Société Générale de Belgique during WWII (1935-1944) and the creator of the Galopin doctrine, (used to do business with Nazi's). In the same period he was Vice-Chairmen Board of Directors of this Nazi BIS Bank (Organogram Money machine). The BIS is central bank to all major central banks in the world and ones more the catalyst behind the global fascist takeover including genocide
A look at the International Banking Cartel led by the Bank for
International Settlement (in Basel, Switzerland) known as the bank of
central banks (58 central banks) and The US Federal reserve System. Also
a look at banking tycoons: from the Rothschild family in Europe to JP
Morgan and others in the US. How banks not only control governments but
also appoint politicians through huge campaign donations. Governments at
the service of the major banks (video1/2).
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