Transcription (Access the 7 Steps)
I'm Alfred Lambremont Webre and this is THE NEWS Live for December 14, 2012. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern and 1 AM GMT at www.Youtube.com/ExopoliticsTV. Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterward on archive at ExopoliticsTV.
Our motto is “THE NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.” Let me repeat that. “THE NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.”
Our Headline
What is our headline for today? Our headline is the Fiscal Cliff - The fiscal cliff is the logical result of the Rothschild owned private U.S. Central bank known as the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve is a private central bank designed to provide debt based currency to the United States of America and create a perpetual public debt and fiscal cliff for the U.S.A. The banks that own the Federal Reserve system are beneficially owned by the Rothschild-led City of London bloodline bankers according to a 1976 U.S. Senate committee report.
Okay. This is dominating the mainstream news, but you're going to learn what the mainstream news is designed to hide.
The Fiscal Cliff
First of all, what is the 'fiscal cliff'? The fiscal cliff is the popular shorthand used to describe austerity budget cuts and tax hikes that the U.S. government will face at the end of 2012 when the terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011 are scheduled to go into effect. The fiscal cliff comes about because the U.S. government needs to borrow and pay interest on debt based currency created by the Federal Reserve - a private central bank, rather than create its own currency as the U.S. Constitution designed.
Let me repeat that. The [fiscal] cliff comes about because the U.S. government needs to borrow and pay interest on debt based currency created by the Federal Reserve, rather than create its own currency as the U.S. constitution designed.
Now, if there's no compromise around the fiscal cliff, economists say that there will be a recession; some of the estimates are that domestic gross product in the U.S. may be cut by four percentage points in 2013; and unemployment would rise by a full percentage point with a loss of two million jobs.
This would be followed by a debt ceiling crisis, again forced, by the U.S. government needing to borrow and pay interest on debt based currency from the Federal Reserve System, rather than create its own currency as the U.S. Constitution designed.
So from the fiscal cliff crisis into the debt-ceiling crisis in early February 2013… All of these are just structural crisis' set up by the Federal Reserve which is a Privatized Central Bank set up through legislative fraud a hundred years ago in 1913.
U.S. Constitution
What the U.S. Constitution provides under Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, [is that] the U.S. Congress has the power “to coin money and regulate the value thereof” It has the power to create its own currency. It doesn't need to create a private central bank to create Federal Reserve notes (that is notes of that private bank [the Federal Reserve]) and then to lend these [Federal Reserve Notes] to the U.S. government at interest.
Thus, the U.S. government can create its own currency and has done so as in the case of President John F. Kennedy, who issued U.S. Treasury currency notes until his assassination, some say by the controllers of the Federal Reserve Bank.
The currency issued by the United States government is not debt-based currency. It would not add to the public debt of the U.S.A., hence, to any fiscal cliff. With a U.S. government issued currency, the wealth of the society would be spent on the welfare of the society, rather than on debt interest payment paid to the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank for the sole task of creating money out of a monopoly granted to it through legislative fraud by the U.S. government, and charging interest to the U.S. government.
The Federal Reserve
Who controls the Federal Reserve? A chart published by a U.S. senate subcommittee in 1976 (which is republished in an article - go to Exopolitics.com in the description notes of this THE NEWS Live broadcast) reveals the linear connection between the Rothschild bloodline banking interest, the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which control the Federal Reserve Bank through their stockholdings of bank stocks and their subsidiary firms in New York.
Two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J.P. Morgan Company and Kuhn Loeb & Company were the firms that set up the Jekyll Island Conference. This was in 1910 and 1913 at which the Federal Act was drafted.
J.P. Morgan was a North American agent for the Rothschilds along with the Rockefellers who directed the successful campaign to have the plan [Federal Reserve Act] enacted into law by the congress; and then purchased controlling amounts of the stock of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the
Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisers Council in 1914.
In 1914, a few families - blood or business related (these families who were at Jekyll Island represented about a quarter of the wealth in the world, incidentally) caused these banks to purchase controlling interest in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examinations of the charts and text in the House Banking Staff report of August 1917, and the current stockholders list of the twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, show that same family control [today].
[Source: http://exopolitics.blogs.com/truth/2009/12/seven-steps-to-transform-the-global-financial-crisis.html]
Federal Reserve audit
We have now had the first audit of the Federal Reserve Bank. What we found in the first audit was that sixteen trillion dollars - $16,000,000,000,000.00, had been secretly given out to U.S. Banks, corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland during the period December, 2007, and June, 2010, by the Federal Reserve. And the Federal Reserve is supposed to be the central bank of the U.S. government? And it secretly (without reporting to the U.S. government) gave sixteen trillion dollars to U.S. banks and foreign banks from France to Scotland.
To place this in perspective, the gross domestic product of the United States is only 14 trillion dollars. That [16 trillion the Federal Reserve distributed] is more than the annual gross domestic product of the United States. And, the entire national debt of the United States spanning its 200 plus year history is 16.3 trillion dollars. So they gave away as much as the United States has engaged in debt in two hundred years in this three-year period, [December, 2007, to June, 2010] secretly.
Basically, the Rockefeller family and these bloodline families of the City of London are using the U.S. Federal Reserve as a Giant Secret Slush Fund.
We can go through the institutions: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Barclays, Bear Sterns, Goldman Sachs, Royal Bank of Scotland. J.P. Morgan, Deutsche Bank (which has now been shut down partially), UBS (Switzerland). Credit Suisse, Lehman Brothers, Bank of Scotland, BNP Paribas (France) and many, many more.
[Source: View the 266-page GAO audit of the Federal Reserve (July 21st, 2011)
First Audit Results In The Federal Reserve’s nearly 100-Year History
The Creature from Jekyll Island
This is what a scholar, Edward Griffin, says in a lecture on the creation of Jekyll Island [from his book THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND]: “I came to the conclusion that the Federal Reserve needed to be abolished for 7 reasons. I'd like to read them to you now just so you get an idea of where I'm coming from as they say. I put these into the most concise phrasing so that I can make them somewhat shocking and maybe you'll remember them.
The Federal Reserve in incapable of accomplishing its stated objective.
It is a cartel operating against the public interest.
It is a supreme instrument of usury.
It generates our most unfair tax.
It encourages war. (Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, we've had World War I, World War II, many, many regional wars up to 150. And now the powers behind the Federal Reserve are trying to get WW III started.)
It destabilizes the economy.
It is an instrument of Totalitarianism, otherwise known as the New World Order.”
Now, 7 Steps to Transform the Global Economy, so that rather than these kabuki negotiations between two politicians - the Speaker of the House of the U.S. and the President the United States - both of whom are creatures of the banks. (If you go and look at the funding behind the GOP [Republican] and the funding behind the [Democrat] Obama administration, [the funding for both parties] mostly comes from Wall St. And what got him [Obama] started was the City of London funding.)
Rather than this kabuki negotiation between these two politicians controlled by the banks around the fiscal cliffs, I suggest the following 7 steps to really deal with this crisis and this is THE NEWS that the mainstream news is designed to hide.
The long-term solution to the global financial crisis is to transform money into a public utility, away from being a debt based security (that is an instrument of your debt).
As soon as somebody hands you a dollar bill, its debt. As soon as the Federal Reserve hands a dollar bill to the U.S. Treasury, it's debt. In that way, the way that money is a public utility in the way that water and electricity are public utilities – they're necessary for life - that's all. All [we need] is just 'exchange' money; money to get new businesses started and to guarantee each individual unfettered access to free capital to start and build their own enterprises and creativity.
In the interim, as we're building toward money as a public utility as water and electricity, (Here in Vancouver, BC we have some of the best water from our taps on the planet as measured by Dr. [Masaru] Emoto. I've seen it, his crystals by Dr. Emoto) the water can be free.
In the interim, there are 7 steps to immediately transform the global financial crisis, which in reality, is a false flag depopulation operation upon the world population by a network of banking institutions lead by the City of London bloodline bankers. I call them an international war crimes racketeering organization that can be attacked through the Racketeering Laws.
STEP 1: Step number one of these seven steps, ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK.
There are bills for this. A former Representative, Rob Paul, proposed a Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. There are many ways to do it. As soon as the profit is taken out of controlling U.S. dollars, as a [federal] reserve Currency, the Rothschilds-City of London interests will move out of this arena. They are like a parasite on the back of humanity.
In the interim, while the U.S. Central Bank is being created, (that is a publicly controlled U.S. Bank), the U.S. Treasury can issue U.S. silver-backed Treasury Notes, not necessarily 'silver backed'. They can issue Treasury Notes under the authority of the executive order signed by President John F. Kennedy shortly before his assassination on November 22, 1963. And, there you go!
The solution to the banking crisis of the 1930's was to break control of the banks and creating money as debt. As long as banks have a monopoly on the creation of money as debt, this problem will persist because banks will insist on creating money as debt; which they do through fractional reserve lending to enslave us.
Some publicly controlled institution other than banks has to be created to create money.
Money as a public utility enables persons to start businesses etcetera. That's what the Central Government provides for. It provides for currency and the rest of us, then, [are] out here using our creativity work with [money provisions] as we're working our planet, eventually long term, many life-bearing planets don't use money…
[The Federal Reserve Bank] was brought onto the Unites States by legislative fraud of the City of London banking interests and maintained as such.
The U.S. public debt as of today, December 14, 2012, of 16.374 trillion or 16.375 trillion, is the direct result of false flag operations of the Federal Reserve designed to maximize profits of the Rothschilds interest, enslave the U.S. and world populations in debt, and position the human population for an intentional depopulation program. Therefore, there is a force majeure that morally and legally justifies the U.S. government in repudiating these debts, which in any event, are in U.S. dollars that are property of the Federal Reserve. Therefore, with the creation of the U.S. Central Bank, worthless.
The forgiveness of all public debt worldwide, with priority to developing nations debt. The forgiveness of all public and private debt worldwide.
Debt is the invention of banks control [mechanism] using fractional reserve lending and using fraud such as fraudulent institutions; such as the Federal Reserve (a private central bank); by banks that are beneficially owned by the City of London bloodline bankers [all of whom conspire] to enslave the world.
Forgive the debts. We're through with this game.
A competent international tribunal for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide resulting from financial and banking crimes with full jurisdiction, prosecutorial authority, staff and budget, to pierce the corporate veil and to pursue the international war crimes racketeering organisations around the City of London, Wall Street, and allied banking bloodline organisations through the Federal Reserve etcetera that has led to these practices around the world.
Woodrow Wilson
Let's see what Woodrow Wilson, the U.S. president who was manipulated to sign the Federal Reserve Act over Christmas holidays of December [1913]. Being a highly educated man, a brilliant professor and president of Princeton University, President Wilson was able to conclude within three years after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the destruction of the U.S. We're referring to the great number of bankers who swarmed into the U.S. Capital.
Wilson said “I have unwittingly ruined my country by signing the Federal Reserve Act. A great industrial nation is controlled by the system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities is in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world -- No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but the government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominated men.”
[Source: http://truedemocracyparty.net/2012/12/fiscal-cliff-b-s-end-the-fed-rescind-the-fed-dismantling-the-u-s-federal-reserve-system-repeal-the-fed-or-face-another-bigger-fiscal-cliff/]
This was [a quote] three years after the 1913 signing the Federal Reserve Act by President Woodrow Wilson. That could be said today on December 14, 2012. We're looking at the cycle that was predicted a hundred years ago and is being acted out today in the 'fiscal cliff'. And we have just recited the solution to this in these seven steps.
Origin of the Federal Reserve
To give you some background in the remaining minutes of this broadcast, let's look at how the Federal Reserve actually came about so you can see that the legislative fraud that [was used to create the Federal Reserve bank] continues. The Federal Reserve actually came about through the manipulated 'bank panic of 1907' which was a conspiracy of the Rothschilds bloodline bankers.
Rothschilds actually sent agents to the U.S. to set up and manipulate a bank panic in 1907 that would lead to, 'oh we need a central bank'. And then, rather than create a proper central bank under Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution and the Federal Reserve clauses in the constitution dealing with the congressional power to create money, they maneuvered and created this Frankenstein – a FrankenBank - the U.S. Federal Reserve.
The entire debt of the U.S. government was the result of fraud and must not be paid.
Here is an analysis by the Vice Chancellor of the University of the Punjab, Dr. Mujahid Kamran, addressing the twelve richest men of Germany, Mayer Armschel Rothschild (then the head of the Rothschilds interests) where he [stated] “Panics and financial depressions would ultimately result in world government - a new order of one world government.” This is kind of the impetus behind the One World Government that we’re struggling with now in multiple aspects.
The U.S. saw bank panics in 1873, 1893, and 1907. These panics were [to quote Eustace Mullins] “the results of international bankers operations in London.”
It was the panic of 1907 that gave rise to the apparent public demand for monetary reform so such panics could be avoided.
Senator Aldrich was made head of a national monetary commission in 1908. For two years he traveled in Europe where he met with leading bankers, but did not file any report.
On November 22, 1910, eight men left (including Aldrich, his assistant, and Assistant of the Treasury) for Jekyll Island in the state of Georgia. [The] five remaining men represented financial institutions controlled by J.P. Morgan, National City Bank of New York, Kuhn Loeb & Company [representative] Paul Warbug. They traveled in a private railroad car undercover of darkness.
Jekyll Island was closed to everyone for two weeks. The servants who worked in the mansion [where they retreated] were sent on leave and new hands were hired. Only first names were used so the attendants would not know who these men really were.
Draft after draft was prepared by Warburg and this became the Aldrich Bill. The promoters of this bill had planned to work until 1913. [However, they met early opposition when] Harper's Magazine had written in 1910 “Mr. Aldrich sums up in his personality the greatest and most sinister menace to the popular welfare of the United States.”
The group, then, secretly financed all three contenders for the election of the presidency,
(William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, and Teddy Roosevelt). The latter was given immense coverage – they really promoted Teddy Roosevelt. They cut into Taft's vote so that Woodrow Wilson would be elected. Woodrow Wilson was their puppet.
On Friday, December 19, [1913] a first bill was passed in the Senate [the Glass Bill, which was expediently revised] and on December 22,[1913] a bill was finally passed in the senate when the opponents had already gone back on Christmas leave.
Even then, President Wilson was hesitant to sign this because he knew that it was a capitulation of the sovereign power under the constitution. [It was] a capitulation to the most horrible interests of the bloodline families of the City of London, and placing the sole monopoly of the creation of the currency under their power.
However, Bernard Baruch, (a financier under the control of these bloodline families) visited Woodrow Wilson. Bernard Baruch had been a financier of Wilson's campaign and Wilson caved. On December 23, 1913, he signed the bill that has subjugated the people of the U.S. to a few wealthy families with control lying outside of the U.S.
[Source: http://www.mujahidkamran.com/articles.php?id=23]
That is the historical story behind the creation of the Federal Reserve. We have told you the connection between the fiscal cliff and the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve is a fraudulently granted monopoly to a private central bank controlled by the Rothschild family which has been given the monopoly to create money that was really granted in Article 1 Section 8 to the U.S. Congress. [The Federal Reserve] then creates money and charges the U.S. government interest for the process of doing that. In the process, the wealth of the United States, a great portion of it, is paid over in interest to these bankers and to other creditors. And so the public debt becomes structural; the fiscal cliff becomes structural; and war becomes structural - World War I, World War II, and the Federal Reserve is now trying for World War III.
What we're watching in the fiscal cliff negotiations is negotiations between two shills of the banking industry of the City of London.
The City of London was the first financiers of Barak Obama's campaign. You have heard this on THE NEWS Live that reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.
We've given you here the seven steps that are required to liberate mankind from this debt. You can review these seven steps by reviewing this video, and also in an article that is linked to the description of the video and at Exopolitics.com.
May you have a wonderful day, night, and week and remember, Expect a Miracle because Life is Miraculous
Thank you.
Transcript by DJamil Graham
Copyright 2012
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Transcription (Access the 7 Steps)
I'm Alfred Lambremont Webre and this is THE NEWS Live for December 14, 2012. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9 pm Eastern and 1 AM GMT at www.Youtube.com/ExopoliticsTV. Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterward on archive at ExopoliticsTV.
Our motto is “THE NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.” Let me repeat that. “THE NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.”
Our Headline
What is our headline for today? Our headline is the Fiscal Cliff - The fiscal cliff is the logical result of the Rothschild owned private U.S. Central bank known as the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve is a private central bank designed to provide debt based currency to the United States of America and create a perpetual public debt and fiscal cliff for the U.S.A. The banks that own the Federal Reserve system are beneficially owned by the Rothschild-led City of London bloodline bankers according to a 1976 U.S. Senate committee report.
Okay. This is dominating the mainstream news, but you're going to learn what the mainstream news is designed to hide.
The Fiscal Cliff
First of all, what is the 'fiscal cliff'? The fiscal cliff is the popular shorthand used to describe austerity budget cuts and tax hikes that the U.S. government will face at the end of 2012 when the terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011 are scheduled to go into effect. The fiscal cliff comes about because the U.S. government needs to borrow and pay interest on debt based currency created by the Federal Reserve - a private central bank, rather than create its own currency as the U.S. Constitution designed.
Let me repeat that. The [fiscal] cliff comes about because the U.S. government needs to borrow and pay interest on debt based currency created by the Federal Reserve, rather than create its own currency as the U.S. constitution designed.
Now, if there's no compromise around the fiscal cliff, economists say that there will be a recession; some of the estimates are that domestic gross product in the U.S. may be cut by four percentage points in 2013; and unemployment would rise by a full percentage point with a loss of two million jobs.
This would be followed by a debt ceiling crisis, again forced, by the U.S. government needing to borrow and pay interest on debt based currency from the Federal Reserve System, rather than create its own currency as the U.S. Constitution designed.
So from the fiscal cliff crisis into the debt-ceiling crisis in early February 2013… All of these are just structural crisis' set up by the Federal Reserve which is a Privatized Central Bank set up through legislative fraud a hundred years ago in 1913.
U.S. Constitution
What the U.S. Constitution provides under Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, [is that] the U.S. Congress has the power “to coin money and regulate the value thereof” It has the power to create its own currency. It doesn't need to create a private central bank to create Federal Reserve notes (that is notes of that private bank [the Federal Reserve]) and then to lend these [Federal Reserve Notes] to the U.S. government at interest.
Thus, the U.S. government can create its own currency and has done so as in the case of President John F. Kennedy, who issued U.S. Treasury currency notes until his assassination, some say by the controllers of the Federal Reserve Bank.
The currency issued by the United States government is not debt-based currency. It would not add to the public debt of the U.S.A., hence, to any fiscal cliff. With a U.S. government issued currency, the wealth of the society would be spent on the welfare of the society, rather than on debt interest payment paid to the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank for the sole task of creating money out of a monopoly granted to it through legislative fraud by the U.S. government, and charging interest to the U.S. government.
The Federal Reserve
Who controls the Federal Reserve? A chart published by a U.S. senate subcommittee in 1976 (which is republished in an article - go to Exopolitics.com in the description notes of this THE NEWS Live broadcast) reveals the linear connection between the Rothschild bloodline banking interest, the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which control the Federal Reserve Bank through their stockholdings of bank stocks and their subsidiary firms in New York.
Two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J.P. Morgan Company and Kuhn Loeb & Company were the firms that set up the Jekyll Island Conference. This was in 1910 and 1913 at which the Federal Act was drafted.
J.P. Morgan was a North American agent for the Rothschilds along with the Rockefellers who directed the successful campaign to have the plan [Federal Reserve Act] enacted into law by the congress; and then purchased controlling amounts of the stock of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the
Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisers Council in 1914.
In 1914, a few families - blood or business related (these families who were at Jekyll Island represented about a quarter of the wealth in the world, incidentally) caused these banks to purchase controlling interest in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examinations of the charts and text in the House Banking Staff report of August 1917, and the current stockholders list of the twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, show that same family control [today].
[Source: http://exopolitics.blogs.com/truth/2009/12/seven-steps-to-transform-the-global-financial-crisis.html]
Federal Reserve audit
We have now had the first audit of the Federal Reserve Bank. What we found in the first audit was that sixteen trillion dollars - $16,000,000,000,000.00, had been secretly given out to U.S. Banks, corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland during the period December, 2007, and June, 2010, by the Federal Reserve. And the Federal Reserve is supposed to be the central bank of the U.S. government? And it secretly (without reporting to the U.S. government) gave sixteen trillion dollars to U.S. banks and foreign banks from France to Scotland.
To place this in perspective, the gross domestic product of the United States is only 14 trillion dollars. That [16 trillion the Federal Reserve distributed] is more than the annual gross domestic product of the United States. And, the entire national debt of the United States spanning its 200 plus year history is 16.3 trillion dollars. So they gave away as much as the United States has engaged in debt in two hundred years in this three-year period, [December, 2007, to June, 2010] secretly.
Basically, the Rockefeller family and these bloodline families of the City of London are using the U.S. Federal Reserve as a Giant Secret Slush Fund.
We can go through the institutions: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Barclays, Bear Sterns, Goldman Sachs, Royal Bank of Scotland. J.P. Morgan, Deutsche Bank (which has now been shut down partially), UBS (Switzerland). Credit Suisse, Lehman Brothers, Bank of Scotland, BNP Paribas (France) and many, many more.
[Source: View the 266-page GAO audit of the Federal Reserve (July 21st, 2011)
First Audit Results In The Federal Reserve’s nearly 100-Year History
The Creature from Jekyll Island
This is what a scholar, Edward Griffin, says in a lecture on the creation of Jekyll Island [from his book THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND]: “I came to the conclusion that the Federal Reserve needed to be abolished for 7 reasons. I'd like to read them to you now just so you get an idea of where I'm coming from as they say. I put these into the most concise phrasing so that I can make them somewhat shocking and maybe you'll remember them.
The Federal Reserve in incapable of accomplishing its stated objective.
It is a cartel operating against the public interest.
It is a supreme instrument of usury.
It generates our most unfair tax.
It encourages war. (Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, we've had World War I, World War II, many, many regional wars up to 150. And now the powers behind the Federal Reserve are trying to get WW III started.)
It destabilizes the economy.
It is an instrument of Totalitarianism, otherwise known as the New World Order.”
Now, 7 Steps to Transform the Global Economy, so that rather than these kabuki negotiations between two politicians - the Speaker of the House of the U.S. and the President the United States - both of whom are creatures of the banks. (If you go and look at the funding behind the GOP [Republican] and the funding behind the [Democrat] Obama administration, [the funding for both parties] mostly comes from Wall St. And what got him [Obama] started was the City of London funding.)
Rather than this kabuki negotiation between these two politicians controlled by the banks around the fiscal cliffs, I suggest the following 7 steps to really deal with this crisis and this is THE NEWS that the mainstream news is designed to hide.
The long-term solution to the global financial crisis is to transform money into a public utility, away from being a debt based security (that is an instrument of your debt).
As soon as somebody hands you a dollar bill, its debt. As soon as the Federal Reserve hands a dollar bill to the U.S. Treasury, it's debt. In that way, the way that money is a public utility in the way that water and electricity are public utilities – they're necessary for life - that's all. All [we need] is just 'exchange' money; money to get new businesses started and to guarantee each individual unfettered access to free capital to start and build their own enterprises and creativity.
In the interim, as we're building toward money as a public utility as water and electricity, (Here in Vancouver, BC we have some of the best water from our taps on the planet as measured by Dr. [Masaru] Emoto. I've seen it, his crystals by Dr. Emoto) the water can be free.
In the interim, there are 7 steps to immediately transform the global financial crisis, which in reality, is a false flag depopulation operation upon the world population by a network of banking institutions lead by the City of London bloodline bankers. I call them an international war crimes racketeering organization that can be attacked through the Racketeering Laws.
STEP 1: Step number one of these seven steps, ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK.
There are bills for this. A former Representative, Rob Paul, proposed a Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. There are many ways to do it. As soon as the profit is taken out of controlling U.S. dollars, as a [federal] reserve Currency, the Rothschilds-City of London interests will move out of this arena. They are like a parasite on the back of humanity.
In the interim, while the U.S. Central Bank is being created, (that is a publicly controlled U.S. Bank), the U.S. Treasury can issue U.S. silver-backed Treasury Notes, not necessarily 'silver backed'. They can issue Treasury Notes under the authority of the executive order signed by President John F. Kennedy shortly before his assassination on November 22, 1963. And, there you go!
The solution to the banking crisis of the 1930's was to break control of the banks and creating money as debt. As long as banks have a monopoly on the creation of money as debt, this problem will persist because banks will insist on creating money as debt; which they do through fractional reserve lending to enslave us.
Some publicly controlled institution other than banks has to be created to create money.
Money as a public utility enables persons to start businesses etcetera. That's what the Central Government provides for. It provides for currency and the rest of us, then, [are] out here using our creativity work with [money provisions] as we're working our planet, eventually long term, many life-bearing planets don't use money…
[The Federal Reserve Bank] was brought onto the Unites States by legislative fraud of the City of London banking interests and maintained as such.
The U.S. public debt as of today, December 14, 2012, of 16.374 trillion or 16.375 trillion, is the direct result of false flag operations of the Federal Reserve designed to maximize profits of the Rothschilds interest, enslave the U.S. and world populations in debt, and position the human population for an intentional depopulation program. Therefore, there is a force majeure that morally and legally justifies the U.S. government in repudiating these debts, which in any event, are in U.S. dollars that are property of the Federal Reserve. Therefore, with the creation of the U.S. Central Bank, worthless.
The forgiveness of all public debt worldwide, with priority to developing nations debt. The forgiveness of all public and private debt worldwide.
Debt is the invention of banks control [mechanism] using fractional reserve lending and using fraud such as fraudulent institutions; such as the Federal Reserve (a private central bank); by banks that are beneficially owned by the City of London bloodline bankers [all of whom conspire] to enslave the world.
Forgive the debts. We're through with this game.
A competent international tribunal for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide resulting from financial and banking crimes with full jurisdiction, prosecutorial authority, staff and budget, to pierce the corporate veil and to pursue the international war crimes racketeering organisations around the City of London, Wall Street, and allied banking bloodline organisations through the Federal Reserve etcetera that has led to these practices around the world.
Woodrow Wilson
Let's see what Woodrow Wilson, the U.S. president who was manipulated to sign the Federal Reserve Act over Christmas holidays of December [1913]. Being a highly educated man, a brilliant professor and president of Princeton University, President Wilson was able to conclude within three years after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the destruction of the U.S. We're referring to the great number of bankers who swarmed into the U.S. Capital.
Wilson said “I have unwittingly ruined my country by signing the Federal Reserve Act. A great industrial nation is controlled by the system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities is in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world -- No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but the government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominated men.”
[Source: http://truedemocracyparty.net/2012/12/fiscal-cliff-b-s-end-the-fed-rescind-the-fed-dismantling-the-u-s-federal-reserve-system-repeal-the-fed-or-face-another-bigger-fiscal-cliff/]
This was [a quote] three years after the 1913 signing the Federal Reserve Act by President Woodrow Wilson. That could be said today on December 14, 2012. We're looking at the cycle that was predicted a hundred years ago and is being acted out today in the 'fiscal cliff'. And we have just recited the solution to this in these seven steps.
Origin of the Federal Reserve
To give you some background in the remaining minutes of this broadcast, let's look at how the Federal Reserve actually came about so you can see that the legislative fraud that [was used to create the Federal Reserve bank] continues. The Federal Reserve actually came about through the manipulated 'bank panic of 1907' which was a conspiracy of the Rothschilds bloodline bankers.
Rothschilds actually sent agents to the U.S. to set up and manipulate a bank panic in 1907 that would lead to, 'oh we need a central bank'. And then, rather than create a proper central bank under Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution and the Federal Reserve clauses in the constitution dealing with the congressional power to create money, they maneuvered and created this Frankenstein – a FrankenBank - the U.S. Federal Reserve.
The entire debt of the U.S. government was the result of fraud and must not be paid.
Here is an analysis by the Vice Chancellor of the University of the Punjab, Dr. Mujahid Kamran, addressing the twelve richest men of Germany, Mayer Armschel Rothschild (then the head of the Rothschilds interests) where he [stated] “Panics and financial depressions would ultimately result in world government - a new order of one world government.” This is kind of the impetus behind the One World Government that we’re struggling with now in multiple aspects.
The U.S. saw bank panics in 1873, 1893, and 1907. These panics were [to quote Eustace Mullins] “the results of international bankers operations in London.”
It was the panic of 1907 that gave rise to the apparent public demand for monetary reform so such panics could be avoided.
Senator Aldrich was made head of a national monetary commission in 1908. For two years he traveled in Europe where he met with leading bankers, but did not file any report.
On November 22, 1910, eight men left (including Aldrich, his assistant, and Assistant of the Treasury) for Jekyll Island in the state of Georgia. [The] five remaining men represented financial institutions controlled by J.P. Morgan, National City Bank of New York, Kuhn Loeb & Company [representative] Paul Warbug. They traveled in a private railroad car undercover of darkness.
Jekyll Island was closed to everyone for two weeks. The servants who worked in the mansion [where they retreated] were sent on leave and new hands were hired. Only first names were used so the attendants would not know who these men really were.
Draft after draft was prepared by Warburg and this became the Aldrich Bill. The promoters of this bill had planned to work until 1913. [However, they met early opposition when] Harper's Magazine had written in 1910 “Mr. Aldrich sums up in his personality the greatest and most sinister menace to the popular welfare of the United States.”
The group, then, secretly financed all three contenders for the election of the presidency,
(William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, and Teddy Roosevelt). The latter was given immense coverage – they really promoted Teddy Roosevelt. They cut into Taft's vote so that Woodrow Wilson would be elected. Woodrow Wilson was their puppet.
On Friday, December 19, [1913] a first bill was passed in the Senate [the Glass Bill, which was expediently revised] and on December 22,[1913] a bill was finally passed in the senate when the opponents had already gone back on Christmas leave.
Even then, President Wilson was hesitant to sign this because he knew that it was a capitulation of the sovereign power under the constitution. [It was] a capitulation to the most horrible interests of the bloodline families of the City of London, and placing the sole monopoly of the creation of the currency under their power.
However, Bernard Baruch, (a financier under the control of these bloodline families) visited Woodrow Wilson. Bernard Baruch had been a financier of Wilson's campaign and Wilson caved. On December 23, 1913, he signed the bill that has subjugated the people of the U.S. to a few wealthy families with control lying outside of the U.S.
[Source: http://www.mujahidkamran.com/articles.php?id=23]
That is the historical story behind the creation of the Federal Reserve. We have told you the connection between the fiscal cliff and the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve is a fraudulently granted monopoly to a private central bank controlled by the Rothschild family which has been given the monopoly to create money that was really granted in Article 1 Section 8 to the U.S. Congress. [The Federal Reserve] then creates money and charges the U.S. government interest for the process of doing that. In the process, the wealth of the United States, a great portion of it, is paid over in interest to these bankers and to other creditors. And so the public debt becomes structural; the fiscal cliff becomes structural; and war becomes structural - World War I, World War II, and the Federal Reserve is now trying for World War III.
What we're watching in the fiscal cliff negotiations is negotiations between two shills of the banking industry of the City of London.
The City of London was the first financiers of Barak Obama's campaign. You have heard this on THE NEWS Live that reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.
We've given you here the seven steps that are required to liberate mankind from this debt. You can review these seven steps by reviewing this video, and also in an article that is linked to the description of the video and at Exopolitics.com.
May you have a wonderful day, night, and week and remember, Expect a Miracle because Life is Miraculous
Thank you.
Transcript by DJamil Graham
Copyright 2012
Alfred Lambremont Webre
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