
11 March 2013

Is The New Madrid Mega Quake Being Engineered?

by Nicholas West and Zen Gardner
February 24, 2013
from ZenGardner Website
Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear,
but around us in awareness.
(James Thurber)
The Powers-That-Be seem to be making a continuous effort to drive a stake right into America’s heart(land). Natural disasters are on the rise, and an increasing amount of evidence is leading to the conclusion that these natural disasters might not be completely natural.

Some already have speculated that we are entering a time of weather and earthquake wars, as the incidence of mega disasters has risen across the world.
  • Is government experimentation simply going awry, or is it being orchestrated on purpose?

  • Are they hiding behind or even amplifying current natural earth changes such as the strong solar cycle and the ongoing magnetic pole shift to accomplish some furtive plot?
The hidden hand has always cloaked itself using a wide array of techniques to conceal its divide-and-conquer agenda.

By owning the ultimate weapon - the very climate upon which we all depend - entire regions can now be put under a full spectrum of remote control already served up through climate change, economic instability, and the military-surveillance complex brought in under the false threat of terrorism.

Louisiana Sink Hole - Will This Trigger the Big One?

As you peruse the points below and the accompanying illustrations, you’ll see a very clear, seriously dangerous weak spot.

If someone wanted to deal a disastrous blow to this nation, where would you trigger a “natural disaster” if you could?

The recent developments with the growing Louisiana sinkhole caving into a potentially massively explosive gas repository also used for nuclear waste storage is something to keep a close eye on and take very seriously.

Will A New Madrid Quake Be Natural, Manipulated, or Both?
The Sordid Lead Up To Now
Let’s first look at the evidence for the manipulation of natural disasters and the proposed government solutions, then move to the massive preparation undertaken by FEMA indicating that something big is on the way for the area of the New Madrid Fault.

The Evidence of a Plan
Predictive Programming
This is where the groundwork is laid for directing people toward an imagined future.

Through books, video games, movies, propaganda placement, and education, the passive receiving of orchestrated information can literally change the future. Elites have always been obsessed with mind control... and the best form is that which is the least obvious.

The unaware are manipulated and controlled without a single shot being fired, or a single piece of legislation written.

However, once one becomes attuned to their methods, it becomes incredibly obvious. Besides the constant bombardment of mega-disaster and end-of-the-world scenarios, including the New Madrid mega quake, one prime current example is geoengineering (aka chemtrails).

This chemical spraying has now wormed into movies and public places as an example for children to embrace the new normal of planes laying down a tic-tac-toe murky gloom across our skies.

Accept the new manipulated reality and the rest will follow.
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) based in Gakona Alaska is under constant scrutiny, as researchers track its relationship to weather modification and earthquake activity.
This facility and its substations scattered throughout the U.S. have been tracked by intrepid weather researcher Dutchsinse who has made some startlingly accurate predictions based on the tell-tale radar flares of these facilities, already linked to earthquakes in the area of the New Madrid seismic zone. Subsequent flooding is so severe and unprecedented that locals are even saying it seems like the whole area is sinking.

And it continues to get more bizarre.

Weather manipulating technology is apparently being tested and fine-tuned for worldwide use, as other such antenna arrays are located in Norway (EISCAT), Australia (Exmouth), and several other countries, as well as via massive floating radar rigs and space-based facilities.
The Japan earthquake and tsunami as well as many other major disasters have this signature of outside manipulation.
Video showing distinct vibrational patterns, as well as purported “punch holes” have been cited as evidence in the case of the Japan quake. Increased HAARP activity seems to correspond and, curiously, the HAARP site was taken down following the incident.
While the evidence that exists is somewhat tangential, HAARP’s stated capabilities are indeed ground penetrating.

This might be the most obvious part of the elite plan for global control.
Books like,
...all point to a relatively small group of selected sociopaths who would love to play God with our climate, backed by ultra-elite front organizations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
As described above, there already has been a conditioning program for people to accept seeing planes spray across the skies.
Now, the evidence is in: it is a chemical cocktail which contains dangerous levels of toxic particulates such as barium and aluminum. Certainly the USDA seems to have accepted this reality, as they own a patent for aluminum resistance.
Monsanto seems to have prepared as well with 3,981 patents for “stress tolerance” through genetic modification of plants, fruits, grains and vegetables.
The recurring out-of-season mega-twister outbreaks, one of which led scientists 2 years ago to conduct a disaster autopsy, might also point to evidence of weather modification experiments that are facilitated by the presence of heavy metals in chemtrails that intensify the effect of manipulative EMFs.
Lastly, the convoluted debate surrounding global warming has permitted geoengineering to be hidden in plain sight and is leading to a cascade of unintended (or intended) consequences such as ocean current changes that are leading to the release of methane from hydrate and clathrate deposits.
This is leading to a change in the biosphere and acidification which can be catastrophic to the well being of the entire planet.

 The Ground Wave Emergency Network
Electromagnetic Control
It is known the toxic soup of electo-magnetic waves already in place through power lines, cell towers, WiFi, radio, television and a host of other broadcasting devices has a seriously deleterious effect on human health and mental well being.
HAARP and its various localized outposts and GWEN towers (Ground Wave Emergency Network) has the known capability to affect human thought.
This electrosmog is no accident. The electromagnetic juicing of our atmosphere further enhances the ability to manipulate a whole array of techo-weapons which are apparently being used to “steer” our weather patterns and could be used to further exacerbate any calamity, including a New Madrid conflagration.
Directing weather to desired locales, while having the ability to trigger earthquakes, seems an easy fit for the globalists who want to control everything possible.
Map showing where fracking is most concentrated
Big Oil and Gas Fracking
Since September of 2010, over 800 earthquakes rattled Arkansas and the New Madrid Fault Line. The entire state only experienced 38 quakes in 2009.
The New Madrid Zone is believed to be a part of a complex of faults that extends down the Mississippi Valley into The Gulf of Mexico. In fact, the oil volcano that was unleashed by the BP disaster is thought to be at the southern tip of this volatile area.
Not only are oil and gas being extracted from beneath this zone at enormous rates, but an extraction process called fracking is further exacerbating seismic activity in the region and might even trigger a mega-quake.
Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) pumps water and chemicals into the ground at a pressurized rate exceeding what the bedrock can withstand, resulting in a microquake that produces rock fractures.
A close look at Arkansas’ history of earthquakes and drilling reveals a shockingly noticeable surge in quake frequency following advanced drilling.
Fracking is now a global technique for finding natural gas.
Government Pre-Cognizant Preparations

There are clearly elitists who wish to control populations en masse, and they are fully aware that much of their scientific experimentation with nature could have unintended consequences, as well as intended ones.
For the eventuality of such chaos, they seem to be preparing to restore order with a rather harsh approach:
This has now been confirmed by many independent researchers, finding that behind it all there is a continuity of government agenda with 10 proposed FEMA regions to be controlled by selected governors.
All evidenced by the police state going into high gear at an accelerating rate, taking this draconian takeover to new depths and putting expanding numbers of government enforcers at the ready.
Doubters would do well to remember FEMA’s intervention following Hurricane Katrina and how horrendously that worked out for tens of thousands holed up in their stadium concentration camp where children weren’t even immune from rapes and beatings.
It should be obvious that whether or not the chaos is deliberate, accidental, or even natural, one should think twice before entering the FEMA version of Club Med when societal collapse arrives.
FEMA’s yearly National Level Exercise has morphed into an ongoing, permanent two-year program.
The states previously involved were those that already experienced record tornado outbreaks, horrendous flooding, and consistent earthquake tremors. To add insult to injury, the Army Corps of Engineers detonated 250 tons of TNT in this fault zone to so-called mitigate flooding.
Residents also reported that decontamination units had been set up as part of past exercises.
FEMA then placed a rush order of $1 billion in dehydrated food while Homeland Security ordered expedited printing of over 350,000 national emergency detainee handbooks.
Add the outrageous ammunition purchases of late and the militarized vehicles and drone pushing and we have quite a potential scenario, whatever big event transpires.
The Navy released images of the future geography of America
divided nearly down the middle.

Disaster Making in the Making

As we consider the events that have taken place in this region over the recent past, there clearly is something major going on.
Since Katrina we have witnessed dead birds and fish, increased earthquakes, the BP Disaster, mega-tornado outbreaks, and a very odd Hurricane Sandy. In addition, strange winter storms, now named, have wreaked havoc, and a new "heavy wet snow” phenomenon has been witnessed across the country.
Should there be a major seismic event in the New Madrid fault zone, be aware that there are also 15 nuclear reactors along that same fault line. Following the ongoing Fukushima disaster this should give us yet another sense of potential devastation.
Regardless of the theories (and evidence) showing signs of an attempt to orchestrate a divide-and-conquer strategy for America, we would do well to prepare ourselves for an increasing number of these disasters, as well as to prepare for the official response.

 How Bad Could A New Madrid Quake Be?

The above graphic shows the location of nuclear power plants in the US.

There is quite a concentration in the New Madrid area as you can see. As we learned from Fukushima, not only can a quake virtually change the course of history through wrecked reactors, but we’ve since learned that the state of disrepair of aging nuclear reactors worldwide is completely alarming, making everything that much more susceptible.

Ready for another disaster waiting to take place to further compound the situation?

Take a look at the major gas pipelines that directly cross the fault region. It’s said that if this blew it would be visible from the moon.


We hope that the guide above will impress upon readers the urgency of our situation and the need to prepare for potential cataclysm.

Crisis engineers clearly have many tools at their disposal to cause a literal shift in the landscape of the United States. With a looming economic collapse, constant threat of false flag events and World War III, and myriad seasonal viruses to call upon to keep the fear machine working overtime, we would be unwise to assume that TPTB will show unending restraint.

Nevertheless, if one is prepared for these eventualities, then it becomes less about fear and more about self-empowerment to make personal changes and ensure that we can survive and thrive no matter what they throw at us.

In our next article, we will cover strategies for how we can break free from the grip of crisis engineers and move toward self-sufficiency if and when this superficial support system comes crashing down. 

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