Hank Wesselman, PhD, Anthropologist
"The 'e'epa are the deceivers. Some call them the masters of deception." He continued to think. "The 'e'epa are not spirits. They are free-ranging psychic entities, invisible beings who function as mind parasites. As such, they prey on those who are vulnerable to their influence." Long pause.
"Are they the ones that assault schizophrenics?" I asked.
"Yes, some do that, although those you call schizophrenics are also vulnerable to being influenced by the spirits of the dead, and especially those earthbound souls that are confused, deluded, or somewhat less than wholesome."
Makua looked uncomfortable as he considered this issue. He didn't like to talk about the negative polarity, and this was one of the only times in our friendship that he talked about it in such detail.
"The deceivers are those who are encountered during what you call the alien abduction experience. They often appear in two forms, the small ones that look humanoid with big heads and large, dark eyes, and the tall, linear ones often described as insectlike beings or reptilians."
"I have read that some meet up with them through the mind-expanding psychedelics that contain DMT as well," I put in.
"Yes," Makua said, before continuing further, "psychics who channel are also particularly vulnerable to them. This is because the deceivers reside in the same realm in which psychics operate--the mental-emotional levels of awareness and experience. The 'e'epa are accomplished shape-shifters who are good at mimicking. They can assume forms that are meaningful to the ones they choose to deceive. They can simply pluck them out of the mind of the psychic, then appear to them in that form. And unless psychics are adept at checking their sources, it is very easy for them to be deceived. The 'e'epa then simply tell psychics what they wish to hear.
I watched the chief as he picked his words carefully. We had never talked about this area before, and we never would again.
"It's not so much that the 'e'epa are evil, but they are devious, and their motivation is deception. They operate through illusion. and they are masters of this practice." He thought for a moment, then laughed. "Demons-they could be called inter-dimensional demons.
"The 'e'epa encourage human beings to go into the negative polarity...into the dark side of their personality," he added. "And as we continue to go there, we reach that point where we can no longer self-correct. It is at this point that the deceivers encourage us to continue in that direction. It is then that we step across a threshold and into the realm of evil. We humans were actually the ones who created evil, but the 'e'epa had a piece of the action." He laughed. "They continue to urge us to go in this direction as we engage in our natural tendency to make bad decisions, erroneous judgements, and outright blunders and then act on them."
Makua looked at me quite seriously and observed, "If we look at the state of the world today, we can see their influence everywhere, and at every level. They could be thought of as psychic vampires. This is who and what vampires really are. And despite what Hollywood may propose, they are not good guys.
"The 'e'epa are mental forces that have the ability to intrude into human mind...and all the time. They operate through subterfuge and psychic stealth. They are adversaries who are drawn to humans because they wish to acquire our human capacity for creative imagination. You see...this they lack completely. Humans are creators, and they are not. Because of this, the deceivers will always be thwarted by the superiority of our human species."
"Do all those we call aliens fall into this category?" I asked.
He smiled. "No. There are many who come here as visitors whose motivations are honorable. Some are merely curious, sort of like tourists. Still others, the ones you call the higher organizing intelligence, are playing various roles as things continue to unfold here on this planet as well as elsewhere. These are true spirits, however, and the deceivers are not spirits. They are mental phenomena that reside at the psychic and mental-emotional levels, and that's where they attach to us.
Makua looked deeply at me. "And they especially attach themselves to our political, economic and religious leaders-to all the major players in the game-and in all fairness, these worthies are quite unaware of their negative influence.".
I thought furiously and responded, "The Christian massacre of the pagans...the Dark Ages...the Thirty Years' War...the Inquisition...the witch hunts...the Holocaust...9/11..."
Makua smiled sadly and simply nodded in agreement.
(Excerpt from the book "THE BOWL OF LIGHT" by HANK WESSELMAN, PhD, Anthropologist).
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