
04 July 2013

The Shape-Shifters

"Forth came they into this cycle, formless were they, of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men."
As my research has revealed, the world is controlled by entities taking reptilian and other forms that exist on another dimension or "cycle". We are in the third dimension or density, they operate from the fourth, a frequency just outside the present range of the physical senses. We can feel the fourth density as "vibes" around us, but we cannot see it, unless we tune in with our "psychic" sight, which can connect our consciousness with other vibrational levels. This is what psychics or "channelers" are seeking to do and the good ones (the few) can move their inner "radio dial" to access other frequencies.
The "headquarters" of the serpent race I am exposing here is the lower end of the fourth-dimensional frequency range, which vibrates very close to this one. It is on the very fringe of our physical senses. It is what you might call a parallel universe or a parallel Earth, a mirror of the one we see, but vibrating at a different speed. Cats can see the fourth dimension and this is why they react to something in what appears, to us, to be "empty" space.
The same with babies before their psyche is closed down by an ignorant world. To operate and manipulate our vibrational level of the planet, these fourth-dimensional reptilians needed a third-dimensional human form. They needed to create a genetic space suit that they could occupy and hide within.

This, as President de la Madrid told Cathy O'Brien, was achieved by creating bloodlines that fused their reptilian DNA with that of humans. These bloodlines have a genetic, therefore vibrational, compatibility between the fourth-dimensional reptilians and their third-dimensional "human" forms. In other words it makes their possession of these bodies far easier and more effective than with other human genetic streams that do not have that particular DNA combination.
It is to retain this genetic structure that the Illuminati bloodlines have always interbred with each other and continue to do so. It means that if they can manipulate these bloodlines into the positions of power, they are, in effect, putting themselves into those positions through their control of these bodies from the lower fourth dimension.
This is the reason that the genealogy of those in the major seats of global power today can be traced back to the royal lines - the Anunnaki hybrids - that ruled Sumer, Egypt, and so on. The ancient Book of Enoch, which covers the period before the final Atlantis cataclysm, says those born of Nefilim blood are, because of their "ancestral spirit" (reptilian possession from the lower fourth dimension), destined to "afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the Earth". The Nefilim are fundamentally associated with human sacrifice and blood drinking - just like the Illuminati today.
The Book of Enoch describes the behavior of the Nefilim offspring produced with human women:

"And they became pregnant, and bore great giants... who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh and drink blood. The Earth laid accusation against the lawless ones."
As then, so now.
The blood drinkers

"Only through blood could they form being, only through man could they live in the world."
Insiders have told me that the reptilians need to drink human (mammalian) blood to maintain human form and stop their reptilian DNA codes from manifesting their true reptilian state. Accounts of the Nefilim also include references to their blood-drinking activities, as we have seen. All this explains why these bloodlines have always taken part in human sacrifice and blood drinking rituals from the ancient world to the present day, a fact I detail in The Biggest Secret.
This includes people of the bloodline like George Bush, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, British prime ministers like Ted Heath, and the British royal family. Yes, including, indeed especially, the Queen and Queen Mother. I have been writing for years about the ancient Satanic rituals performed by the elite of the United States at a place called Bohemian Grove.


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