
25 August 2013

Water Powered Car Unveiled

by Arjun Walia
July 28, 2013
from Collective-Evolution Website

Everyday the world becomes aware of technologies that have the potential to halt the unnecessary damage we continue to create using fossil fuels.

We’ve been talking about it for years, transitioning our way of life to be more harmonious with the planet and its natural systems. I’m not talking about solar or wind power (although great), I’m talking about clean and green technology that render fossil fuel burning technologies inferior and obsolete.

One of these “new” technologies is a water fuelled car, and it has been unveiled on a number of occasions.

It’s an automobile that derives its energy directly from water, and water alone. It is not hard to see why it’s not available to the masses. An engine powered by water would wipe out a large chunk of the fossil fuel industry and change the way these companies do business all together.

The oil and gas corporations combine to bring in trillions of dollars every year.

Inventions like these are a direct threat to the industry.


A Japanese company called Genepax unveiled their water powered car in 2008 in Osaka, Japan. (1)

It doesn’t matter if it’s tap, bottled, or lake water, any type of water can make this car run. An energy generator splits the water molecules to produce hydrogen and this is used to power the car.

They use a membrane electrode assembly (MEA) to split the Hydrogen from the Oxygen through a chemical reaction. The cell needs only water and air, eliminating the need for a hydrogen reformer and high pressure hydrogen tank.

This isn’t a conspiracy! The reality of this device has been verified by patent offices all over the world. To search a Japanese patent, you have to go through the Industrial Property Digital Library (IPDL). This organization makes patents available to the intellectual property department of the Japan Patent Office.

The IDPL provides over 60 million documents and their relevant information as published since the end of the 19th century. The fact that these are even published for patent pending says a lot.

Click HERE to view the water energy system patent. You can also visit the Industrial Property Digital Library itself, do a “PAJ” search. Type in the publication number 2006-244714. Documents are also on file with the European Patent Office, you can view them HERE.

Reuters also did a brief report on the vehicle as you can see in the video below.

So what happened to Genepax? Approximately a year after revealing their device, the company shut down. They stopped displaying their device as well as promoting it.

The only explanation given was a lack of monetary funds.


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