
11 October 2013

Morning Reflection

November 28, 2010 at 3:08 am
By Bronte Baxter
Splinter in the Mind

One of my first thoughts when I became conscious from sleep this morning was a prayer. I feel close to God at that time, and often utter one. I asked God to help me and all beings find a consciousness of resting in his love, as the need to feel God’s love seems to be at the root of all the guru chasing and spirituality espousing. It comes from our insecurity, as beings focused out into the world who have emotionally lost connection with our source.

I asked God to show me whatever I’m missing that keeps me from being the flawless being he envisioned on creating me, because I surely cannot claim to meet my own standards of ideal humanness. And I asked to be shown where my thinking may be wrong – to be corrected when it strays, and to be guided by truth.

In that moment I felt the aloneness of holding the philosophy I do, espoused in this time by such a tiny minority. And I asked, “Are we wrong? Is it indeed like the crowd of “the enlightened” say? Is the highest human achievement feeling a blissful silence and having a perception that all is one and nothing really matters because nothing is real? Are we rebels just missing something?”

The answer came back in my heart: “No. By identifying with the consciousness that is the mind of the universe, ‘the enlightened’ identify with that which creates and destroys. They accept destruction as part of the divine plan, as having equal value with creation. Their bliss is the relief from trying, from steering, from exercising their will. It is the bliss of one who closes his eyes driving and releases his hands from the wheel, allowing the car to fly to wherever it goes. It is the bliss of surrender. Theirs is the peace that comes of giving up. The tranquility that comes of aligning with things as they are.

“This is not what I want for My children. This is not union with Me. Creation and destruction are not My consciousness. I know only life. I am the opposite of destruction. I sustain all things. I will life to all beings. My dream for the universe is that all my children will live in joy forever. I do not will that the stars burn out, that galaxies smash together in riots of destruction, that the innocent rabbit gets shredded by the hawk. Mine is not the consciousness that conceives of these things, for destruction is a failure to live, and I am life eternal.”

And I saw that when people identify with Brahman, the mind of the universe, as the highest consciousness, as their consciousness, they have only opened to consciousness of a larger part of themselves, not to the ultimate consciousness of their complete being. They have only achieved the consciousness of the myopic being and laws that run this world, this physical world that extends throughout known space. They have not reached past the boundaries of Brahman’s creation and destruction, to the source of all possibilities, that field of life that contains different universes, with different sets of laws, where destruction is not part of the equation. Universes where God’s unique expressions live in joy forever, not subject to death or lifespans, never running out of fuel, never needing to feed and extend their lives by stealing the fuel of others.

Deep in my heart, I was reminded that, that those of us who seek for something more in life than enlightenment are the hope of the world. By refusing to accept, by scoffing at surrender, we forge a path of life and light with the life and light within us. We mark the heavens with streaks of color as we strive to dance a forever dance as eternal sparks of the Infinite, dynamic eternal sons and daughters of God. We destroy death by refusing to accept its rightness, and suffering by refusing all the excuses for why it must exist. We reach past the Brahman consciousness within us, which justifies all that is, to touch and feel the consciousness of all that can be. While the preachers of enlightenment and the hoards that follow them dissolve one by one in the great maw of Oneness consciousness, we rebels march forth with the torch of hope for different kind of world. A world that moves by different laws, that operates on different principles, a world unheard of before. A world we are creating, with every manipulation we refuse to succumb to, with every excuse we refuse to accept, with every mouthful of suffering flesh we refuse to eat.

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