All of this provides the conditions for us to from perspectives which determine our reactions to events and things, either guiding us towards empowerment and self mastery, or determinism and victim hood. Look no further then Atheism to see that when a people think life is a cosmic accident, life seems meaningless and deterministic.
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As such, one of the ways to help transform negative and fearful thoughts and meanings is to develop a holistic world view, especially one grounded in an accurate concept of spirituality. This is best done by searching for truth in as many things as possible, not just one religion, history or philosophy. As time goes on we develop a grounded and holistic understanding, drawing from many perspectives which will eventually lead to grand understanding for life, the universe and everything.
The Law of One is a good example of a grand philosophy echoed in countless other works, which can help transmute limiting belief systems, once we have done the work of contemplating what is offered. Blind belief will not work. the process must be a dynamic discovery of truth seeking, developing critical thinking skills and discernment processes.
The following article details how the Vedas describe history, through their unique lenses and perspective. I suspect that as more information is revealed about our past, which seems to be happening with greater regularity, many of these seemingly different mythological histories will be seen as different perspectives on the same story. After all there is but one truth, yet infinite perspectives of it.
Part of the data offered by Corey GoodETxSG relates to ancient breakaway civilizations and advanced races interacting with Earth. Possibly the Vedic myths are one such example.
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Source - Humans Are Free
The oldest of the Vedas, a large body of ancient literature and scriptures of Hinduism, the Rigveda contains poetic and mythological origin stories involving gods and their descendants.
In Hindu mythology, Angiras are celestial beings and descendants of gods, who watch over humans and protect sacrificial fires. The Angirasas are among the oldest families of Rishis (Seers) in the Rigveda. In this text, Agni, god of fire, is sometimes referred to as Angiras.
The supreme deity of the Sumerian pantheon is AN, or Anu. In the first two letters of the Sanskrit word An-gir-as, AN could refer to Anu. GIR might relate to the Akkadian fire-god— fire as in rocket propulsion. DinGIR in the cuneiform writing meant sky or heaven, and also a god or goddess.

The masters of the sky were perceived as deities by the earthbound. This reminds of Angiras and his descendants, the Angirasas, as a group of higher beings who traversed the realms between gods and men — an inter-stellar and inter-dimensional elite.

Rigveda manuscript in Sanskrit on paper, India, early 19th century. Public Domain

Agni, god of fire, shown riding a goat in a miniature painting from an 18th century watercolor. Public Domain

A Hermit (Rishi), India was an inspired poet of Ṛegvedic hymns. They were responsible for tending sacrificial fires and were said to invoke gods with poetry. 11th century AD, pink sandstone. Public Domain
"The name Anu or Ânava for the Iranians appears to have survived even in later times: the country and the people in the very heart of Avesta land, to the immediate north of Hâmûn-i Hilmand, were known as late as Greek times as the Anauon or Anauoi. The names of Anu tribes in the Rigveda and the Puranas can be clearly identified with the names of the most prominent tribes among latter-day Iranians." — [Shrikant G. Talageri]
Malati J. Shendge says "Sanskrit is derived from Akkadian and Sumerian...Sanskrit is not a language of the Aryas...It is essentially a lineal descendent of the languages of the Asuras." She states that the Rig Veda does not belong to the Aryas and in fact in her view this was "purely an assumption without any firm basis."
And she states " is possible to find parallels in the Akkadian sources to many clans and personal names of the poets of Rig Vedic compositions, and of the Asuras, the enemies of Indra." She believes that the language of the Rig Veda — [meaning the older Vedic Sanskrit which is very different from the latter classical Sanskrit] — is a form of Akkadian and "that the Akkadian in the process of evolution has become what we know today as Sanskrit."
You can read the full detailed article on the topic at Susan’s website here.
Featured image: A page of a Bhagavata Purana illustrated manuscript in Devanagari. Illustration depicts Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva seated on their respective vahanas. Public Domain
By V. Susan Ferguson, Ancient Origins
Prolegomena on Metre and Textual History of the Rigveda, by Hermann Oldenberg, Berlin 1888; translated into English by V.G. Paranjape and M.A. Mehendale; Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Ltd., Delhi, 2005.
The Rig Veda and the History of India, by David Frawley; Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi, 2001, 2003.
The RIGVEDA, A Historical Analysis, by Shrikant G. Talageri; Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi, 2000, 2004.
The Civilized Demons: The Harappans in Rigveda, by Malati J. Shendge; Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 1977.
The Language of the Harappans: From Akkadian to Sanskrit, by Malati J. Shendge; Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 1997.
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