August 6, 2015 by Arjun Walia “We are part of Creation, thus, if we break the laws of Creation we destroy ourselves. We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, have no choice but to follow and uphold the Original Instructions, which sustains the continuity of Life. We recognize our umbilical connection to Mother Earth and understand that she is the source of life, not a resource to be exploited. We speak on behalf of all Creation today, to communicate an urgent message that man has gone too far, placing us in the state of survival. We warned that one day you would not be able to control what you have created. That day is here. Not heeding warnings from both Nature and the People of the Earth keeps us on the path of self destruction. This self destructive path has led to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, Gulf oil spill, tar sands devastation, pipeline failures, impacts of carbon dioxide emissions and the destruction of ground water through hydraulic fracking, just to name a few. In addition, these activities and development continue to cause the deterioration and destruction of sacred places and sacred waters that are vital for Life.” (Video below) The time has come for us to collectively gather together to change our world. There is plenty of work to do, but the solutions exist and need only to be implemented. It’s unfortunate that the human experience has become one in which people are completely disconnected from the Earth. Busy with our 9-5 grind, trying to earn enough money to survive, we’ve completely lost sight of what is happening on the planet. We’ve become zombie-like creatures, doing what we are told and believing what we are programmed to believe, without ever questioning our surroundings. Our world has become one of deception, greed, fear, and ego. As a collective human race, we are waking up, and more and more people are becoming aware of what needs to be done to change the world, but we have a long way to go. Hopefully this rebirth is a smooth transition, and we applaud all those who are doing what they can, however insignificant the effort seems, to try to create the positive change our planet so desperately requires. I want to thank thegreatgathering.org for sharing this video – “One People, One Voice, One Earth.” In late September of 2014, Indigenous Elders and Medicine People of North and South America united for four days in sacred ceremony in Green Grass, South Dakota. The significance of this meeting is profound. Its outcome is the Statement which Chief Looking Horse delivers in his native Lakota language, at the United Nations Tillman Chapel. It is the embodiment of a confluence of prophecies which speak to the necessity to activate a new level of consciousness for the benefit of humanity and the earth. Although their statement illuminates the nuclear crisis at Fukushima, the fundamental message is for humanity to spiritually awaken to protect and restore the sacred. You can read the Indigenous Elders’ statement here: www.caretakersofmotherearth.com English translation begins at 4:05
India considers its own free energy program a matter of national pride, and is very much willing to risk antagonizing Petrodollar countries with its support on Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) invented by its own Paramahamsa Tewari, an electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India.
Years ago, Tewari has also proven the theories inside Bruce de Palma’s homopolar engine which first exposed this writer to the world of free energy technologies.
Obviously, a country cannot implement its own free energy program without considering all possible consequence including a military response from Petrodollar countries, e.g. Saudi Arabia, UK, US. That’s why India has been aligning its own military program with that of Russia which at present is standing up, together with the BRICS countries, against the Nazionist cabal imposing all sorts of sanctions to destroy it.
The BRICS alliance has in the past promised to release all suppressed technologies, e.g. free energy, for our responsible utilization. It looks like they are keeping their word.
“Ere many generations pass; our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe.” – Nikola Tesla
(Collective Evolution) A Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) has been invented by Paramahamsa Tewari, electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India. His background includes engineering project management for construction of nuclear power stations. The efficiency of models he has built, which have also been independently built and tested, is as high as 250%.
In November 2014, I made one of many visits to the laboratory of Paramahamsa Tewari. I had seen the basis for the RLG design in September of 2010. Mr. Tewari showed me a stiff conductor about a foot long which was allowed to rotate at the center and connected at each end with small gauge wire. A magnetic circuit was placed under the conductor. When a current was allowed to flow through the conductor it rotated, due to a torque induced on the conductor according to Flemings Left Hand Rule and standard theory, verified by experiments at the dawn of the electrical age. With a simple rearrangement of the magnetic circuit, the same current produced no rotation – the torque was cancelled. I later duplicated the setup and experiment on my workbench. It is ingenious and lead to his breakthrough, the invention of a reactionless generator with greatly improved efficiency.
This experiment has lead to the design and testing of generators with efficiencies far above any previous design. The design uses the same types of materials used in current generators, but the magnetic circuit within the machine is configured to cancel back torque while inducing current and producing power. This might be compared to the rearrangement of materials by the Wright Brothers to build a surface with lift that resulted in manned flight in a time when many, including scientists, said it was impossible. Indeed, physicists who cling to an outdated model of the properties and structure of space have declared what has been done by Tewari to be impossible.
During the November testing I witnessed two tests of efficiency on the new model in Tewari’s lab. The second test was several percent better than the first and produced 6.6 KVA with an efficiency of 238%. A second set of stator coils was not connected yet but is expected to increase output to 300%. This is a 3 phase, 248 volt Hz, AC synchronous generator operating at 50 Hz. State of the art, true RMS meters on the input and output that measured KW, KVA, and power factor confirmed the readings of meters we had supplied for tests I observed in April of 2014.
We were able to visit a 130-acre factory site of one of the top electrical machinery manufacturing companies in India. At this site the company manufactures rotating electrical machines, including generators. When the chief electrical engineer first saw the drawings and design of the RLG he knew immediately what it meant for efficiency! Because of their confidence in the design, and the results of the tests on the smaller model, the company has assembled a self-excited machine designed to produce 20 KVA.
When we arrived at the factory a vice president of the company, the factory general manager, and the chief engineer greeted us. We then inspected the new machine and met the engineering design team assigned to this project. They are electrical and mechanical engineers who design and build conventional generators with output as high as 500 KVA. They are very enthusiastic and understand the breakthrough. A second machine rated at 25 KVA is now under construction at this company in India.
I believe, as do the engineers in India, that this is the biggest breakthrough in rotating electrical machine design since Faraday’s invention of the electrical motor in 1832. The elimination of back torque allows all the energy generated to pass through the machine. Power output is determined by the strength of the excitation magnets and the synchronous reactance (resistance at 50/60 Hz) of the stator windings. Current models can be cascaded for higher output. Each machine can produce at least 2.38 times the input and can be configured in a self-running mode. Due to concentration on efficiency and design improvements the machine has not yet been configured in this manner.
During a visit to witness tests in December of 2012, we were guests of the engineering director of a large utility company, and we toured a generation facility which the director pointed out was ready for RLG systems as soon as they are scaled to the required size. In March 2015 we returned to India for licensing discussions. Current plans call for introductory models to be marketed at 10 KVA and 25 KVA. A second company is involved in manufacturing discussions and the Karnataka Power Corporation, which supplies Bangalore, is investigating the use of 200 KVA units in a wind farm application as described in the April 7th edition of Asia Times.
The November 2013 issue of The Atlantic magazine features an article on The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel. The RLG is more than just a product or a technical innovation. It is a fundamental change in the way that energy can be generated. It overcomes the inherent inefficiencies of AC generators. Patents have been filed and the RLG is ready to be licensed to companies that manufacture rotating electrical machinery. In fact, discussions with companies on three continents are underway.
We believe that the RLG is a fundamental discovery, not an innovation. Mankind’s first fundamental discovery was harnessing and controlling fire. The second was the wheel. The third was harnessing and controlling electricity. The fourth was harnessing and controlling the atom. The RLG can turn wheels without the use of fire (fossil fuels) or the atom (nuclear plants). It is a 21st century innovation. The first four of these innovations involved an understanding of material elements. The RLG is based on an understanding of the non-material properties of space. Paramahamsa Tewari’s search for the nature of reality has led him from study of the ancient Vedas of India to the formulation of Space Vortex Theory. It is a new theory unifying the relationship between space, mass, inertia, light, and gravity. Starting with principles described in the Vedic texts, Tewari was able to delineate a mathematical model that explains the words of Tesla when he said:
“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena.” – Nikola Tesla,“Man’s Greatest Achievement,” 1907
In Tewari’s words:
“The universal matter is created out of prana since prana is aakaash in motion, and aakaash is the primordial superfluid substratum of the universe.”
The concept that efficiencies cannot be greater than 100% is due to an incomplete understanding of the properties of space. The second law of thermodynamics must be modified to account for the fact that space is not empty, as has been taught for the last 150 years. The RLG operates at what has been called “over unity.” Many experienced electrical engineers engaged in the manufacture of AC generators have independently tested the RLG and confirmed the efficiency ratings that I have observed. It’s time for the physicists to get out of the way and modify their theories while the engineers go about the business of design and production.
The theory and mathematical models can be found at:
Paramahamsa Tewari was born on June 1, 1937, and graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1958 from Banaras Engineering College, India, and held responsible positions in large engineering construction organizations, mostly in nuclear projects of the Department of Atomic Energy, India. He was also deputed abroad for a year at Douglas Point Nuclear Project, Canada. He is presently the retired Executive Nuclear Director, Nuclear Power Corporation, Department of Atomic Energy, India, and is the former Project Director of the Kaiga Atomic Power Project.
Fundamentals of physics attracted Tewari’s imaginations right from the early school and college days. Over the last four decades his new ideas on the basic nature of space, energy, and matter have solidified into definite shape from which a new theory (Space Vortex Theory) has emerged. The theory reveals the most basic issue of relationship between space and matter precisely pinpointing that space is a more fundamental entity than matter. The physical significance of mass, inertia, gravitation, charge and light are revealed by extending the analysis in the theory beyond material properties and into the substratum of space, which again is broken down into fieldless voids, thus showing the limit to which a physical theory can possibly reach. The real universe is shown to be opposite to the current concepts of concrete-matter and empty space. The books that he has authored on Space Vortex Theory are:
The Substantial Space and Void Nature of Elementary Material Particles (1977)
Space Vortices of Energy and Matter (1978)
The Origin of Electron’s Mass, Charge Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields from “Empty Space” (1982)
Beyond Matter (1984)
He has lectured as invited speaker in international conferences in Germany, USA, and Italy on the newly discovered phenomenon of Space Power Generation. For the practical demonstration of generation of electrical power from the medium of space, Tewari has built reactionless generators that operate at over-unity efficiency, thereby showing physicists have been wrong about the nature of space for 110 years and he has shown that space is the source of energy for the generation of basic forms of energy.
It wasn’t long before carriage makers were driving horseless carriages. It wasn’t long before people crossing the continent on trains abandoned the railroads for airliners. Natural gas is replacing coal and there is nothing the railroads, the coal miners, or the coal companies can do about it. Cheaper and more efficient energy always wins out over more expensive energy. Coal replaced wood, and oil replaced coal as the primary source of energy. Anything that is more efficient boosts the figures on the bottom line of the ledger. Dollars chase efficiency. Inefficiency is suppressed by market forces. Efficiency wins in the market place.
The Engineering Director (electrical engineer) of the Karnataka Power Corporation (KPC) that supplies power to 6 million people in Bangalore and the entire state of Karnataka (10,000 megawatt load) told me that Tewari’s machine would never be suppressed (view the machine here). Tewari’s work is known from the highest levels of government on down. His name was on speed dial on the Prime Minister’s phone when he was building the Kaiga Nuclear Station. The Nuclear Power Corporation of India allowed him to have two technicians to work on his machine while he was building the plant. They bought him parts and even gave him a small portable workshop that is now next to his main lab.
Cropmton Greaves Ltd. (the GE of India) have funded his work and corporate directors CGL as well as Reliance (oil and energy) know of his work.
I have also been told by many Indians that the work of Tewari will never be suppressed. It is a matter of national pride. India is ready to take on the world. You can feel it everywhere you go. I realized, the first night here, while mediating at 3:00 AM in the morning, dealing with serious jet lag, that in just over 100 years. since Vivekananda came to the U.S. and introduced the west to Vedic teachings, that in every country of the world, during every minute and every second of the day or night, people are practicing yogic styles of meditation.
Bottom line; efficiency always wins. There will be no suppression of machines with efficiencies higher than those currently on the market.
Toby and Tewari
The Best Way to Eliminate Carbon Emissions.
Eliminate Carbon Fuels.
The USA has spent trillions of dollars on fossil fuels. Renewable Energy Systems have no fuel costs. A Utility that has no fuels costs can provide cheaper electricity and do it without releasing CO2.
Nothing Lasts Forever. Coal production has already peaked in terms of BTUs per pound. Peak Volumetric production is not far off, probably by 2025.
If we do not use the energy we have now to build an energy system that does not rely on non-renewable energy, we will live in a preindustrial world when fossil fuels run out.
We have a 50 year window to build a new energy system based on the worldwide fossil fuel depletion rate. We need to start now while protecting the health and safety of the coal miners, who will provide the energy we need to get the job done.
Eliminating carbon emissions is an imperative, not requiring a best way; rather it is the only way.
Writen by Toby Grotz. (You can see a picture of him with Tewari here)
He is an electrical engineer and researcher of new energy technologies since 1973. He has organized numerous conferences and travelled the world interviewing and assisting inventors since 1992. He has been involved on both sides of the energy equation: exploring for oil and gas and geothermal resources and in the utility industry working in coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants. While working in the aerospace industry, he worked on space shuttle and Hubble telescope testing in a solar simulator and space environment test facility. He has also been involved in research for new energy sources and novel forms of hydrogen production.
Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if better and cleaner energy sources were widely available and affordable to all of earth’s people? If so, you’re not alone, as the quest for a better energy existence has been the focus of many ingenious inventors, scientists, experimenters and even corporate and government scientists for generations.
We know it’s possible, but for some reason, though, society just can’t seem to get beyond 23.6 or so miles per gallon on average, highway. The gap between what science is clearly capable of and what is available to the consumer mass market is extraordinary, and here really is no need to be using up the world’s fossil fuels at building nuclear plants as if there were no tomorrow, but we do.
The truth is there for those whom have eyes to see. Tremendous market forces and capital involved in government and in the energy and automobile industries make it practically impossible for any promising energy device or technology patent to emerge as a viable and accessible alternative in the real marketplace, and not just appearing on YouTube or at trade shows as prototypes. Alternatives do exist, but why are they not more broadly available?
In addition to the more famous cases such as Wilhelm Reich, and other scientific geniuses like Nikola Tesla, Raymond Rife, or Linus Pauling, many lesser known inventors have patented or attempted to patent functional energy devices that just never seem to make it to the public.
How exactly are advanced energy technologies and energy devices actually suppressed? One could argue that the suppression of energy technologies is a necessary evil by government, as Gary Vesperson has here:
“An understandable reason for suppressing certain types of energy inventions is that the knowledge behind them is also capable of producing tremendously destructive advanced electromagnetic weapons such as the “death ray” apparently invented by Nikola Tesla. Hence many such new energy technologies, particularly those using this kind of knowledge of advanced electromagnetic principles, are considered “dual use” technologies that are among the 4,000 un-numbered patent applications confiscated in a vault at the US Patent and Trademark Office because of their military potential and the need to keep that knowledge from America’s enemies.” [Gary Vesperson]
Some cases, perhaps, may surely be considered national security, but in today’s age, the public is discouraged from even looking into simple alternatives, and even the electric car was originally killed.
The works of Nikola Tesla were suppressed by the government and industry.
Who knows precisely how many opportunities the human race has lost to see free energy?
The Orion Project, an organization dedicated to the transformation of our energy usage took a close look at why this is the case, and exactly how the goevernment suppresses free energy decvices. In their review of past and now obscure technologies, they’ve noted the key ways in which alternative energy technologies are suppressed. Take a look:
Our review of past and now-obscure technological breakthroughs shows that these inventions have been suppressed or seized by the following broad categories of actions:
1.5.1 Acquisition of the technology by ‘front’ companies whose intent has been to ‘shelve’ the invention and prevent the device from coming to market.
1.5.2 Denial of patents and intellectual property protection by systematic action by the US and other patent offices.
1.5.3 Seizure or suppression of the technology by the illegal application of section 181 of the US Patent law or other illegal applications of national security provisions that result in the technology being classified or deemed “of significance to the national security”. Note that these applications are illegal actions taken by rogue, unsupervised individuals and entities who are working in collusion with interests to suppress these technologies.
1.5.4 Abuses by other regulatory or licensing entities, including but not limited to rogue elements within the Department of Defense, CIA, NSA, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Energy and others.
1.5.5 Targeting the inventor or company with financial scams, illegal financial arrangements that lead to the demise of the company, and similar traps.
1.5.6 Systematic interception of funds and essential financial support needed to develop and commercialize such fundamental new energy sources. Summary of Breakthrough Energy Technologies, 10/19/09 p. 6
1.5.7 A pattern of harassment, bomb threats, theft and other shadowy actions that frighten, intimidate and demoralize those inventing, holding or developing such technologies; significant bodily harm and murder have also apparently occurred.
1.5.8 Inducements through significant financial buyouts, offers of positions of power and prestige and other benefits to the owner of such technologies to secure their cooperation in suppressing such technologies.
1.5.9 Scientific establishment prejudice and rejection of the technology in light of unconventional electromagnetic effects thought to be not possible by current scientific conventional wisdom.
1.5.10 Corruption of scientific entities and leaders through clandestine liaisons with rogue classified or shadowy private projects that intend to suppress such devices.
1.5.11 Corruption of major media entities and key figures through clandestine liaisons with rogue classified or private shadowy projects that intend to suppress such devices. [Source]
As you can see, its full spectrum dominance when it comes to the suppression of energy technologies. What will it take to see a significant cultural shift toward sustainable energy technologies? One has to wonder if the suppression of such important things as free and overunity energy is even possible by humans. What do you think?
Buck Rogers is the earth bound incarnation of that familiar part of our timeless cosmic selves, the rebel within. He is a surfer of ideals and meditates often on the promise of happiness in a world battered by the angry seas of human thoughtlessness. He is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com.
I wonder how the message would be received in America’s inner cities.
The Pope’s recipe for change, if there is to be any change at all, seems to fall under the category of “income redistribution.”
Apparently, carbon taxes and cap and trade would fit the redistribution agenda.
Forget the fact that a carbon monarchy would drastically reduce available energy in the Third World. But don’t worry, poverty is good. Embrace it.
The Pope is headlining a big show in the US because he and Obama are on the same page. They both want to excoriate capitalism, while conveniently avoiding the subject of Globalist trade treaties, which are designed to expand poverty and destroy millions of jobs.
Since the Pope is willing to mention specifics, such as the horrors of air conditioning, he should be willing to address GATT, the WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA, and the TPP: the treaties by which elite Globalists wreak havoc. Until he does discuss them, and at length, his statements about poverty deserve no more attention than any politician’s.
As for his stance on immigration and the US southern border, his sympathy for destitute Catholic refugees making their way into America dovetails nicely with the goal of expanding the flock, which has been declining in this country.
If the Pope wants a poor Church, I have a suggestion. Bring in an army of expert appraisers and have them pore over every rare book, every scripture, scroll, artifact, piece of furniture, painting, sculpture, jewel, gold coin—every possession of the Vatican, including its lands and buildings—in order to see what price the whole collection might bring at the largest auction ever held on the planet.
Then sell it all. Take the cash and feed and house the poor.
At that point, I would start to take this man in the robe and the big hat seriously.
Also, I’m sure that with a little digging, I could find the names of some competent private investigation agencies and forward their names to His Holiness. He could task them with locating and hunting down every pedophile priest on or off the Church books and turning them over for secular prosecution.
That would clear up a few things, too.
Religion. Why do people who believe in God need it?
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emailshere or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
The 9/11 story you are not supposed to know. Based on actual under-reported 9/11 events.
James McCullough from the mysterious “Council” gives a special assignment to CIA agent Aaron Delgado to attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and pin the blame on Muslim Terrorists. Delgado and fellow agents, Phillip Singer and Chase Jordan, work with a group of unsuspecting engineers to develop unmanned jets that will hit their assigned targets.
The Army and the FBI begin to uncover the plot, forcing Delgado to intervene. The CIA agents also have to deal with an increasingly suspicious George Poole, the lead engineer working on the drones, who becomes skeptical on how the remote controlled planes will be used. A battle between good and evil ensues as the plot to attack America becomes a hard-hitting reality
HOUSTON, 3/27/11 — For the second time in the last four years, the training scenario of an in-progress, high-level U.S. disaster drill has actually occurred in Myanmar, the Indochina rice bowl that has irked international investors with its anti-globalist economic policies.
Three researchers sent me emails yesterday, the sum of which is that the former Burma probably suffered a punitive geowar attack. I render them to my reader with this earnest counsel:
They who caused Mayanmar’s mayhem have planned National Level Exercise 2011 for mid-May. At its core is a catastrophic U.S. earthquake.
ONE — Mike Delaney (Prothink) produced the best 9/11 documentary, Missing Links, and is well known as the unfazed recipient of throaty threats by an apoplectic Alex Jones. He wrote:
“In the 1970’s the U.S. signed the Environmental Modification Treaty banning the use of tectonic weapons, but how would the public know if it were now being broken? In 2007, when the infamous HR 1955 was floating around Congress, the Simon Wiesenthal Center specified which issues they wanted people to shut their mouths about. These were:
“I pay close attention to ‘conspiracy theories,’ but never heard the one about Sumatra until it was brought up in the HR 1955 hearings. It was a big issue in the Middle East, though, which is spot-on about other issues. Fast forward to the Haiti earthquake, which Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez said the U.S. caused.
“Now we have the earthquake/tsunami in Japan, which has the third strongest economy in the world, followed by its WW II partner, Germany. I would not be surprised to see a misfortune happen in Germany soon as well.”
‘Salaam, Brother Allah! I strongly suspect that this was tectonic warfare, neatly coinciding with the second day of earthquake/tsunami drill PACIFEX 11, the subject of my article Tsunamis Today, 323, Worry Watchers.
“This isn’t the first strong case for a geowar attack against the country. On May 2, 2008, it was slammed by category-four Cyclone Nargis on the second day of U.S. National Level Exercise 2-08, which was then simulating a category-four storm. I wrote an article about it for the Iconoclast, Storms and Quakes: Weapons of War?:
“Whatever momentous event may happen in the future, you can count on the media to tell it wrong, and to label those who tell it right ‘conspiracy theorists.’ That’s the nature of information in evil times, when you have to move heaven and earth to get the truth out.”
THREE — Former Marine Major Bill Fox is the publisher of America First Books, and the author of the three-volume history of Ghost Troop, Mission of Conscience. He wrote:
“I watched the following video of nuclear scientist Leuren Moret, who offers invaluable insights on the 3/11/11 earthquake-tsunami-nuclear catastrophe. Here’s an introduction:
‘In 2004 Leuren Moret wrote Japan’s Deadly Game of Nuclear Roulette in the Japan Times, unmasking the lies and distortions by government and industry officials that led to nuclear power plants built in unstable areas. On March 20, in an exclusive 65-minute video interview with Alfred Webre, she declared that the 3/11/11 Japan earthquake and ‘accidents’ at Fukushima’s six nuclear power plant units were in fact deliberate acts of tectonic and nuclear warfare against Japan.
“52 minutes into the video, Moret suggests that Space Shuttle Discovery was a forward observer for a HAARP attack on Japan. I wonder whether she read your False Flag Space Shuttle, posted in February, in which you gave an early warning that the shuttle might target nuclear reactors.
by Robert J. Burrowes 05 February 2014 (Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment tounderstanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of 'Why Violence?')
'Almost half of the world's wealth is now owned by just one percent of the population'.
Their report goes on to recommend that the World Economic Forum, an elite gathering held annually in Davos, Switzerland, take economic and political measures to ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth.
And in his explanation of why he attended the recent Forum in Davos, Kumi Naidoo, the Executive Director of Greenpeace International tells us,
'If we manage to shift the consciousness of one CEO or senior political leader, who may do the same with a couple of his peers, then I think it is worth it.
It is also worth being there, listening and observing, understanding some of the forces that shape our world and importantly feeding that information back to the rest of Greenpeace and other civil society allies.'
As anyone who pays even the slightest realistic attention to the global elite already knows, the elite's efforts to maximize its political and economic clout, and hence its wealth, at the expense of everyone else and the Earth itself, are carefully crafted.
And this is not going to change on our recommendation or because we talk to them, or even because we listen to them. Moreover, the reason is simple.
The global elite is insane. And it is incredibly violent.
I would like to illustrate this insanity and violence briefly, explain what I mean by 'insane' and then outline a strategy to resist it.
In a video (below) statement in 2012, the world's richest woman, Gina Rinehart, called for Australian workers to be paid $A2 per day in a national economy where the current legal minimum wage is $A124 per day for a full-time adult worker.
But Rinehart is not alone in advocating or, indeed, implementing such policies.
Slave 'wages' are a common occurrence all over the world as most factory workers, particularly those employed by the world’s largest corporations in Africa, Asia and Central/South America, can readily testify.
We also know that 50,000 people (85% of them children) die in Africa, Asia and Central/South America each and every day essentially because they do not have enough to eat.
This is a death rate that results in a cumulative death total that dwarfs both the death rate and the total number of deaths in all war throughout human history.
Incredibly, even the number of deaths on 6 and 9 August 1945, when nuclear weapons were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulted in less than 50,000 individual deaths for each of these two days (and each of those subsequent).
Apart from this, we know that about one billion people around the world go to bed in a semi-starved condition each night.
Moreover, we know that the global elite takes deliberate measures to maintain and exacerbate this cruel state of affairs by planning and working to implement such atrociously unjust economic arrangements as those outlined in,
-the Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA or more recently the TTIP),
...on top of the already highly damaging economic structures and relationships of capitalism.
How do you feel when you read these facts?
If you are like me, you are horrified at the thought that you might starve yourself, you empathize deeply with those who suffer this fate and you make some effort to ameliorate it or change it (ranging from giving a donation, preferably to an organization with more political savvy than Oxfam and Greenpeace, to campaigning to resist implementation of the TPP and TAFTA).
You do this because you feel empathy, sympathy and compassion. You do this because you perceive the injustice and you want to take some action, at least, to change it.
You identify with your fellow human beings who are suffering.
Insanity is widely understood to refer to a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior or social interaction; it describes someone who is considered to be seriously mentally ill.
-Do you believe that individual members of the global elite share your perception (which is shaped by your empathy, sympathy and compassion)?
-Who is normal: you or them?
-Are individual members of the global elite behaving and interacting as you would?
-Do they share your conception of what a desirable human community - with its basis in such values as love, solidarity, equity, justice and sustainability - might look like?
It is clear to me that, as a result of the violence they each suffered as a child, we can readily conclude that each individual within the global elite falls within the definition of 'insane':
someone who is incapable of 'normal perception, behavior and social interaction', someone who is incapable of love, compassion, empathy and sympathy.
And this is why they do not join efforts to restructure the global economy to ensure distributive justice for all and disburse their personal wealth to those most in need as a measure of their commitment to the creation of a humane world based on equity, justice and sustainability.
So how did this insanity occur? In essence, these individuals suffered an extraordinary level of terror and violence during childhood leaving them particularly badly emotionally damaged.
Specifically, for example, two central psychological characteristics of these individuals are that they are terrified and self-hating but, because they unconsciously suppress their awareness of this terror and self-hatred (because it is too painful to feel), they project it as fear of and hatred for 'legitimized' victim groups, including working people and 'poor' people in Africa, Asia and Central/South America.
Because of the violence they suffered as children, these individuals never developed a conscience, they never developed the capacity to love, and they never developed the emotional responses of compassion, empathy and sympathy.
And this is why they do not care...
It takes persistent violence inflicted throughout childhood to destroy an individual's innate capacity to develop love, compassion, empathy and sympathy.
Tragically, any member of the global elite, as well as any of their paid agents in the professional class, like,
-the political lackeys who generate the delinquent legislative frameworks that facilitate the exploitation of ordinary people
-the business executives who undertake the daily management of this exploitation
-the academics who justify it
-the judges and lawyers who defend it and repress its opponents
-the media personnel who obscure the truth about it,
...has suffered this degree of violence, or very close to it, throughout their childhood.
And this is why these individuals are incapable of understanding that hoarded money and resources cannot provide them with security, particularly in the world that is coming.
They are incapable of understanding that true security is the result of cooperative human relationships and a cooperative relationship between humans and the natural world.
Resisting Elite Violence Strategically
-So how do we strategically resist the insanity and violence of the global elite?
-How do we replace elite-controlled structures with ones that meet the needs of all human beings as well as the planet and other species?
-And how do we do all of this within a timeframe in which the Earth’s ecological limits are not fundamentally breached?
To do all of these things, we need an integrated strategy that tackles the fundamental cause of violence while tackling all of its symptoms simultaneously.
This strategy has four primary elements:
-First, and most importantly, we must review our child-raising practices to exclude all types of violence (including those I have labeled 'invisible' and 'utterly invisible') so that we no longer create insane individuals and perpetrators of violence. See 'Why Violence?' and 'Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice'. Let us create people of conscience, people of courage, people who care.
-Second, we must non-cooperate, in a strategic manner, with elite-controlled structures and processes while simultaneously creating alternative, local structures that allow us to self-reliantly meet our own needs in an ecologically sustainable manner. Anita McKone and I have mapped out a fifteen-year strategy for doing this in 'The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth'.
-Third, we must keep planning and implementing sophisticated campaigns of nonviolent resistance to prevent/halt wars, end economic exploitation and save threatened ecosystems, as well as strategies of nonviolent defense to liberate Palestinians, Tibetans and other oppressed populations in those circumstances in which elite violence must be directly confronted (see Robert J. Burrowes 'The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense: A Gandhian Approach', Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996 and Gene Sharp 'The Politics of Nonviolent Action', Boston: Porter Sargent, 1973).
-And fourth, we must courageously pay the price of violent elite repression when we resist nonviolently, knowing that many of us are going to be imprisoned (sometimes as 'psychiatric' patients), some of us will be tortured and a great many of us will be killed.
In summary, if we are to effectively resist the elite's violence in our lives and take concrete steps to create our nonviolent world community, then we must recognize that individual members of the global elite are insane and cannot take responsibility for ending their violence.
Instead, we must take responsibility for ending their violence while creating a world in which damaged individuals are unlikely to be created and, if they are created, they cannot wreak havoc on the rest of us.
Let's suppose the elitist scum working to ruin and control our lives and planet are in some fashion real people to some extent.
I know, a stretch, but let's try.
How can they perpetrate such horrors on humanity?
How could such madness be justified in the minds of men, however psychopathic?
Actually, it's easy. For self promotion, preservation and Machiavellian power. They've convinced themselves that what they are perpetrating is the right thing to do.
And what's their fundamental pseudo scientific tenet for mass murder? Eugenics. Eliminating unwanted humanity for some "good" that they perceive is right.
Everything they think and believe is a fabricated bastardization and reversal of any real Truth, but in their minds they've decided this inhuman illuminist takeover makes sense. Especially with their fat cheeks being firmly ensconced in the seats of power.
Oh, the vestiges of their human conscience may give some of them a nudge in some cases, but it's been shut down almost completely for almost all of them. It has to be. You can't have empathy and wreak such death dealing havoc on nature and humanity otherwise.
If you've ever known or observed a pathological liar, this cauterized mindset is their way of life. Politicians do it without the slightest compunction. To them it's part of the job description for ruling the unwashed masses.
How is it justified logically?
The old "necessary evil" ruse, the "greater good", as in the justification for 9/11 and a myriad of other dystopian death dealing manipulative actions over the centuries.
The even more repulsive aspect is that they smugly revel in this ugliness, thinking they're the "good guys".
Convincing the Cattle to Die - Eugenics Justifies All
Think about it.
What a slam dunk for world domination to so twist perception to where humanity is the problem that needs to be curtailed by draconian controls while being systematically exterminated like a pest infestation.
Be it engineered wars, poverty and food shortages; drugging, corrupted food, and water; dumbed down information and media, or injecting toxins in our bodies, all is fair game to them.
Eugenics is the "tie that binds", the glue that holds all the other lies conveniently together. And it takes the sting out of outright mass murder. For them. It's a "cleansing" and "preparation" for their desired, sanitized world to come.
Just look at how Agenda 21 and other controls are perpetrated via things like climate change and CO2 fabrications. Sure, we're in the throes of massive climate extremes for many reasons, many of them geoengineered, but to blame it on cattle flatulence and even human breathing must be some kind of macabre inside joke.
Bottom line is they are planning a great "culling of the herd" and need our permission. We've read about it for decades in their elitist writings, and this is how they justify it and hope to convince us as much as possible of the same.
That's the alert...
And this upcoming UN "sustainability" conference is the capstone. This is why Obama is jumping through these Alaska "climate change" shenanigans, disgustingly promoted by mainstream media. It's a lead in.
Remember, not waking up and saying no is ultimately humanity's imprimatur that it agrees. That's where empowerment comes in. We can say no and reverse all this, just as we've done in many instances.
But the awakened shout out needs to be immediate and insistent.
A Little Background
As eugenics, called the "self-direction of human evolution", grew out of its inception in the 1800's, it was considered the,
"harmonious result of all branches of science".
The US was the first to implement eugenics programs as early as 1908 and it gained a lot of popularity and traction.
What stopped it in its tracks, at least in public opinion, was the Nazi implementation of eugenics during WW2 to the obvious horror of all, however it was clearly backed by American interests and exaggerated for Zionist propaganda usage.
This would later turn out to be an amazingly cunning pre-planned propaganda tool as we'll discuss below.
But now look how this eugenics campaign has been revived and is currently perpetrated. With innocuous sounding names like Planned Parenthood to the UN's dastardly Agenda 21, the mass hive mind sees these measures as "progress" while knowing little to nothing about the extensive anti-human, never mind anti-freedom, measures being foisted upon them.
And it's not just genetic culling, it's mass population reduction.
An elitist think tank called The Club of Rome helped set the stage for this last push to demonize humanity with the contrived invention of militant, invasive environmentalism. This appeared around the same time as the widely sensationalized "population bomb" concept.
While real ecology and conscious conservationism make common sense, this environmental agenda was created with the specific intention to foist massive controls over human activities. That we're now at the incredulous point of having to pay a literal carbon tax is a total giveaway as to their fraudulent intentions.
Yet few catch on.
And again, like the lie of human caused global warming, they foist such nonsense with the intent that we should feel guilty for being alive, to such an extent that even our breath is supposedly killing the planet.
Insane. Yet they keep pushing their agenda regardless of real scientific data to the contrary...
While humanity doesn't share the bestial mindset of the elites and their occult driven agenda, these pounding programs wear on people. Over time the continued onslaught of these nonsensical anti-truths start to wear a groove in the mass mind.
Resistance subsides as seemingly contrary understandings - in this case,
"I'm a sovereign human being who deserves life and freedom" vs. "I'm a parasitic organism killing my host planet and need to be eradicated".
Screwy, but that's what it boils down to.
And what gets synthesized in the mind to reconcile the two?
"I guess they know what they're doing. Gee, we are bad and something needs to be done."
It doesn't really make sense so the overload causes a shutdown and back to the TV and ball game they go, acquiescing, and approving the agenda, by purely willing ignorant apathy.
Once again, the intended solution being foisted on society gains traction.
And those daring to oppose this new status quo? Resistance and criticism has now been cleverly engineered to be tantamount to terrorism, the ultimate behavioral catch-all.
Game. Set. Match… or so they think.
Zio-Kabbalism - An Identifiable Eugenically Based Virus Form
While the arrogant, intellectual roots of modern eugenics seem to escape mainstream consciousness, obvious forms of racism and genocidal extermination, as exposed in the repeated Gaza genocides, have been much more evident.
That the two are intrinsically connected takes one to the much deeper understanding of what's really going on on this planet - the elimination of more conscious and rooted indigenous forms of humanity and the subjugation of the remaining human race and its ultimate manipulation into a non-questioning subservient form actually loving its enslavement.
Yes, just like the predictive programming evidenced in literature and film making for centuries.
The Zionist mindset with its Kabbalistic occult sense of supremacism is a clear example of justified extermination of "lesser" beings.
An incredible "in your face" example that the world turns a blind eye to.
Instead, they fall for the big lie created by the engineered German holocaust that the perpetrators of this current extermination of their "inferiors" as manifested in the millions of killed and displaced Palestinians, is somehow because the killers are the potential victims.
That's how they work. Manipulate history and pound the manipulated message home via propaganda. It's that simple - as long as you have a complicit media and engorging codependent governments.
Behold the birth of the Zionist parasite called Israel. A perfect example of the sick fruits of eugenically driven, ravenous psychotic behavior.
When people wake up to that mechanism blood will run hot and heavy and they'll get their due. They always have and always will. Evil dies from its own corrupted aberration.
As in the human body, the protective immune system of the Universe will eventually disable and recycle these invaders.
The Interdimensional Connection
In a Universe of boundless life and energy we know entities of all types exist, which even so-called modern scientists affirm.
Dimensions abound beyond ours, here and now interacting with our world. One look at the real intentions of CERN and you'll see where so-called science meets the occult.
This reality must play heavily into our personal understanding of our interdimensional cosmos. We're a world under siege, and we need to know our enemies as well as our friends.
That such forces of darkness can mount such a profoundly coordinated attack on a planet of mainly meek, loving inhabitants reeks of opportunity for an aggressive force. I don't know exactly what's going on but I hope this helps present the case for what we're potentially up against.
I would be remiss without pointing out these otherworldly influences on our three dimensional experience. There is much more than meets the physical eye as we well know. People are driven by many influences, and spiritual ones are the most profound.
Religions dutifully categorize such concepts as good and bad influences under their clever hierarchical frameworks, while metaphysics dissects these various aspects with intrigue.
Psychic, transcendental and near death testimonies also abound to affirm these phenomena.
So please don't tell me there's nothing more than this observable world...
The Antidote - Disengage and Live in Truth and Love
Never give in mentally or spiritually to this onslaught.
While we need to stay active in exposing their perfidy, we cannot be part of their ensnaring mindset.
That's why turning off all forms of mainstream media is so important. That's also why immersion in positive influences, nature, and loving people in order to counter these types of realities is imperative.
Anyone in their right mind knows this kind of plan cannot succeed in the long run. We happen to be at a time in history where these negative, barbaric influences are peaking at a similar rate to the hyperbolic acceleration of hijacked technologies.
This too shall pass. But we should be vigilant and prepare as best we can, without fear. It's a time to grow in consciousness and communication with each other so we can share our combined knowledge, insights and loving support as we counter this barrage with true information.
We should also prepare for whatever these insane entities may unleash at any given time.
But never fear. The fact that we know what's going on tells the tale - we are alive, while they are dead and dying in their furious vain attempts to dominate nature.
Therein is life, one day at a time. As it always is.
In face of a world of 'modern ideas' which would like to banish everyone into a corner and 'specialty', a philosopher, assuming there could be philosophers today, would be compelled to see the greatness of man, the concept "greatness", precisely in his spaciousness and multiplicity, in his wholeness and diversity: he would even determine value and rank according to how much and how many things one could endure and take upon oneself, how 'far' one could extend one's responsibility. (Nietzsche)
How the Nazis Hijacked Nietzsche, and How It Can Happen to Anybody
Just as American politicians like to reference the ideas of dead American heroes like Washington and Jefferson, the Nazis sought great Germans to reference when justifying their new regime. Nietzsche, with the tweaks made to his philosophy by his sister, became the primary thinker for those Nazis looking to justify their beliefs with philosophy.
It's shame that philosophical ideals don't always match up to pragmatic reality. We live in an analog world, not a digital one, so binary black-and-white choices and reflexive adherence to absolutes are rarely useful or applicable. Deal with it!
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The frightening nature of knowledge leaves one no alternative but to become a warrior.
War and Warriors
By our best enemies we do not want to be spared, nor by those either whom we love from the very heart. So let me tell you the truth!
I know the hatred and envy of your hearts. Ye are not great enough not to know of hatred and envy. Then be great enough not to be ashamed of them!
And if ye cannot be saints of knowledge, then, I pray you, be at least its warriors. They are the companions and forerunners of such saintship.
I see many soldiers; could I but see many warriors! "Uniform" one calleth what they wear; may it not be uniform what they therewith hide!
One can only be silent and sit peacefully when one hath arrow and bow; otherwise one prateth and quarrelleth. Let your peace be a victory!
War and courage have done more great things than charity. Not your sympathy, but your bravery hath hitherto saved the victims.
Ye shall only have enemies to be hated, but not enemies to be despised. Ye must be proud of your enemies; then, the successes of your enemies are also your successes.
Resistance—that is the distinction of the slave. Let your distinction be obedience. Let your commanding itself be obeying!
To the good warrior soundeth "thou shalt" pleasanter than "I will." And all that is dear unto you, ye shall first have it commanded unto you.
Let your love to life be love to your highest hope; and let your highest hope be the highest thought of life!
Your highest thought, however, ye shall have it commanded unto you by me—and it is this: man is something that is to be surpassed.
So live your life of obedience and of war! What matter about long life! What warrior wisheth to be spared!
I spare you not, I love you from my very heart, my brethren in war!—
Thus spake Zarathustra.
He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
“The State is the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies, too; and this lie creeps from its mouth: `I, the State, am the People.’… Everything about it is false; it bites with stolen teeth.” Thus Spake Zarathustra
Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change. (Robert Kennedy)
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. MARGARET MEAD (Anthropologist)
The Right To Believe
This site affirms the right to believe, not what we are told to believe, and not what we blindly consent to believe, but what we determine to be true and worth believing. It presents a way to undertake that “tedious and daunting task” by which we make ourselves accountable to truth itself.
Reproduction and dissemination of the information in this blog is actively encouraged!
We do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented here, I fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
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*The brilliant documentaries by Stop World Control show what is really
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This award-winning ethnographic documentary film in Telugu made by Sathya
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Once hadst thou passions and calledst them evil. But now hast thou only thy virtues: they grew out of thy passions.
Thou implantedst thy highest aim into the heart of those passions: then became they thy virtues and joys.
And though thou wert of the race of the hot-tempered, or of the voluptuous, or of the fanatical, or the vindictive;
All thy passions in the end became virtues, and all thy devils angels.
Once hadst thou wild dogs in thy cellar: but they changed at last into birds and charming songstresses.
Out of thy poisons brewedst thou balsam for thyself; thy cow, affliction, milkedst thou—now drinketh thou the sweet milk of her udder.
And nothing evil groweth in thee any longer, unless it be the evil that groweth out of the conflict of thy virtues.
A moving point generates a line
A moving line generates a plane
A moving plane generates a volume
A moving volume generates a hypervolume
The threshold movement is attained at the speed of light
At the speed of light mass becomes infinite and time ceases to be
A timeless, mass-less entity can travel to any point in the universe instantly
A timeless, mass-less entity can manifest to all points in the universe instantly
The mysterious aspect of a human, electromagnetic-ethereal, travels at or beyond the speed of light
There is nothing more necessary than truth, and in comparison with it everything else has only secondary value.This absolute will to truth: what is it? Is it the will to not allow ourselves to be deceived? Is it the will not to deceive? One does not want to be deceived, under the supposition that it is injurious, dangerous, or fatal to be deceived. NIETZSCHE
Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true. ~ Adyashanti