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11 November 2015

We Were Never Alone

According to Corey Goode, the German secret space program had its beginnings in the early 20th century, developing out of occult societies and related contacts with advanced civilizations. These civilizations have been in the solar system for thousands of years, have an imitate association with Earth's history. 

The Germans eventually explored the Moon discovering many older settlements and bases they used as temporary installations before creating their own. 

The more contemporary secret space program discovered that one of the German groups had apparently developed star gate technology they used to travel to the Moon, but at a point in the far distant past. They built many structures there as well, which were also discovered by the modern day secret space program. 

For Cosmic Disclosure summaries with David Wilcock and Corey Goode click here. To review the previous episode in this series, click here. Episodes 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 have yet to be analyzed, but a transcript of the episode can be found here

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Some of the content covered here can be found on Goode's websites: and his older blog

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Show Description:

Corey Goode reveals a secret which shook the very foundation of the German’s burgeoning secret space program – we were never alone. As the Himalayan texts were studied by the scientists who toiled to rebuild ancient technology, they discovered that they were not to be the first human civilization venturing into space. Perhaps this is what bolstered their resolve to quickly expand operations to the moon. 
This presentation was originally webcast November 3, 2015
The summarized notes will be in black, with my commentary in [green bolded brackets]. Alterations to the transcript for ease of reading will be in [brackets]. The images with black letter boxing were captured from this episode on Gaiam TV.

DW = David Wilcock, CG = Corey Goode


DW - Hello, welcome to Cosmic Disclosure. I am your host David Wilcock and I am here with the insiders insider, Corey Goode. What we're learning is that the effectiveness of this whole conspiracy, comes out of the fact that it was orchestrated by groups that were extremely secretive, from the beginning. Specifically, we've been talking about German esoteric societies. So Corey, lets talk about that for a moment. What would happen in one of these German societies, how did they make sure someone was not going to squeal?
CG - That was woven into the secret society itself. These people were very loyal, being raised in it from childhood and that was their way of life. Everyone else is an outsider, [but] everyone inside are the 'team;' the family. So going outside to squeal, why would that happen?
DW - Lets say it's the 1930's, and Germany is rising to become another great industrial power. Someone says: "I can't handle this anymore, I'm tired of this. I am out of here." What would happen to this person?
CG - Very similar to what would have happened to one of Al Capone's men that had a similar epiphany and change of heart. They would end up "pushing up daisies" as they used to say back then . [As in the person would be killed to silence them.]
DW - The point is people are not apt to want to talk at all. You said last time that this esoteric order has great physical power, they are controlling the money system and industry?
CG - They have [been] for some time.
DW - How do they enforce loyalty [onto the people in the organization]? Do they have initiated rites [A formal ritual], where you have to swear to secrecy on pain of death?
CG - Well there's the whole theatre part of the esoteric belief systems, black magic and all that, but it always comes down to the carrot and the stick. Making someone wealthy, while everyone else is standing in line for bread; it is a strong motivator. So, if you have a family you [will] want to provide for them and you are made to feel special. You're made to feel [like you're] a part of something bigger, grander [than regular life]. [That] you're born into something that is bigger than everything else in the world. [That] all the other people are useless eaters. you are important and what you are doing is important to not only the useless eaters in humanity but to the future of the planet, and to a very ancient plan, that your order or society has been meticulously working on for generations. [Jay Parker is a whistleblower that claims to have been raised in a rank and file Illuminati Family. 

From the first day of his life he says he was ritually abused as part of a normal protocol of trauma based mind control. Essentially, if one can break the personality before it is spiritually aware, generally the age of 6 and 7, then that person will most likely stay loyal to the family and carry out the plans without question. But these groups also realize that there must be many nets to catch all different types of people. If the trauma based mind control doesn't work on someone, the desire for wealth and power might. And if these things aren't enough, they simply let you loose into the world without their support. Now you have to 'earn a living' and suffer like the rest of humanity, which as CG said, is one of the ways they create the conditions that provide an endless stream of corrupt and greedy individuals, easily manipulated by the order. Parker also says that his family claimed to be part of a lineage of dark magicians from the times of Atlantis, and that they have a grand plan for the planet and humanity. This helps add mystique to the order as well. In essence the same way loyalty is maintained in religious organizations, by creating a narrative that people willingly choose to accept as their truth, is the same way the families maintain their ranks.]

DW - Italy was a fascist nation in World War II that worked hand-in-glove on the same goals [as] Germany's fascist government. I'm wondering if these German secret societies might have also spread into neighboring countries such as Austria, Poland and Italy, or were they truly just German-centric.
CG - You have to look way, way back into history, to the pre-christian eras back when these groups were just pagan tribes. These societies come from groups way back then.
DW - Like Celtic?
CG - Celtic and Druids... All these different groups [that are] very ancient. They see their roots going back very far. [They think they own everything]. 'Just as clouds blow across the sky, dynasties change [on the Earth], but we remain, like the trees on the ground.' [An excellent resource for learning more about these ancient orders, how advanced they were and what their relationship is to the prediluvian era (before the flood) see Michael Tsarion's work.]
DW - One of the things that puzzled me as a tangible data point that people can sink their teeth into, I did research into Ley Lines. You see sites like Stone Henge,Avebury Stone Circle and Carnac in the northern province of France, ancient sites with giant stones.

[For an excellent presentation on Ley Lines, ancient sites, modern cities and the numerical relationships found in deciphering them, see the following.]

DW - And then [we have] modern sites, including German gothic cathedrals, that are built on these same lines.
Cologne cathedral, Germany


DW - Somebody knew to build these cathedrals and sacred sites of worship - even government facilities [are] on these Ley lines. Would you say that might be one tangible data point people can look at indicating there was secret knowledge the public is not being told about behind where these sites were being constructed?
CG - Yes, these secret teachings go back many millennia and are highly guarded [by the groups]. A lot of this information is in the Vatican vaults. The jesuits and other groups still have access to it. There are many other libraries of this sort [as well], especially in Europe, that these secret societies have access to, [where] ancient mystery school teachings [are kept]. These go all the back and have several different ancient languages in them that translate [other] older and older texts [from much further back in history]. [These texts] talk about technology of people and beings that came from the heavens; [extraterrestrials].
DW - [In a previous episode], you've said that breakaway civilizations groups living inside the Earth, contacted people on the surface and posed as gods. [A breakaway civilization is a group within society that develops systems of infrastructure and technology so as to gain independence from the parent civilization. In season 2 episode 4, Break Away Begins, CG describes how aspects of the German government broke away and formed their own hidden civilization shortly after the end of World War II. Some of these breakaway civilizations advanced far beyond the parent society and in some cases in our own history, according to CG, they reappear to the parent civilization as gods or extraterrestrials.]
CG - [The breakaway civilizations on Earth] still do.
DW - In these European Celtic and Druidic societies, were there priests, nobility or royals that had a more technically involved and accurate contact with these breakaway civilizations?
CG - Yes the priests of Odin and all these other groups. The priest cast in just about every one of the ancient civilizations guarded secret teachings. They had access to scrolls, books and information; all the mystery teachings. They kept the information from the kings, emperors and they kept it from the commoners. It is from [these occulted priest groups] that a lot of the breakaway secret space programs and advanced technological subterranean civilizations [came] from.
DW - Are there members of these subterranean civilizations or space based civilizations that are decedents of people that might have been pulled out from human life on Earth [at some point in history]? Maybe even as old as thousands of years ago, or even in medieval times? Has there been continuing abduction of people from Earth into these various groups?
CG - Yes, that is one of the reasons the Germans were so interested in all this and why they were so focused on the master race. Some of these groups that were coming out from underground and presenting themselves to them as either ETs, (depending on the time period), gods and in some cases their forefathers. [In many instances] these beings were blonde haired, blue eyed and Caucasian.. "master-race-looking" [beings]. The master race that was depicted by these groups during the late World War I and [early] World War II era. [These beings from underground] had that look about them. [In 1871 an anonymous author wrote "The Coming Race" a work that was publicly accepted as science fiction, but secretly drew the attention of occult groups such as the Theosophy society. The Vril and Thule societies of pre Nazi Germany believed this was not fiction and worked with other groups to initiate contact via mediumship. Maria Orzich later made telepathic contact with a being via automatic writing, which apparently supplied her with plans for a device based on what the book called 'Vril Energy'. It was these contacts that apparently helped the German secret space program develop their first antigravity craft. For more on this see the below linked article.]

DW - If people had been pulled from the Earth into these groups, did those groups interbreed with [the] people [they abducted] or were they used [as] a slave cast?
CG - They were more so manipulating the surface population. They were teaching them agriculture so they could provide things to the [subterranean group] as offerings. It was all about manipulation of the surface population so they could have a 'return' on what they considered an investment.
DW - Would you say that the priest cast you referred to these Druidic, Celtic and other secret societies all over the world, did they have access to space travel andportal technology?
CG - Some of them definitely did.
DW - There's been to some degree, certain people on the surface of the Earth that have had access to space all throughout our history?
CG - Yes.
DW - And that were people born on Earth from human parents?
CG - Yes. I read on the smart glass pads [iPad-like 3D projection capable devices provided to secret space program personnel during CG's time in the program, with a library of information stored on them.] I read on the smart glass pads about the Spaniards chasing some Mayan priests that would run right up to a wall that had a door carved into it, but went no where. They would be holding a bunch of scrolls in their arms. They would run up, touch the door and then walk through the rock [wall]. This was obviously some kind of portal.

DW - I remember doing an episode of Ancient Aliens, where we talked about a similar thing that you are describing, it looked like a doorway, but it was just carved into the side of a rock wall, and there's an identical one in Turkey. Is Turkey another country that is really central in these breakaway groups, based on its location near the Mediterranean sea and Egypt?
CG - Yes. Turkey is a mixture, there's a breakaway group and an ET group that has settled there.
DW - Do we know anything about that ET group?
CG - Yes...
DW - You don't want to tell us?
CG - Well, it gets into some of the disturbing stuff. The Sumerian god kind of groups [are there], and more negative types that are also down in South Africa right now; Marduk and different names you may hear. [Several researchers have said theKhazarian invasion of the western caucus mountain region around 800 BC was actually a race of extraterrestrials with nefarious intentions. They are apparently reptilian in lineage and have connections to the Draco empire. Credo Mutwa is a shaman from South Africa claiming to have lived near an ET settlement. He apparently had several unpleasant encounters with these beings, which he said, had a rank metallic oder and fed off of the fear humanity produced to sustain themselves. DW spoke of looshe or fear food in a radio show we provided a summary and analysis of. See the below linked article.]

DW - What about the breakaway civilization in Turkey? Is that similar to the other ones, or is this a unique group?
CG - In Turkey mainly, there's quite a bit of ET activity going on down there. There's a breakaway group there, but they are more subservient to the ET group. Turkey is very ancient area and its been controlled by a certain ET faction for a very long time.
DW - I've just been trying to map out some of the terrain here, so we can understand how the Germans end up making their way out into space. This is not the first time humans have made it up into space, based on what you're saying?
CG - Right.


DW - You also said that these breakaway human civilizations in the Earth or outside of it, were one of the groups that the germans were channeling that were helping them find these scrolls to help them build craft. I guess what I am concerned with is, why wouldn't these breakaway or ET groups just give the Germans technology they already have? Why were they trying to make the Germans go though this painstaking process of archeologic excavations and doing it themselves? 
CG - Well, eventually they did start giving [the Germans] advanced technology, but they had to develop a certain amount themselves. 
DW - Is this part of the esoteric rules they have to follow? 
CG - I'm not sure, but they basically had to prove themselves as not only being able to have the engineering and scientific ability to create this technology and understand it, but once they got to a certain point, not only did the Draco group start to give them scientists and technology, but also the breakaway Agarthan group did [as well]. Now the Draco and Agarthan group don't always get along all the time. The Germans favored the Agarthan group. They were getting a lot of very excellent and unique technology from these groups. They started using it to venture out past our atmosphere and go to the Moon, and study the astroid belt. When they went to the Moon, they learned very quickly that it was a hub for many other ET groups to meet in a neutral area, to have bases, to be apart of some kind of grand experiment which the Earth is apart of, to observe Earth and be close. The Germans traveled to the Moon had planned on starting colonies there, but said that it was [risky] to try to land to any place on the Moon and start building. So they signed, just like we did later on, they signed agreements with the Draco and Agarthan groups.. 
DW - When you say "we," you mean the United States government? 
CG - Yes, the United States government. 
DW - Signed a deal with the Draco? 
CG - The United States government signed deals with several groups, the Draco were one of them, as were the Agarthans; and others. 
DW - I'm just curious, did they have any trouble getting outside the Earth when they tried to fly out? 
CG - [When] they started flying out towards the Moon, they started encountering some resistance. But once they formed partnerships with these Draco who had a very large portion or area of the backside of the Moon, they fell under Draco protection. The Germans started trying to build their own Moon bases and colonies, which didn't go very well. Then they started discovering these ancient buildings, and they found a way to pressurize them temporarily while they built a moderate German Moon base [elsewhere]. 
DW - Ok you just said a lot I think we need to untangle. First of all I want to ask you a really stupid question, is there a breathable atmosphere on the Moon? 
CG - No. 
DW - Did [the Germans] develop astronaut suit like what we have later with NASA astronauts, [so as] to walk on the Moon? 
CG - Yes. They developed pressurized scuba type rebreather suits... 


DW - And you said they made earlier attempts to build on their own [bases], but were not successful? 
CG - Several, many attempts. 
DW - Did they try to bring materials from Earth, or did they try to build with local materials they found on the Moon? What was the attempt? 
CG - They would bring some materials form Earth and also built out of the local material [on the Moon] trying to make modern concrete materials that we use on Earth. They tried several different techniques but had quite a few problems. There was one group that was involved with a reptilian or reptoid group, a project that was traveling to the Moon using portals, apparently back to a different time period. [This group was] building above ground facilities, which at some point were abandoned. Later on, the secret space program was finding these very ancient buildings with Nazi insignias, symbols, eagles and swastikas [inside of] them. 
DW - Very ancient? 
CG - Yes. 
DW - What do you mean by 'very,' like 2000 years old? 
CG - Many thousands of years old. There's a temporal technology that the secret space program uses, it's kind of like Carbon 14 dating, but it reads [the] temporal signature of a building that is constructed... 
DW - Temporal meaning time? 
CG - [Yes], time. This would be able to tell approximately how old it is. I don't recall exactly how old they were, but it was thousands of years old. 
DW - So this technology is able to tell the last time a material was... disrupted? 
CG - Right, it could tell when it was.. manipulated or [constructed]. 
DW - So these were highly decrepit buildings? They were breaking down? 
CG - They were dilapidated and falling apart. 
DW - So this was extraterrestrial technology that [the German group] had access to so they could portal back into the past? 
CG - Right, this was a joint operation with reptiods. 
DW - You also said to me in private conversations, that when they started to build on various locations they found explosive charges had already been placed beneath [long ago]. 
CG - That was the secret space program [that found these]. When we would go to build outposts, mainly for security, I described how we built those out of local material and material brought from home. They would fill it with local soil and built up a structure out of giant Kevlar bags. I've written about it, its a whole long process. The engineers that were there, using some of this temporal technology for surveying the land, discovered that underneath [the surface charges had been placed long ago]. Some how, someone had figured out that some day someone was going to build a facility there, and placed charges thousands of years ago [presumably for attacking the new site]. So [the engineers] found a way to remove them. 


DW - You said that one of the first things the Germans did when they went into space was [go to the] astroid belt. Did they see anything that would be considered strange or unusual by our normal terrestrial standards when they got to that area? 
CG - Yes they found it had already been mined for quite some time and that it obviously been some other planet at one point. And very small remnants of ancient builder race technology were found embedded in some of the astroids. [In episode 12 of Cosmic Disclosure CG and DW discuss the ancient star gate system, apparently built by an extremely old and advanced race of beings that act as guardians for evolving star systems. When a planet develops life advanced enough to eventually explore space, they build a star gate network using the natural portal system CG calls the Cosmic Web. Much of this technology looks like an inanimate object that will become active once it interfaces properly with the consciousness of an operator. Apparently there are many remnants of ancient builder race devices and technology throughout the solar system; including on the Earth.] 
DW - What would a very small remnant of ancient builder race technology look like? 
CG - Just pieces of their technology, small remnants here and there. 
DW - Well you had described before that it looked like stone that's very nicely carved. 
CG - Right. If you were to find one, it would look like a piece of diorite or very hard stone, that was shaped in a very unique and pleasing way to the eye. You would think an ancient culture had carved it and maybe it was an alter or the way think, it had some primitive use. When in reality, it was a very advanced multi-dimensional device.
[Klaus Dona is an archeologist that discovered hundreds of very intricate stone carvings during his exploration of a cave system in Ecuador. Many of the objects are made out of an incredibly hard stone. Even with modern technology we would not be able to recreate some of these artifacts. For a very detailed account of his research and photographs of the items he found, see the below linked article.]

CG - They found many, many astroids [indicating] there had been mining activity going on for millennia in the astroid belt.
DW - This was something that was very clearly able to be seen, like strip mining lines, that kind of thing?
CG - Yes, big holes in the astroids, with built out areas for docking and resupply vessels, [as well as] places for vessels to pick up [what they were mining].
DW - Did they ever find smashed space ships that were destroyed by weapons fire, that were [a drift] kind of, tumbling end over end in the astroid [belt]?
CG - Most of what I remember them finding was on the Moon, after some of the ancient battles [there].
DW - Were they able to find ruined ancient craft and gain something from [salvaging it]? Like debris from a technological flying craft?
CG - Yes, that was found on the Earth, the Moon, Mars - they have been found all over the place.


DW - So you can't breathe on the Moon?
CG - No.
DW - So they have these space suits?
CG - Right.
DW - And you said they were fascinated to find Nazi insignia on ancient buildings.
CG - Yes, completely stripped and dilapidated buildings, with the eagles holding swastikas and German writing or script.

CG - But anything of value or useful was stripped [out of these ancient Nazi facilities on the Moon].
DW - You said that there was a Draco area on the Moon, that there was a large tract of land...
CG - This [place I am talking about] was in the Draco area.
DW - Did the Draco provide material assistance to them or were they more so allowed to just develop the land on their own?
CG - Both.
DW - At what point did the Draco become involved in the building process? If you said that these early building attempts were unsuccessful.
CG - The Germans finally built a successful small base [on the Moon], and used that as a jumping off point. And then they successfully built a base on Mars as well. The Draco did not assist them with all of this. There was a separate base on the Moon that is a joint base that the Draco and human German breakaway groups use to this day, it is a heavy Dark Fleet base. It is shaped like a pyramid with it's top cut off; a trapezoid.
DW - Do you know when that [Dark Fleet, Draco Human Alliance] base was constructed?
CG - This would have been in the 1960's and early 70's.
DW - Did the Draco have their own buildings in this tract [of land] that they owned on the Moon before?
CG - Under the [surface].
DW - Oh it was under. So the [Draco] effort to help the Germans build their own facility was just kind of letting them have their own territory and feel safe, kind of like they have their own home?
CG - It was part of a wider plan of integrating [the secret groups] all together in this control system over the Earth that the Draco are very much involved in.
DW - There are movies like Iron Sky, talking about stuff like this with a Nazi base on the Moon.
CG - I [got] so many comments about it, I finally went and saw that ridiculous movie .
DW - Did they build the building in the shape of a swastika?
CG - It was in the shape of a swastika originally. But that building is now the Lunar Operation Command, and it has been built out and over. The [Nazi building] is an old and very small part of what is now the LOC, that the over all Earth secret space program use on a regular basis. The trapezoid shaped Moon base is off limits to everybody except for the Draco allied human groups and the Draco.

Alleged photograph of a Nazi Moon base.

DW - Did the Agarthans have any material or logistical support in the colonization of the Moon early along? or did they kind of back off from that aspect of it.
CG - They backed off from that aspect of it, but they do have a presence on the Moon.
DW - This is Cosmic Disclosure, I am your host David Wilcock. We are exploring very fascinating information and this is going to continue next time. As always, I think you for watching.

For Cosmic Disclosure summaries with David Wilcock and Corey Goode click here.


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