There is indeed a battle for the mind. From the Christian perspective this may be summed up in “acquire the mind of Christ” (cf. 1 Cor. 2:16; Phil. 2:5).
Humanity may have various “minds.” The importance of the mind and its function in human life have even been acknowledged by the secular world. Thus, there are many powers striving to hold sway and influence over the minds of people.
Again from the Christian perspective, if “thoughts determine our lives” (Elder Thaddeus) then we must be cognizant of when certain forces seek to even subtly alter our perception.
It is my opinion that one of the underlying agendas involved in the current C-virus crisis is exactly an experiment in manipulating human thoughts and minds.
I ran across an article from someone I respect, and I still do, but I was disappointed to read that in the said article it stated: “Extremists have developed conspiracy theories ….” The article then lists some, all of which I do not think worth labeling “conspiracy theories.” I was disappointed to see this person throwing this label around. (Overall some of the other points in the article were positive, so I’m not blasting the whole article. I’m simply using it to highlight certain ideas that I have encountered before, which I believe to be faulty.)
The article goes on to make a statement that I find troubling, “States have only done their duty to protect the population by taking the only measure available—containment—so as to limit contagion, to provide the best possible care for those who are sick, and to limit the number of deaths.”
Once again, I’m not anti-government. But in this current situation, I believe such a statement borders on the naive. I have pointed out in past posts that the very States that are now “protecting” have committed (and are currently committing) great human-rights violations. Thus, it seems their eagerness to “protect” comes from not the best motives, nor does it seem that they are “only doing their duty” (I would argue they have well overstepped the bounds of “duty”.)
I would point out that in another article it has been noted that the current situation is not a pandemic. It was pre-labeled and prepackaged as such by W.H.O (World Health Organization, which, keep in mind has a dubious record). This article notes that W.H.O issued the label “pandemic” when there was not the slightest indication that it was such, A pandemic might be the condition, when the death to infection rate reaches more than 12%. In Europe, the death rate is about 0.4%, or less. Except for Italy which is a special case, where the peak of the death rate was 6%.
Why prepackage a “pandemic”?
Also, keep in mind that the CDC in America has issued an alert that all “probable or likely cases” of Covid-19 deaths should be listed as Covid-19 deaths. This simply aids in stacking the number of deaths. Thus current numbers do not reflect the actual deaths (in America) resulting from the C-virus. Why would they want to do that? one should ask. Would we not rather be interested in the actual numbers and death rate …?
In all this I’m not denying that there is a virus, nor am I denying that it could be dangerous, nor am I saying be heedless. What I am doing is questioning the motives and the agenda behind current coordinated government actions (and the other powers behind these actions).
I believe this is not an “extremist” thing to do, in fact, I believe it is the sober thing to do. I think it is a positive thing to ask questions regarding the motives of the secular States, this is not a conspiracy. I think that the real danger resides in the Church (generally speaking) blindly following after secular States. Although at current we are not being asked to blatantly deny our faith, as Christians, we are being asked to begin to accept certain modes of thought that I believe will lead to a dangerous place.
Maybe, in the Orthodox Church, it is exposing a weakness of the institutional side which at some points in history has become unhealthily dependent upon and subject to various States. Whenever the institutional side of the Church does this it generally does so at the price of compromising the essential reality of the Gospel. Let us remember how many times the “State,” even nominally “Chrisitan” ones, have forcefully led the Church into heresy.
So as not to ramble on, I want to offer a few resources to you the reader. I encourage you to explore them. I don’t offer them to overwhelm you. I offer them because I believe it is important to understand that there are some major agendas at play, and it is my opinion that they are Godless agendas. I think blindly following them is a mistake. Again, as Christians, our ultimate hope is in the Kingdom of Heaven and we must keep our eyes and hearts there. Yet, we still have to traverse this earthly life …
Here is a documentary regarding the active pursuit of the State to control human minds and behavior, yes it is a real agenda –
The Minds of Men
Here is another which looks at the idea from the aspect of media and advertisement –
The Century of Self
Both are a few hours long but well worth the watch.
Here is another by Jay Dyer who has many great and well-researched presentations on the subject at hand (look at his Globalism series) –
Here is an article regarding the Reece Committee, it was an investigation into certain “foundations,” such as the Rockefeller’s, and their active manipulation of education, politics, media, and so forth for the indoctrination of humanity.
Here is another article along the same lines.
For now, that will suffice. Everything in the above is well documented, it is not a conspiracy. Yet, I think many people do not want to acknowledge that such things indeed happen and are happening.
I think in the long run the C-virus is not so much a battle for bodily health as it is a battle for the mind of humanity. And the new world mind will be anything but the Mind of Christ.
By Zechariah Lynch On April 28, 2020