Feb 9, 2022
Is it good or bad to have sex? Is sex love or physical activity? What is sexual energy? Flirting, sex, power: is it the dictatorship of images? What is chastity? What is celibacy? How does the system impose false feelings on a person? Is sex a hindrance on the spiritual path?
Mysterious female nature. A woman as a source of power that begets life. Why was a woman forced to forget that she is a mother? Why was it said in ancient times that a woman is forty steps closer to heaven than a man? The internal fire of Love: how are the powers of Allat generated?
What does a man not know about his own nature and the nature of a woman? Why do men strive for immeasurable wealth and power? What is the basis of sudden changes in mood, desires and passions? Why do men need power over women?
ALLAT SISTERS: the heavenly birds, the spiritual heritage, and the true wealth of humanity. Why were the Allat Sisters called “heavenly birds” and deeply worshipped in ancient times? Why were there no wars and violence during a certain period of humanity’s history? Allat’hiara as assistants to the Allat Sisters. What was the cause of a decline in humanity’s spiritual development?
Sophia’s group of the Knights Templar. What did the invincible might and secret force of the Knights Templar consist of? What was the Templars’ historical mistake?
A sensational letter by a famous God-fighter. What happens to those who oppose spiritual forces, and what is this fraught with for society? What is hidden behind sodomy?
Why can we recently observe a worldwide trend of decreasing sexual activity among people? Why are children with a development delay born? Why is the “celibacy syndrome” observed? The end times. Warnings of the ancients regarding the advent of the Angel of Apocalypse. The time of choice and decision-making. Whom do you serve?
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
"THE SERVICE" https://allatra.tv/en/video/the-service
"CLIMATE. THE FUTURE IS NOW" https://allatra.tv/en/video/climate-t...
Anastasia Novykh. Book AllatRa https://allatra.tv/en/book/anastasia-...